Droids and the Brees

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NOT A LEMON I JUST REALLY LOVED THE JOKE, also I am sorry if I butcher anything I haven't seen volume seven yet... Mainly because I don't like the visual designs they did for the girls except for Yang.

Systems restarting... power level... CRITICAL... Processing power... .01%....

As I opened my eyes I looked around my surroundings examining the place. I stood up as the thing that covered me fell to the ground, as I wandered around. I touched things that felt cold and lifeless, and empty. I looked into something and saw a thing moving like I was. I waved my thing as it did the same making me laugh. I opened my thing to say something as it did the same. I tried to make noise, but every time I tried it did the same thing. I grew upset as I shook my thing at it, it did the same scaring me. I turned around to get away only to feel my things lock up and refuse to move.

I fell onto the ground and banged my things, I rubbed them in pain slowly standing up. I resumed looking around touching more things as lights flashed. I smiled and kept touching the lights as they flashed more and more. I turned around hearing a noise and saw someone there. I stopped touching the lights and started backing up as my things started to stop moving again. The things mouth opened and made a noise as I grew more frightened and tried to run away. yet again my things locked up and I fell to the ground as the thing came to me. I tried to move my things, but found myself unable to move as it picked me up. I just gave up moving my things and let the thing carry me as I closed my eyes unable to stay open anymore.

System in recharge mode... time till full charge... seven years... emergency reboot initialized... reboot successful!

When I next opened my eyes I was sitting in a thing as more things were gathering around me. I felt my things shake trying to get away as the thing from earlier walked closer to me. I turned my thing before feeling something touch my face. I saw a thing as their things turned into things and stabbed into my thing.

Power transfer initializing... Power transference total... 25%... Processing power... 20%...

As the woman removed her fingers from my forehead I blinked a few times before running a system diagnostics. I looked around noticing more people staring at me as I tried to open my mouth to speak. No noise was made as I noticed a critical error, causing me to begin reboot sequence.

"Stop him!"

I was violently slapped by someone as my sensors picked up extreme agitation from those around me.

"Listen... Droid do you understand me?"

I stared at a man whose facial hair was well kept and managed as he tapped his cane impatiently awaiting my response.

I nodded as he had a smile on his face as he then proceeded to point at my chest.

"Your power source is low... What do we need to recharge you?"



He shouted at me as I just pointed to my throat with my eyes as best as I could.

"General Ironwood sir, if I may!"

"Go ahead Harriet..."

"Sir, he seems to be unable to speak! Therefore we may need to allow his hands to be unbound, if you allow it."

"...Permission granted..."

I felt my hand to be freed as I brought it up and opened it, then closed it.

"Make it quick droid... I don't like to wait especially if you waste my time..."

I just nodded and looked around trying to access my memory banks.

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