Chapter 15 - Crazy Town

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"I had fun tonight." Olivia grinned as they walked to her front door.
"Good." Antonio laughed.
"Okay I'm just going to say it." Olivia said suddenly.
"I really like you. Like a lot. Way more than I did before and there's something I've been meaning to do..." Olivia said smiling. Before he could say anything, Olivia crashed her lips against his. Antonio put this hands on her waist and deepened the kiss. After a minute, they pulled apart. Olivia grinned and laughed a little.
"Do you want to come in?" She asked him still grinning. He smiled and nodded. Olivia unlocked the front door and let them in. Before the door had even closed all the way, she went back to kissing Antonio. She dumped her bag on the floor and chucked her keys onto the side as she continued kissing him. She slowly backed up, leading him to her bedroom.
The next morning...
It was early when Olivia awoke. The sun was just starting to seep through the curtains in her room. Olivia sat up a little and smiled when she saw Antonio sleeping peacefully next to her. Glancing at the time, Olivia saw that she had about an hour and a half before the start of her shift. She decided to get up and make some coffee. Slipping out of bed, Olivia grabbed one of her t-shirts and pair of shorts from her drawer before she went to make some coffee. As she headed back into the bedroom, two cups of coffee in her hands, she smiled when she saw Antonio awake and sitting up in the bed.
"Hi." She grinned, standing in the door frame.
"Hey." He smiled, remembering what had happened the previous night.
"Coffee?" Olivia asked him, making Antonio nod. Olivia walked over and handed him one of the mugs before she sat down on the bed and crossed her legs.
"So last night was fun." Antonio said making Olivia chuckle as she took a sip from her coffee.
"Yeah it was." Olivia agreed.
"I'm glad it happened." Olivia added.
"Me too." Antonio said still smiling.
"I have a shift in an hour." Olivia told him.
"Yeah, I should probably go home and change before work." Antonio said seeing the time.
"Can I ask you something?" Olivia asked as he started getting up.
"What does this mean for us?" She asked.
"I mean are we dating or what?" She added to clarify what she meant.
"I mean, we can date if you want to? If that's what you'd say is happening." Antonio said unsure making Olivia laugh at how nervous he was. She responded by kneeling up on the bed and pulling him towards her and kissing him.
"Dating." She stated grinning.
"Okay then." Antonio laughed as Olivia let him go. Olivia let him get dressed as she went to make herself some breakfast. He came out and joined her.
"Well I'm working tonight, but how about a takeaway tomorrow night?" Olivia asked before taking a bite of toast.
"Sounds like a plan." Antonio agreed.
"Okay then." Olivia said, wiping her hands off before she walked over with him to the front door.
"I'll text you." She added. Antonio smiled.
"Have a good shift. Stay safe." He told her as Olivia gave him a hug.
"You too." Olivia said as she opened the door and let him out.
"Bye." She said after giving him another kiss.
"Bye." Antonio said as he headed out to his car on the street. Olivia stood in the doorway and watched as Antonio got in her car and drove away down the street.

Just over an hour later, Olivia was at the firehouse. Her shift had just started. She got changed and put her stuff away in her locker before she went to join everyone else.
"Guess who's back on Truck?" Olivia said happily walking into the common room.
"Not that I didn't like ambo Chase – just missed my spot." She added, seeing the pout Chase pulled. He laughed a little.
"Good day to be back. We're off on hydrant checks all day." Casey informed everyone as he joined them in the common room. Multiple people groaned.
"Have something to eat – we leave at 9." Casey informed everyone on Truck. Everyone went to get some breakfast that Gallo and Ridder had cooked. It wasn't long before Truck 81 hit the streets to start checking the long list of hydrants that they had.

"-it was really nice. He's...really nice." Olivia finished telling Kidd as they finished up with the hydrant they were inspecting. The others were down the street looking at another hydrant which was blocked.
"Haha, you get it girl." Kidd laughed as she put the cap back on the hydrant. Olivia smiled as she picked up the tools from the ground.
"Ermm, guys?!" She asked loudly, clocking something.
"Hey guys! Watch out!" She shouted as a car came speeding down the street out of control. Everyone else got clear of the street as Olivia and Kidd watched was happening. The car swerved before it crashed into another parker car. It was smoking badly.
"Kidd, Fuller, get the truck!" Casey instructed as they ran over to the crumbled car.
"I'll call it in!" Olivia said to Casey as she and Kidd turned around.
"This is truck 81 we need an ambo to our location on the intersection of Allison and Moore. We just witnessed a car collision." Olivia said into her radio as she ran back to the truck with Kidd. When they got to the truck, Olivia chucked the tools back in as Kidd climbed in the driver's seat.
"You good?" She called out to Olivia.
"Yeah, yeah, go!" Olivia called out as she jumped onto the back of the rig and held on. It was easier than climbing in the rig and it took less time. Not two minutes later, they were pulling up down the street where the crash was.
"Casey, what do you need?" Olivia asked as she jumped off the back of the rig.
"Jaws and shields!" Casey shouted back. Olivia nodded and got the equipment out of the rig with Kidd before they ran over to the others.
"Ambo's 3 minutes out." Casey informed everyone.
"Do you want me to climb in and check the guy out before we move him? Don't want to make an injuries worse." Olivia asked Casey. He thought for a second.
"Guys be ready to cut the door off once Liv's checked him out." Casey responded. Olivia pulled off her jacket as Gallo smashed open the back window. He cleared away most of the glass before Olivia laid her jacket over the rest. He helped her up onto the car before she carefully climbed inside and through to the front. She quickly pulled a pair of gloves out of her pocket and put them on before she reached over to feel the man's pulse.
"Pulse is strong." Olivia informed everyone first. She carefully moved the guy's head upright and help it straight with one hand as she used her other hand to continue examining the guy.
"Sir? Sir, can you hear me?" She asked rubbing his sternum to try and get a response.
"He's non responsive." Olivia stated. She looked down at his legs.
"Casey, there's blood down one of his legs...I can't tell where it's coming from. It's too caved in." Olivia informed him.
"Rapid sequence extrication?" Casey questioned, using Olivia's medical experience. She hesitated.
"Pass me a shield and smash this window. If someone holds his head I can check out his legs better." Olivia suggested first. Casey nodded and got Gallo to hand Olivia a protective shield. She held it between the patient and the window as they smashed the window open.
"Kidd, hold his head." Casey ordered once they window was smashed. She nodded and stepped closed and took over holding the patients head. Olivia adjusted herself in the car before she examined the guys legs further. She sighed as she pulled away her hand. It was covered in blood.
"There's a piece of metal in the side of his leg. He's losing a lot of blood and I can't stem in." Olivia stated.
"Rapid sequence extrication?" Casey asked again. A rapid sequence extrication was the fastest route to getting someone out of a car. In this situation it would mean cutting the door off, lifting the dashboard faster than normal and dragging the vic from the wreckage so they could stem the bleeding and stabilise him.
"Yeah." Olivia agreed.
"Medics are hear." Kidd stated as the ambo pulled up.
"Chase, we'll need a tourniquet, 02, IV kit and a litre of saline. We're doing a Rapid sequence extrication due to a possible haemorrhage from the leg." Olivia called out from the back of the car. She had moved to the back of the car to talk to him properly.
"You got it." Chase said running back over to the ambulance.
"Just let me get an IV in before we start. The second we lift this he'll start shutting down." Olivia told Casey as the others prepared to start dismantling the car.
"Kidd, Gallo, Mouch – prepare to get the door off and get the second ram in. I'm going inside to set up the opposite ram." Casey instructed as he pulled off his jacket.
"Copy that Captain." Kidd stated. Chase and Riley were standing by. As Casey climbed in the car, Olivia place an IV, ready to stabilise the patient as soon as they got him out of the car. The first thing Casey did was lower the back of the passenger seat so that he could easily work around Liv who was making sure the patient was alright. As soon as he had the ram in place, he gave the others the order to start working. In minutes they had the door off the car and were preparing to lift the dashboard. Olivia already had a trauma pad in hand, ready to stem the bleeding once she could get her hand on the guys leg.
"Woah, woah, STOP!" Olivia shouted, making the rams stop as everyone listened.
"Shit." She mumbled as she reached over and put the trauma pad on the man's thigh where he was bleeding badly.
"Metals out." She told Casey.
"Go! Let's get him out." Olivia said making everyone continue. The guy was bleeding badly and the pressure she had on his leg wasn't helping.
"Okay, that's enough. Let's pull him out." Kidd said once the dashboard was high enough that the man's legs were free. Chase and Riley came over and helped them pull the man out of the car. Chase took over holding pressure as they lifted the guy away from the car on the spinal board. Olivia and Casey climbed out of the car. Olivia went straight to help Chase and Riley.
"What can I do?" She asked Riley.
"Get a tourniquet on." Riley stated handing her one from the medical kit. Olivia got to work and put the tourniquet on above the wound where Chase was holding pressure. Riley was busy hanging fluid and getting him hooked up to the monitor. A few minute later he was stabilised and the tourniquet seemed to be working.
"Let's get him to med." Riley said as they prepared to load him into the rig.
"Casey, I'm going to need more hands." Chase said form the back of the ambulance. Casey nodded.
"Fuller, go." Casey said turning to Olivia. She nodded, ran to grab her jacket from near the car before she jumped in the back of the rig. Casey shut the doors and tapped on the back, signalling for them to go. Riley put her foot down and headed to Chicago Med, lights and sirens blaring.

Arriving at Chicago Med, Dr Halstead and Choi took the patient into one of the trauma bays. Olivia, Chase and Riley went to get cleaned up before they dealt with the paperwork and supplies. The trio were just on their way out of the hospital, having gone to get a drink from the cafeteria, when Olivia overheard something."Did you catch that?" She asked the medics."Kind of." Chase stated."Let's find out what's going on." Riley suggested.

A/N – Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I updated, I really lost the motivation to right this book, but, it's back now and I have lots of ideas! Updates will still probably be a little slow, but thanks for understanding. This chapter is double the length of my normal ones so I hoped you liked it. Let me know what you think!
Also, if you haven't already, go check out my new story, Addicted. It's a 9-1-1: Lonestar fanfiction. Whilst you're at it, go check out my soul-sisters (ChloeOgradyXo ) new 9-1-1: Lonestar book, This is The Moment. It's amazing and we'll be crossing over characters!

 It's amazing and we'll be crossing over characters!

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Anyways, hope you're all okay. It's a crazy world right now. Stay safe!!

 Stay safe!!

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Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Where stories live. Discover now