The Alpha and the Beta

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Welp here we go with a faunus reader. Wolf faunus to be precise

Forewarning mentions and scenes of self harm, depression, and suicidal intentions.

"Mom and dad always told me about Schnees' and how they are racists that only care about the lien in their pockets. How they would sell their souls for even a tiny bit of change or a bit of power. How all they cared about were themselves and how they could do more for themselves."

"Do I come off like that to you (Y/n)? Is that why you have tried to approach me? To see if I was the same as the other Schnees' in my family?"

"No Weiss... You don't you are quite literally the exact opposite of that. You care about the people around you, made friends with two faunus, and are willing to spend money on your friends when they need it. You are what every Schnee should strive for, the ideal Schnee if you would."

"Oh... Stop it you!"

We shared a laugh staring up at the stars.

I was laying on my back my ears pricked up and my tail between my legs for comfort. She was sitting beside me keeping her legs closed for very obvious reasons. We decided to star gaze together as a sign of our friendship which just started today. I enjoyed the silence as I could only imagine she did as well.

"Weiss why did you grab me earlier and pull me aside in the hallway?"

"I thought it would of been obvious from the many myriads of failures you had trying to even talk to me properly."


I felt my face burn up as she was one hundred percent right.

For the last few months since we arrived at Beacon I had been trying to talk to Weiss and see if she was like the Schnees' that dad and mom always talked about. But every time I tried to talk to her I just became tongue tied and was unable to speak. I figured this would of been my nerves from our first encounter where she was extremely aggressive and angry at Ruby and Blake. But no, no matter when I tried to speak to her for a few months I was unable to speak to her to the point I made a bad habit of biting my tongue around her just trying to pronounce words.

The people I was on a team with that I wouldn't even call my friends since they were just assholes towards faunus as well. They tried to berate me for trying to speak with a Schnee being a filthy beast when she was a goddess when compared to me. But that didn't stop me I didn't care for their words I just wanted to get to know a Schnee instead of relying on words.

Their words didn't affect me, Cardin didn't affect me, I didn't live in a glass house where their pebbles would break my walls and hurt me. I lived in a house of pure stone where not even the mightiest of winds could knock down my walls and cause me harm.

"Remnant to (Y/n)... Hello?"


"I asked you if you were okay? You've been unusually quiet for some time now."

"Oh sorry... just thinking about our encounters for the past few months."

"I hope you know I won't go out with you over this little encounter we are having right now right?"

"Of course you're a Schnee, even I wanted you I would have to work even harder then I have been to make you mine."

"You... You don't want me?"

"Yeah Weiss, I just wanted to see if you were as bad of a Schnee like the others. You said it yourself not too long ago."

"Huh... That's oddly refreshing to hear after Jaune and the others."

Any Kind of RWBY Stories 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang