Chapter 28 - My Terf

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A few days later, Liv was back on shift and feeling a lot better. Everyone had just finished their shift and was making their way out of the station. Olivia was on her phone, message Antonio when she spotted Boden walking ahead of her.
"Oo, chief, can I have a quick word?" Olivia called out to him, gaining his attention. He stopped and turned to face her.
"What can I do for you Liv?" He asked her.
"You remember my firefighter friend Travis from Seattle right?" Olivia asked him, having introduced Travis to everyone before. Boden nodded.
"Well he's coming to Chicago for a couple of days, and I was wondering if he could hang around the firehouse next shift? See how we do things here." Olivia asked him, eager to spend time with her best friend.
"Of course, as long as he doesn't get in the way, I'm happy to have him around." Boden told Olivia.
"Great, thanks Chief." Olivia said happily. Boden and Olivia went their separate ways. Olivia sent a quick message to Travis about him hanging around the firehouse as she walked to her car. She stopped to pick up some food on the way home before she let herself into the apartment.
"I'm home and I have pizza!" Olivia called out, not sure whether Antonio would be home yet. She had just completed her last shift that finished at 7pm as the shifts were changing and going back to 8am-8am, like they used to be.
"Ow! Son of a bit-" Olivia heard Antonio groan after a little thud. She put the pizza on the counter and dropped her bag to the floor before she went to see what he was doing. She smiled as she stopped in the doorway of the spare room and found Antonio kneeling on the floor with a half-assembled bed frame and tools spread across the floor.
"Having fun?" She laughed. Antonio looked up at her.
"Why'd they have to make this thing so complicated?" He groaned as he placed the frame down on the floor.
"I brought pizza." She told him, not sure whether he had heard her the first time.
"Ooo." Antonio said clearly hungry as he stood up and carefully stepped over everything to make his way out of the room.
"Hi by the way." He said, stopping to give her a kiss.
"Hi." Olivia grinned as she followed him to the kitchen to eat.
"Thank you for building the bed frame by the way, I was going to tackle that tomorrow." Olivia told him. Even though they had decorated the room a long time ago, Olivia hasn't gotten round to building the furniture yet. Now with Travis coming to stay, she needed to set up the spare room and had 24 hours to sort it all before Travis would be arriving in Chicago.
"I can help you with the rest after dinner." Olivia added, trying not to laugh at the fact he was struggling with something she had managed to build herself when she had first moved here.

A few days later, Liv was getting ready to head off to pick up Travis from the airport. She had just swung by the division to pick up Antonio after work as she was currently borrowing his truck.
"Thanks for letting me borrow your truck." Olivia said again as she pulled up outside their place to drop him off as he had had a long day.
"I'll call the garage later to see if your cars ready. He was just changing the brake pads so it should be done by tomorrow." Antonio told her as he got ready to get out.
"I better get going, Travis' flight lands soon." Olivia said, noticing the time.
"Drive safe." Antonio said as he hopped out. Olivia smiled and leant over to kiss him before he stepped back and closed the door. She waited for him to unlock the door before she checked over her shoulder and pulled out into the road, headed for the airport. The drive to the airport went by quite quickly and Liv was able to park right outside the airport due to the time of day it was. After paying for parking, she headed to the arrivals section to wait for Travis. Checking the board, Olivia saw that his flight had been slightly delayed on the tarmac, so she decided to go grab a coffee before she sat down in the arrivals area and waited patiently.

"Hey stranger." Olivia grinned, as she stood up and walked over to Travis as soon as she saw him approaching.
"I missed you!" He said, hugging her tightly, after dumping his bag on the floor.
"I missed you too. How was your flight?" Olivia asked, knowing it had been delayed a little.
"It was good. A little bumpy, but good." Travis answered honestly as they walked outside to the carpark.
"Are you hungry?" Olivia asked as they finally arrived at the truck.
"A little, yeah." Travis answered honestly as she took his bag from him to put in the back of the truck.
"Since when do you drive a truck?" He asked, looking around the truck.
"I don't. It's Antonio's. He let me borrow it as mine cars in the shop getting the brakes changed." Olivia told him as she turned on the engine.
"Well it's nice." Travis commented.
"It's nice to drive. I was looking at getting one now that I've had a chance to drive Antonio's." Olivia laughed as she pulled out of the car park.
"So Boden said he's happy to have you round tomorrow. Our shifts are 8am-8am, so you can come later in the day if you want." Olivia told him as she headed back into town.
"Cool, I'll probably be sleeping." Travis laughed.
"That's what I thought." Olivia giggled.

Around 11 o'clock the next morning, Travis showed up at the firehouse after catching up on some much-needed sleep. Olivia was showing him around the station as they had never gotten a chance to do it last time Travis was in town visiting.
"...and this is the bunk area. At the back are the Lieutenant/Captain offices." Olivia said, finishing the tour.
"This place is nice." Travis commented as he looked around.
"Yeah, I miss the private bunk rooms though, people snore here and if one unit gets a call, everyone is awake." Olivia joked.
"I bet." Travis laughed.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61 & 67
House Fire. 8942 Hathaway Avenue

"Gotta go. Help yourself to coffee or drinks from the fridge in the common room!" Olivia told Travis. He nodded as she ran off to join the others.

It was about an hour later when they all returned. Olivia was doing equipment checks out on the apparatus floor as she made chit chat with Travis. After being back at the firehouse for a few hours, luckily without any more calls, Casey had time to cook for them all.
"Chow time." Casey called from the kitchen, summoning everyone in from other areas of the firehouse. Olivia put the tool she had in her hands away before she wiped off her hands and walked with Travis to the common room. Travis sat down as Olivia grabbed them both a plate and then quickly grabbed them both a drink before sitting next to Travis at the end of the table. Everyone began to tuck in.
"This is really good." Travis said after a few mouthfuls, before taking another bite.
"Yeah Casey, you should cook more often." Olivia agreed, grinning.
"So Travis, tell us something funny about Olivia." Herrmann asked from across the table.
"Oh please don't." Olivia mumbled, knowing he had a lot of stories. Travis grinned and thought for a second.
"Okay, okay, there was this one was a few months after Olivia first joined 19. We had been asked to do some equipment checks and cleaning the station. Liv was cleaning the aid car when she stepped back into the bucket she was using, falling flat on her ass on the ground, sending water all over her. What made it funnier is everyone was there watching, and Olivia just sat there laughing her head off hysterically." Travis explained, making Olivia cover her face with her hands.
"Oh god, I remember that." She cringed.
"And then she almost did it the week after." He added, making people laugh again.
"Didn't she almost do that here once?" Severide asked Casey.
"Yep." Casey laughed as he nodded.
"Me and buckets just obviously are not a good combination." Olivia shrugged as she got up to grab another drink.

Truck 81, Ambulance 61, Medical call with assist needed.
Listed on prior jobs. 22D, Colehaven Complex

"Gotta go." Olivia said, dumping her drink on the counter before she ran out with the others from the truck and ambo.
"Can I ask you something?" Travis asked Herrmann once the rig had pulled out of the firehouse.
"Sure kid." He said, leaning forward and resting his arms on the table.
"Is she happy here? Like really happy?" Travis asked, making Herrmann smile.
"She is, she's a great addition to 51 and she's really found her stride here." Herrmann answered him honestly.
"Good, that's really good to hear." Travis smiled happily.

Four days later...
"Uhh, I can't believe you're leaving already." Olivia whined as they pulled up outside the airport.
"It's been four days Liv...I think they'll be missing me back home." Travis laughed as they all climbed out of the truck.
"I'm going to miss you." She said, hugging him tightly.
"I'll miss you too. Stay safe yeah? Both of you." Travis responded, as Olivia stepped back next to Antonio.
"Thanks man." Antonio said, hugging him too.
"Right, my flight is soon so I better get moving." Travis said as Olivia handed him his bag.
"Love you." Olivia said, giving him another hug as she couldn't resist.
"Love you too." Travis whispered before they separated. Olivia stood next to Antonio, slipping her hand into his as they watched Travis walk away and inside the airport. He turned and waved one last time before he disappeared out of sight. Oliva turned and wrapped her arms around Antonio's waist.
"Hmm, I'm thinking burgers..." Olivia grinned as she looked up at him.
"Are you now?" Antonio teased.
"Uh-huh. And milkshakes." Olivia laughed.
"Come on then." He said, pulling away to open the car door for her.
"Yay." Olivia cheered as she hopped into the passenger seat. Antonio pecked her on the lips before he closed the door and walked round to the driver's seat. Olivia connected her phone to the AUX cable to play some music as Antonio started the engine and pulled out of the airport carpark, headed back into town.

A/N - Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated, I've been crazy busy with university and still am. Updates are still going to be slow, but thanks for reading!

There will be a Christmas chapter going up before Christmas!

There will be a Christmas chapter going up before Christmas!

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