Chapter 33 - Roles Reversed

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Next shift 48 hours later...

Olivia was sitting having a cup of coffee at the table in the common room as she scrolled through social media on her phone. Shift had only just begun so Casey was giving everyone a chance to eat and sort out a few things before he made them start some equipment checks and some cleaning jobs.

"Liv, we're down a medic until we can get a floater, do you mind filling in on ambo 67?" Boden asked Liv, making her look up from her phone.

"Sure chief, not a problem." Liv agreed, knowing Boden would have asked Casey first.

"Where's Riley? Is she okay?" Herrmann asked from the couch next to Mouch as Chase was pouring himself a cup of coffee. Everyone looked over as Chase slammed the coffee pot back into the coffee machine.

"Riley's gone to Boston and she's not coming back. She's a cheater and a liar, who lied to us all." He growled as he walked out the room. Everyone was a bit stunned. Liv glanced at Casey who was sitting at the other end of the table finishing his breakfast, before she quickly got up and went after Chase. She found him stocking the ambulance.

"Don't ask me if I'm okay." Chase said, as Liv leant against the door.

"I wasn't going to because I know you're not." Liv responded. Chase sighed as he dropped the box, he had in his hands down onto the floor. He glanced at Liv.

"We need some fuel, yeah?" Liv asked him, wanting to get him away from the firehouse because he obviously wanted to talk about it all just not here. Chase nodded.

"I'll grab us some sheets and then we'll hit the road." Liv said, heading towards the storeroom. A few minutes later she returned with a stack of sheets and put them in the seat storage before she put the gurney away as Chase put the rest of the supplies back in the storeroom. After letting the others know they were heading out, they hit the road. Liv drove. After fuelling up, Liv stopped for some coffee before she parked up in a local carpark, so they were still in their catchment area.

"Ambo 67 to main." Liv said into the radio.

"Go ahead 67."

"Please put us down on a personal break." Riley asked dispatch, as she glanced at Chase.

"Copy that 67. You're out on a personal break." Dispatch responded. Liv put the radio down and took a sip from her coffee. After a few minutes of silence, Liv spoke up.

"So, what's going on buddy?" Liv asked, shifting in her seat so she was facing him properly. Chase sighed as he fiddled with his coffee cup.

"Riley cheated...more than once." Chase said first.

"What?" Liv asked, shocked.

"Yeah. I got a call at home the other day from a hotel, saying Riley had left her card there. I didn't think too much of it when I went to pick it up because she told me her friend had a birthday there a few days before. Anyways, when I went to pick up the card, the guy at reception was shocked to see me picking it up. After he said that I asked him what he meant, and he said he had seen Riley and some guy making out and they barely made it into a room if you catch my drift. Apparently, he'd see her with him more than once." Chase explained.

"Ouch. Shit man, I'm sorry, that's horrible. What did she say about it?" Liv asked him.

"I confronted her about it that night. She tried to explain but I told her there's nothing to explain. I wasn't having it. We were engaged, there's no excuses for anything. Anyways, she's been talking about taking a sabbatical to go see her family in Boston, so I told her to leave and not come back. She didn't try to argue that, and she left. Haven't heard from her since." Chase finished explaining. Liv didn't know what to say.

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