Chapter 29 - Christmas Magic

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"Oh come on guys! Cheer up, it's Christmas eve!!" Olivia practically squealed as she walked into the common room and saw how gloomy everyone looked.
"Yeah, and we're working." Cruise reminded her.
"Only until 7am tomorrow. Still gives you the whole of Christmas day." Olivia pointed out rationally.
"Right guys, equipment and vehicle checks. Let's go." Olivia instructed, clapping her hands to wake everyone up a little and get people moving. There were a few groans as people got up and went to work.
"Casey is in his office trying to get through a mountain of paperwork, but he'll be out later to inspect everyone's work." Olivia added, as she assigned direct jobs to people.

House 51, all units.

House Fire. Four Occupants inside.

"Sounds like a family, let's go!" Severide shouted, jumping up from the squad table. Everyone hurried to put the gear away before they loaded into the trucks. Truck pulled out first, closely followed by Squad and Engine and the two ambulances.
"House 51." Dispatch came over everyone's radio. Casey was first to respond.
"Go ahead dispatch." He said, grabbing the radio.
"Neighbours have reported four occupants. Two adults and two kids. No sign of them outside and confirmation that they have all been home all day."
"Copy that. Truck 81 out." Casey said, before putting the radio back.
"Family of four is still reported to be inside the house. We have to move quickly but safely." Casey addressed his team as they pulled into the street, Everyone could see the smoke pooling out of the house. As the trucks came to a halt, everyone jumped out.
"Mouch, get the aerial ladder up to the second floor for squad. Kidd, Galo, pair up. Liv you're with me." Casey gave out orders.
"Engine! Be ready to hit it with water. Start preventative measures to stop it spreading to the neighbouring houses." Casey shouted over to Herrmann.
"Copy that Captain." Herrmann nodded before he turned to give his team instructions.
"Let's go." Casey said to Liv. She nodded and pulled on her mask before she followed him inside. The flames were virtually all across the bottom floor. As Squad cleared the ground floor and basement, Truck headed upstairs.
"Fire department, call out!" Liv shouted.
"Did you hear that?" Casey asked her, stopping her.
"Yeah, over there." Olivia pointed, having heard the noise too. They moved to the door of the room where they heard the shout.
"Fire department-"
"In here!" Someone shouted out. Casey kicked open the door.
"It's okay, you're alright." Olivia reassures the family who were huddled together in the far corner of the room.
"This is Casey, we have them. Second floor bedroom." Casey called over the radio as Olivia pulled off her mask to give the kids some oxygen. Within a minute, the others had joined them to help them get everyone out. Olivia guided Casey and Severide out as they carried one of the kids each, whilst the others grabbed the parents. Once they were outside, they handed the family off to the two ambulance units.
"Our house!" One of the boys cried out. The cry broke Olivia's heart.
"It's okay Brandon honey, we're safe, that's all that matters." The mother told him as she held her son.
"Thank you...thank you so much." The father cried, as he held his family. Olivia smiled weakly as she walked away. She went to help Engine with fire management. By the time the fire was out, the whole house was practically gone. Luckily for the neighbours, it was a detached house so the fire hasn't spread to their homes. After a few hours on scene, they were able to clear the scene and head back to the firehouse.

Everyone pulled back into the firehouse quietly. It hasn't been a particularly rough call but seeing a family lose their home and everything they owned was hard enough let alone when it was Christmas eve. As everyone climbed out of the vehicles and started taking off their turnout gear, Olivia stepped away and gathered everyone's attention.
"Hey guys!" She called out loudly, making everyone look at her.
"I have an idea..." She added, with a small smile.
"Why don't we pass the boot? Whatever money we get we go buy the family some presents. Try and make their Christmas something special given the situation." Olivia suggested, telling them all about the idea she had been thinking about on the journey back to the firehouse.
"That's a really good idea Liv." Herrmann agreed.
"I'm going to send a message to Antonio and see if he'll do the same at the district." Olivia said as she finished taking her turnout gear off and pulled on her boots. Herrmann dealt with the money round up as Olivia contacted Antonio before moving on to complete her checklist that she had to finish by the end of shift.

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