You Will Fall For Me

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For as long as I have known her I have never seen Amber act hostile or jealous towards anyone. But maybe that's because I wasn't keeping a good eye on her and never noticed it before. Especially since she was hovering over the ground in full maiden mode surrounded in the bodies of all my closest friends and girlfriend.

But maybe instead of starting the story here I should start from the beginning.

I sat at the table with my few friends I enjoyed being around. Those mainly being Cinder and her friends. I had this crush on Cinder that everyone knew but I joked around about it just as much as they did. I wasn't ashamed of it like most people because I had known Cinder just as long as I had known my best friend Amber. One thing had changed recently Amber had stopped hanging out with us.

"Hey Cinder?" I said stretching my legs under the table yawning.

"Yes loverboy?" She retorted giggling slightly as we all laughed as well.

"Did something happen between you and Amber cause she just doesn't seem to want to hang out with us anymore?"

"Hmm... No not anything I can think of. Maybe she is upset that I am stealing her best friend from her?"

"I highly doubt that since she knows no matter what she would be the person I go to for anything I need."

"Then you have your answer she just doesn't want to hang out that's all not stop worrying about her or I may think you have feelings for her instead of me."

With those words I laughed just like everyone else but at the same time I was in thought. Is she right about me having feelings for Amber as well as her. I have known them both for such a long time it would only make sense that I like them but I don't know.

I pushed the chair out standing up and grabbing my coat from the back of the chair.

"Later guys I'm heading out." I said as they all looked at me.

"How come do you not feel good now? Or did Cinder strike a nerve?" Mercury asked in his usual obnoxious way.

"Hell no if she struck a nerve you would know it. Besides this is just too much for me to not ask. She tells me everything wrong so I am gonna ask her myself. Now if you will excuse me ladies and arrogant asshole." I said with a bow and a smirk as everyone chuckled waving me off.

I left the square and headed out of town into the woods. I was a peaceful day today honestly suns out but not scorching remnant. The wind is blowing but not starting a hurricane or something. It was just so peaceful today I couldn't help but take the scenic route to Ambers house.

When I arrived I knocked on her door and waited a few moments before feeling eyes on me from somewhere in the woods. Thinking it was the grimm I tapped my shoes against the ground setting the trigger mechanism for the blades at the toes to pop out at the first kick. I knocked again but harder feeling very unsafe and weirded out by the feeling the eyes were giving me.

"Amber open the door are you seriously asleep I thought I was the lazy one!!!" I shouted slamming my fist against the door feleing panick over take me.

The gaze on me intensened with each and every passing second. It pierced my back and I felt it staring into my soul. I genuinely thought I was gonna die to whatever was stalking me. I banged harder and harder trying the knob finding it locked as leaves were crunching behind me. The sound got closer and closer as the fear was taking me over more and more polluting my mind. I screamed turning around and throwing out a high kick closing my eyes in fear. But something caught the blade as I kept my eyes closed.

"Well that's a harsh way to say hello to your best friend isn't?" She said as I opened my eyes seeing it was Amber.

Her eyes were glowing and her fingers were surrounded in aura with my shoe blade directly infront of her face. I just stared at her face and felt those eyes that were on me just vanish. I broke away from her grip and hugged her as she just froze before hugging me back stroking my hair.

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