Chapter 19 - Demands of the Job

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It had been a few days. Voight had given Antonio time off so he could be with Olivia but today is his first day back at work, per Olivia's request/order. He had been checking up on her throughout the day with regular phone calls and texts. Olivia felt lucky with how much he cared about her and knew that things with Antonio were different from any other relationship she had had in the past. Today Olivia was stopping by the firehouse to talk to Chief Boden and Casey about taking time off. In all honesty she had mixed feelings about going back so soon. She was happy to see people and knew that this had to be done but at the same time she was nervous because of everything that had happened recently. It was mid-afternoon. Olivia had finally gotten ready and driven to the firehouse. As she pulled up round the back, she saw Casey and Severide waiting. She pulled on her sunglasses and got out of her car.
"Hey guys." She said, smiling at them.
"How are you?" Casey asked, giving her a hug, followed by Severide.
"Erm, I'm okay. I'm working on things." Olivia answered honestly. She knew there was no point in lying to them. The three of them headed inside.
"Hey Liv. I just wanted to say that I'm here if you want to talk. Day or night. I've seen a lot of things and I've been through a lot. I know the demands of the jobs and the impact they can have." Severide said as he pulled Olivia aside for a second.
"Thanks Kelly, it means a lot." Olivia said sincerely. She smiled at him and gave him another hug.
"It's good to see you." He said as she headed off with Casey to Boden's office.
Around 30 minutes later, she was back in her car and heading home.
As she pulled up outside her apartment building, she saw a familiar face waiting on the front steps. She smiled and quickly got out of her car.
"What are you doing here?" She asked Travis who stood up once he saw Liv pull up.
"I came to see you." Travis told her.
"Let me guess... you got a call from Captain Matt Casey?" She asked, putting it all together. She knew he was here because he had heard about everything that had happened recently. Travis nodded.
"He may have called me."
"So you flew all the way out here just to talk?" Olivia asked him.
"No. I came all the way out here to make sure you're okay. We were in that skyscraper together Liv. I know what you're feeling like." Travis told her sympathetically. Liv sighed and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms tightly around him.
"It's really good to see you." She said as they pulled apart, making Travis smile.
"Come on in." Olivia said, leading them into her apartment.
"Ooo, fancy." Travis commented as he looked around her apartment as Liv made them some coffee. She smiled and she slid a mug over to him before she sat down at the kitchen counter.
"So, how's things been in Seattle?" She asked, trying to avoid talking about herself.
"Good. Vic's doing a lot better. Sullivan's back at work. We have a new recruit, Emmet Dixon." Travis said, blushing slightly which didn't go unnoticed by Liv.
"So you and Emmet then?" She asked, taking a sip from her coffee. Travis smirked.
"It's complicated."
"Try me."
"Well, he's dating a woman but doesn't want to come out as gay. He's also the fire chief's son." Travis explained, making Olivia choke on her drink and cough a little.
"What? You're hooking up with the Chief's son?!" Olivia exclaimed. Travis grinned awkwardly before he took a sip from his coffee.
"Well then." Olivia mumbled shocked. There was an awkward silence for a minute or two before Travis spoke again.
"So what's going on Liv?" He asked his best friend. Oliva sighed and looked down.
"I froze on a call. I guess I just flashed back to the skyscraper and I-I just...I don't know." She sighed.
"I never really talked about it when it happened so Dr Charles, a psychiatrist at Chicago Med, and the Chaplin think something just clicked. They said if I talk about it then it's just something I'll move on from." Olivia explained, having already been to a few therapy/counselling sessions with both Dr Charles and the Chaplin.
"So let's talk about it then. I was there. We went through that together." Travis said reaching over and placing his hand over hers. Olivia stayed quiet.
"I don't want to, that's why I haven't gone anymore..." She said quietly. She had only been to see Dr Charles once. He had wanted to see her more but she had been ignoring his calls and texts. She had done the same with the Chaplin, just sitting there for an hour not saying anything before she left without booking another appointment.
"It's going to help Liv. We need to talk a lot. Jack's been exactly where you are right now, you know that. When he got back me and him talked, a lot." Travis told her.
"You know what Jack's like. Do you know what he told me? He hates talking about it all just as much as you do, but do you know what he also told me? It helped him so much. It brought him back from the edge. He still talks to people about it all." Travis explained. Olivia sighed and pulled her hand away from his as she wiped away a tear that fell.
"Please don't bottle up your feelings Liv, let's just talk about it."
"I don't want to talk...I'm done talking about it. It doesn't help. Nothing helps!" Olivia shouted out.
"I can't stop thinking about it! I can't stop thinking about everything that happened. Seeing you bleeding out and not being able to do anything about it. Not being able to move. To breathe. I can't stop thinking about everything." Olivia cried out.
"All I want to do is forget about everything. To lose the image of seeing you like that in my head. To know that people died. That you almost died Travis. That I almost died! That our careers almost ended. I can't stop thinking about it!" Olivia shouted, before she choked back some tears. She backed up against the wall and slid down it until she was sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest.
"All that time in the hospital...all the time in recovery, it drove me crazy. And now that I have everything back, I'm held back by what's in my head? I want my life back..." Olivia cried quietly. Taken back by seeing his best-friend having a melt-down, Travis ignored everything and sat down on the floor next to her. He took her hand in his.
"I know it's not easy Liv. But we both made it out. We both survived. I know how you're feeling." He started, as he supportively squeezed her hand.
"As much as it doesn't feel like it, talking helps. You need to talk to someone Liv. A's the only way you're going to get through this." Travis said seriously. There were a few minutes of silence before Olivia nodded her head.
"I'll go." Olivia said quietly.
"I'll go speak to someone." She said louder. Travis smiled slightly at her. Olivia wiped her eyes as Travis wrapped his arm over her shoulders. Olivia rested her head on his shoulder.
"I can stay if you want me to. For a few days." Travis said a few minutes later. Olivia raised her head.
"Really?" She asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. I'll speak to Sullivan. Take a few days. He knows what we went through." Travis explained.
"Thank you..." Olivia said hugging Travis properly.
"For what?" Travis asked.
"For always being here for me. Even now I'm in Chicago." Olivia said.
"You're my best-friend Liv, I'm always going to be here for you." Travis said seriously. Olivia smiled.
"I'm hungry." She said suddenly, making Travis laugh. He shook his head as they stood up from the floor.
"How about you order some pizza whilst I make that call?" Travis questioned. Olivia nodded her head and walked off to order the pizza, whilst Travis went into the spare room to make the phone call to back home.

Just over an hour later, the pair were sat snuggled up on the couch, eating pizza as they watched some TV.
"You know Ryan was asking about you." Travis smirked as Olivia went bright red.
"Yeah...well that boat sailed a long time ago." Olivia stated.
"Oh please! He was there throughout your whole recovery." Travis mocked.
"I didn't say he wasn't there, but you know how we ended things. And it all ended for real when I went back to work. I had a feeling I wouldn't be sticking around in Seattle so I didn't want to take things further." Olivia explained.
"Plus I'm with Antonio now." Olivia mumbled excitedly. She knew Travis knew things but he didn't know all the details. Travis put his hands up showing he surrendered. Olivia laughed.
"I missed you Trav." She said seriously.
"I missed you too Liv." He replied.
"So you and Antonio huh?" He asked, slinging his arm over her shoulders once they were sitting on the couch. Olivia laughed and started explaining everything that had happened with her and Antonio. It felt good to be talking with Travis again.

A/N - Hey guys! Hope everyone is staying safe! This will most likely be my last chapter before Christmas/possibly even the new year as I'm working a lot. So, I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a happy New Year!! ❤️❤️😆😆

 So, I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a happy New Year!! ❤️❤️😆😆

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