Chapter 7 - Police

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"This is ambo 67! We need immediate police back-up!"
"I repeat, we need immediate police back-up! Paramedics in a hostile situation!" Olivia shouted into her radio, trying to protect her patient whilst glancing over to see if Chase was okay.

Within minutes, sirens could be heard getting closer and closer before there was a lot of shouting.
"Police! Everyone move back!" Someone shouted, pushing his way to the front of the crowd. Slowly but surely, everyone started to move back as more police got involved. Another paramedic unit arrived as well and took over from Chase so he could go and assist Olivia.
"Thank you." Olivia said to the guy who had swooped in and saved her. The guy smiled down at her.
"Are you okay?" Chase asked his partner, coming and kneeling on the other side of the patient.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Olivia said, zoning back into reality as she finally looked away from the detective above her.
"We need to go...his pupils are sluggish." Chase stated.
"Right, I'll get the board." Olivia said standing up. Olivia ran off to the ambulance and grabbed the spinal board alongside the head immobiliser. She then ran back to Chase. Together they secured the patient onto the board and loaded him into the back of the ambulance. As Olivia closed the back doors, she looked over at the guy who had come to her assistance.
"Thank you-" Olivia said, only stopping when she didn't know their name.
"Antonio Dawson." The guy smiled, holding out his hand.
"Well thank you. I'm Olivia." Olivia said shaking his hand.
"I better go." Olivia said excusing her as she ran to the driver's seat and got in. Within a minute the ambulance was pulling away from the scene.

Later that day, Olivia was doing some washing in the firehouse when Sylvia came to join her. Sylvie and Emily had been out on calls for most of the day so they hadn't seen each other in a while.
"Hey, I heard about what happened are you okay?" Sylvie asked.
"Yeah. CPD turned up pretty quickly. We're good." Olivia reassured her friend.
"That reminds me...what do you know about Antonio Dawson?" Olivia asked slyly. Sylvie grinned from ear to ear.
"He's a detective at the 21st district. Works in the intelligence unit under Hank Voight." Sylvie told him. (Obviously in this book Sylvie and Antonio don't have a thing and never have/will.)
"He's at Molly's a lot." Sylvie added.
"That's where I've seen him from then. He looked familiar today." Olivia laughed, as she turned on the machine.
"You like him don't you?" Sylvie asked, nudging Olivia. Olivia couldn't help but smile as she started blushing.
"I mean...we only met today." Olivia laughed.

Ambulance 67 - person in distress. 1826 Carter Hall Cross

"Duty calls." Olivia grinned. She dumped her basket on the floor before she ran off to the ambulance.

At the end of the day, it was finally the end of shift and everyone was chilling at Mollys. Olivia was having a great time as she listened in on the general conversation going on between Sylvie, Emily, Cruz, Mouch and Casey.
"I'm gonna grab another one." She said raising her empty bottle. She made her way over to the bar and waited for someone to become available.
"Want another one?" Someone asked coming up next to Olivia. She smiled at him.
"Olivia isn't it?" The guy questioned.
"Yeah...and I'd love another one." Olivia smiled.
"Herrmann. Can I get two more?" Antonio asked politely. Herrmann nodded and went to get them. He took the caps off before he handed them over.
"Add them to my tab." Antonio smiled.
"Thanks again for today...and thanks for the drink." Olivia said pushing off the bar. Antonio smiled and watched as Olivia walked away back over to the others.
"She's not seeing anyone you know." Stella butted in, leaning on the bar in front of Antonio as she dried a glass. Antonio laughed as he took a sip from his beer.
"I never asked." He said standing up.
"Your eyes did the talking." Stella joked. Antonio waved it off as he went back over to the table that Intelligence was occupying.

Throughout the rest of the night, Antonio kept glancing over to Olivia. She would occasionally look up and smile at him once she caught him looking. As it got later, Olivia decided to call it a night.
"Right guys, I'm off." She said standing up and putting on her leather jacket.
"I'll see you next shift." She added, as she said goodbye to everyone. She waved to Herrmann behind the bar as she left. Upon seeing her leaving, Antonio walked back over to Stella at the bar.
"Hey Kidd..." He called, getting her attention. Without saying anything, Stella placed a napkin in front of him. Antonio picked it up and smiled. Stella had written Olivia's name and number on the napkin.
"Thanks." He said, placing it in his pocket.
"Antonio...don't mess her around." Kidd said as he started to leave. Antonio nodded his head as he pulled in his jacket.

Once Olivia got home, she quickly had a shower before he changed into her pyjamas. After making sure that everything was locked up, she headed to bed to curl up and watch some TV. She had the next 48 hours off as she had just completed 2 shifts in 3 days. As she made herself comfortable, she felt her phone vibrate next to her. She picked it up and saw she had a message. Unlocking her phone, Olivia smiled as she read the message.

Hi Olivia. It's Antonio. I don't normally do this type of thing, but, I don't know. I really like you and I'd really like to go for a coffee or something some time. Feel free to shut me down. I'll be waiting for a reply. - Antonio x

Olivia smiled. Deciding to not leave him hanging, Olivia started typing a message back.

Hi Antonio. I'd love to go for a coffee or something soon! I'm off until Friday. I'm off to bed now as I'm shattered but we'll speak more tomorrow. - Olivia x

Olivia put her phone down and got under the duvet as she settled down to watch TV. Not even a minute later her phone vibrated next to her. She smiled as she read the message.

Have a good night x Message me whenever. - Antonio

Hey guys! Sorry it took soo long to update...but here it finally is! Hope you like it. The story is finally going somewhere now that's I've introduced Antonio. Let me know what you think! x

 Let me know what you think! x

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