Chapter 32 - Departure

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"Hey Liv, are you coming to Molly's tonight with us?" Kelly asked her as she walked just ahead of him and Stella who had just walked out of the firehouse.

"Yeah. I just have to swing past the district to pick up Antonio. Someone slashed his tire today so his trucks in the shop." Olivia nodded.

"Ooo, bet he's pissed." Stella said, pulling a face.

"He was raging on the phone. Third time in two months it's happened at work. Luckily as it's happened whilst on active duty the department covers the cost." Olivia explained, knowing he would be cranky all night.

"Anyways, I'll see you tonight." She added as they parted ways. She walked to her car and put her bag in the bag in the back before she got into the driver's seat. She pulled out once Severide had driven past her and headed to the supermarket to pick up a few bits on the way home. Once she was home, Olivia put the shopping away before she had a shower and got into her 'relaxing clothes. She then pulled the black-out curtains shut before climbing into bed to get a couple of hours of sleep as it had been a pretty busy night with not a lot of rest.

A few hours later, Olivia was up and about making herself something to eat. She had a couple of hours before she had to pick up Antonio and head to Molly's, so she decided to go for a run. After changing into her gym gear and grabbing her headphones, she headed off. She ran for almost thirty minutes before she returned home. As soon as she got home, she went to have another shower and slowly started getting ready to go out that evening. She took her time in the shower before she picked out an outfit to wear. After drying and styling her hair, she got dressed. To kill the hour or so she had left, she sat on her phone going through social media just relaxing before she headed out. She wasn't in the mood for drinking that night, so she was okay to drive. Fifteen minutes after leaving, she pulled up outside the district. She waited for five minutes or so before she spotted Antonio walking out with Jay and Hailey. She smiled as she climbed out of the car to greet him.

"Hey." She grinned, giving him a kiss.

"Hi guys." She smiled at Jay and Hailey.

"Are you guys coming to Molly's?" She asked them.

"Uh-huh." Jay nodded.

"Great, we'll see you there I guess." Liv smiled as they parted ways. She got back in her car.

"How was your shift?" Antonio asked her as she pulled away.

"Long. I literally went home and had a nap." She laughed.

"How was yours?" She asked him as he placed his hand on her lap.

"It was alright. Wrapped up another case hence the early finish." Antonio explained.

"Hey, I'm going to be right back." Olivia told Antonio quality as she nodded towards Chase who was sitting at a table alone, staring at his beer. Antonio nodded as he let go of her hand. Olivia slid off her bar stool with her coke before she walked over to him. She put her drink down on the table as she sat across from him. Chase looked up at her.

"What's up, partner?" She asked, nudging him.

"Nothing, I just have a killer headache. I'm probably just going to head home." He told her.

"Are you sure that's it? You seemed quiet this morning on shift." She asked her friend.

"Yeah, pretty bad headache." He stated as he got up and pulled on his jacket.

"You sure you're, okay?" Olivia asked him quietly.

"Yeah. Go have fun with everyone else. I'm going to go home to bed." Chase reassured his friend.

Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Where stories live. Discover now