Chapter 37 - I Got You

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She used the key to open the door before she let them inside.

"Chase? Are you here?" She called out as they walked inside. She noticed his keys and wallet on the side so knew he was.

"Chase?" She called out as she walked down the hall to the bedroom.

"Shit! Severide, call an ambulance!" Olivia shouted as she peered into the bedroom and saw Chase lying on the ground, unconscious. She quickly kneeled on the ground and rolled him over before she checked to see if he was breathing and had a pulse.

"Weak pulse, he's barely breathing." Olivia told Severide as he was on the phone to 9-1-1.

"Shit Chase, what did you do?" She mumbled as she spotted the pills on the bedside table.

"I think he's OD'd." She told Kelly sadly.

"I knew all those pain meds fucked him up." She said angrily as she rolled into the recovery position.

"What can we do?" Kelly asked her.

"Without any narcan or equipment, not much else than this. As long as he keeps breathing we'll be okay until the ambulance gets here." Olivia said as she supported Chase's head and kept his airway open. Minutes felt like hours as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. As soon as the ambulance got there they gave Chase some narcan but he didn't respond much to it. After hooking him up to the monitors, giving him some oxygen and fluids, they loaded him up into the ambulance and headed to Med. Olivia rode with them as Severide followed behind so he could call Boden.

"What do we have?" Connor raced over to the paramedics. He was obviously there doing overtime as he was working in the ED.

"It's Chase." Olivia told him before she let the medics do a proper handover.

"34-year-old male. Suspected narcotics overdose. Was found unconscious around 30-minutes ago. Breathing with no obstructed airway. No direct response to narcan but he's remained stable since receiving it. SATs 96 on 5 litres of O2. Resps 14. Pulse 86. B/P normal. GCS has been 8 throughout." The paramedics explained as they transferred Chase over to the bed in the cubicle.

"His GCS has gone up slightly, it was about 5 or 6 when I assessed him." Olivia told Connor.

"Okay. Do you know what he could've taken?" Connor asked Olivia as he started assessing Chase.

"Err, these were out on his bedside table. They're from when he was shot. His doc has been giving him a lighter dose to help with some lingering pain." Olivia explained as she handed over the bottle.

"These were filled last week, he should have a lot more pills left." Connor observed as he checked the bottles.

"Oh god." Olivia ran her hand over her face.

"Why don't you go to the waiting room and I'll come find you once I have an update?" Connor suggested to Liv.

"Yeah." She nodded in agreement before she slowly left.

"How is he?" Severide asked her as she joined him in the waiting room as he had followed behind the ambulance in his car.

"Rhodes is treating him now. He's semi-stable." Was all Olivia could tell him.

"I've called Boden to let him know what's going on. I also called Antonio and Casey, they're on their way in. As far as everyone else knows, Chase is in hospital after collapsing." Severide explained to Liv.

"Good." Olivia sighed as she rested back in the seat.

Thirty long minutes passed. By now Antonio and Casey had joined them at the hospital and Olivia had spoken to Boden as well. Connor had been out to update them all. There was no real change. Chase hadn't gotten any worse but he hadn't gotten any better either. They were in the process of running tests to see if he had done any damage to his body with the pills. They were also arranging to move him up to a bed on a ward. Olivia sighed as she leant forward and ran her hands over her face.

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