Chapter 1 - Moving On

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Standing outside the firehouse, her heart beating quickly in her chest, the newest member of Truck 81 stood and took in her new place of work. Olivia Kate Fuller had just transferred to Chicago from Seattle, and today was her first shift at firehouse 51. She was nervous to say the least. What would they think of her? What would she think of them? Putting all those feelings aside, Olivia tightened her grip on her bag strap, as she started walking inside. Looing around as she walked inside, Olivia instantly clocked the group of men sat around a table playing cards. She walked over to them.
"Can I help you?" One man said standing up.
"Olivia Fuller, new member of Truck 81." Olivia said extending out her hand. The man smile and shook it.
"Lieutenant Kelly Severide. Squad 3." He introduced himself.
"Right. I'm looking for Chief Boden?" She inquired.
"I'll show you." He smiled, leading the way. Olivia kindly accepted and followed closely behind.
"Chief, Olivia Fuller, new member of Truck 81." Severide said, knocking on the open door.
"Right, right. Thanks Severide." Boden said, standing up. Severide excused himself and Olivia walked into the office.
"It's good to finally meet you. I've heard a lot of good things about you." Boden said, whilst gesturing for her to sit down. Olivia blushed.
"Can you get Casey please?" Boden asked one of his assistants from the doorway of his office. One of them nodded and stood up. A few minutes later they were joined by Casey.
"Captain Casey, this is your new recruit Olivia Fuller." Boden introduced the pair.
"It's a pleasure to me you." Olivia smiled shaking his hand.
"Likewise." Matt agreed.
"I want you to shadow Casey on calls today. Get a feel of how we work here. Casey, I want you to show her around as well."
"Yes Chief." Matt smiled. After talking through the formalities, Casey showed Olivia around the firehouse. He left her in the locker room to get organised and changed. She would meet the others in 20 minutes or so as they were having a meeting all together. Olivia sat down on the bench in front of her locker and started pulling things from her bag. She smiled when she pulled out a photo of her with everyone from Station 19.

"Help me?!" Olivia screamed.
"How can you help me?! You don't even bloody know me!" Olivia shouted before she stormed out. Everyone in the firehouse had heard. Olivia went to the bunk room and sat on her bed. She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them as the tears started to fall. A few minutes later she heard someone walk into the room. She looked up and saw that it was Captain Herrera.
"Olivia..." He said gently, sitting down on the bed opposite her.
"I can't stay here anymore." Olivia said quietly. Instead of Pruitt saying something to change her mind, what he said next shocked Olivia.
"I know." Pruitt said, making Olivia look up at him.
"Everyone can see how hard being here is for you. Events like these...they either change your views or make it extremely hard to stay." Pruitt says reasonably.
"I don't want to leave everyone..." Olivia said to Pruitt.
"But you have to, to move past everything." He said. Olivia nodded her head.
"Everyone will understand. We all want what's best for you." Pruitt told her. Olivia smiled and wiped her eyes.
"I yelled at Sullivan." She laughed a minute later.
"'s about time someone did." Pruitt joked, causing Olivia to laugh even more.
"I need to speak with Sullivan again..." Olivia said after they stopped laughing.
"Can-can you come with me?" Olivia asked Pruitt, stopping herself from walking away.
"Of course." Pruitt smiled, following Olivia out of the room. They walked down to Sullivan's office and knocked on the door. Sullivan invited them in, so they sat opposite his desk.
"Firstly...I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to lose it like that-" Olivia started, only for Sullivan to stop her by raising his hand.
"It's okay. I understand." He said.
"Okay...well. I've made a decision. I want to transfer out of Seattle." Olivia said clearly.
"I thought something like this was coming." Sullivan stated.
"It's just, I can't be here anymore. It has too many bad memories. I think leaving is the best for me." Olivia stated.
"Okay. I can sort out the transfer...did you have anywhere in mind?" Sullivan asked, leaning forward in his seat and placing his arms on his desk.
"Well, actually...I heard there's an opening at Firehouse 51." Olivia told them.
"Okay then...I'll sort the transfer out. I say you work your allocated shifts for the rest of the week and then you finish here. That should give you plenty of time to sort things out." Sullivan said reasonably. Olivia smiled.
"That sounds like a plan." She agreed.
"Okay then." Sullivan said standing up with Olivia and Pruitt.
"Thank you...I really am sorry." Olivia told Sullivan as they left the office. Sullivan smiled slightly and held out his hand. Olivia shook it.
"You better tell the others." Pruitt said as they walked upstairs.
"Yeah..." Olivia sighed.

Pulling herself back into realty, Olivia placed the picture on the inside of her locker door with a few others, before she started placing the rest of her things into her locker. After that she got changed into her new uniform. Once she had done her hair, and grabbed her jacket, Olivia put her bag in her locker. She glanced at the picture of her and Travis. She missed him...but she knew he was happy for her, as she was trying to move in from everything. Smiling, Olivia shut her locker door, pulled on her jacket and walked out of the locker room. She headed down the hall where Casey had shown her the meeting room, and waited inside. Casey and Severide where already there talking. Olivia took a seat at the front, ready to be introduced to everyone. She nervously tapped on the table as everyone started to file into the room.

To be continued...

Here it is guys! I really hope you like it! x (Let me know if the flashbacks works!) x Love you guys!

Here it is guys! I really hope you like it! x (Let me know if the flashbacks works!) x Love you guys!

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Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Where stories live. Discover now