Chapter 25 - Out of The Blue

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"Hello?" Olivia said as she answered her phone.
"Yeah this is she." Olivia said getting up and walking out of the common room earning a few stares from people. Olivia went and sat on one of the benches in the locker room. She was on the phone for almost five minutes before she hung up. She sighed and dragged her hands over her face. She thought about what was best to do before she went straight to Boden.
"Olivia, what can I do for you?" Boden asked as she knocked on his open office door.
"I just got a phone call. One of my old friends from back in Seattle has been in an accident and I'm their medical proxy. I was hoping I could take a few days and go out there, but from what they told me it doesn't sound good." Olivia explained.
"Of course." Boden agreed.
"Thank you Chief." Olivia said.
"I better go. I'll keep you updated." She added as she backed out of his office. She quickly went back to the locker rooms to grab her stuff.
"Everything alright Liv?" Casey asked, walking into the locker rooms.
"Ermm, not really. Someone I know in Chicago had been in an accident. I'm their medical proxy so I have to go." Olivia explained as she pulled on her jacket over her uniform and grabbed her bag. She started rummaging for her keys.
"It's not someone from Station 19 is it?" Casey asked.
"No. It's someone I met whilst I was in training." Olivia explained as she closed her locker.
"I'm taking a few days to go out there, but I'll let you know when I'm coming back." Olivia explained as she grabbed her bag from the bench.
"I hope everything works out." Casey said supportively.
"Thanks Casey." Olivia said, smiling a little. She quickly walked outside and got in her car. As she drove home.

"You're home early." Antonio said as he heard her come through the front door. She had forgotten that he had the day off. Olivia barely said anything before she started crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Antonio asked her gently as he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.
"Someone I know from training back in Seattle has been in an accident. It doesn't sound good. I have to go out there as I'm his medical proxy." Olivia explained.
"I'm so sorry." Antonio said whilst rubbing her back. Olivia wiped her eyes as she pulled away from him.
"I have to go sort flights and ermm, pack." Olivia said, trying to pull herself together.
"I'm coming with you." Antonio said.
"You don't-"
"No arguments. I'll sort it out with Voight. I want to be there with you." Antonio said, taking her hands in his and squeezing them.
"Thank you." Olivia sighed as she wrapped her arms around him again.

Early the next morning, Olivia and Antonio were pulling up outside the hospital. They had managed to get on one of the last flights leaving Chicago last night and had flown overnight to Seattle. Upon arriving at the airport they had rented a car. They had gone straight to the hospital.
"Hi, I'm looking for Dr Hunt or the doctor in charge of Adrian Boone. I'm his next of kin on file." Olivia told the nurse as they stood at the nurses station.
"If you take a seat I'll page Dr Hunt for you. His shift just started." The nurse told them with a small smile.
"Thank you." They said before walking over and taking a seat in the small waiting area. They weren't waiting long before Olivia recognised the person walking up to them.
"It's good to see you again Olivia, I'm sorry it's under such circumstances." Owen said, recognising Olivia.
"How is he?" Olivia asked, wanting to know about Adrian.
"It's not good. He was involved in a head on car accident two days ago. He sustained a massive head injury. There was a massive amount of swelling and bleeding. Dr Sheppard and I both agreed after looking at the scans that there's nothing we can do. He's sustained a fatal injury." Owen explained, knowing Olivia would want to hear the full story.
"So you called me to make a decision on what to do next?" Olivia asked, knowing how these things worked.
"Yes. But I'll take you to see him first and then we can talk about options." Owen said, leading the way. Olivia grabbed her backpack from the floor before they followed him to where Adrian was.

Olivia didn't know how long she had been sitting at Adrian's bedside in silence when Antonio shifted in his chair.
"We should go check in. If we don't by this afternoon, we will lose the room." Antonio told Olivia quietly.
"I don't want to leave." Olivia said, looking at him.
"Why don't you take the car and go. Have shower and stuff and then come back." Olivia suggested, as she handed him the car keys.
"Are you sure?" He asked, not wanting to leave her but knowing it was best they secured the hotel room.
"Yeah." Olivia said as he took the keys.
"I'll bring you back something to eat." He said leaning down to kiss the top of her head. Olivia smiled and squeezed his hand as he took hold of hers.
"I'll be back in a bit." He said, grabbing his jacket.
"Call me if you get lost." Olivia teased, trying to lighten the mood a bit. Antonio chuckled before he leant down and pecked her on the lips before leaving. Olivia shifted in her chair as she turned back to look at Adrian. She sighed and took hold of his hand.
"I'm really sorry it's come to this..." She whispered, as she wiped her eyes.

Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora