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Honey moon time!! It was the day after the wedding. After a lay-in, Antonio and Olivia were up doing some last-minute packing for their honeymoon before they had to leave.
"You are literally one of the most organised, unorganised people I have ever met." Antonio laughed as he walked back into the bedroom with coffee for the both of them and found Olivia still packing. Olivia grinned.
"Look, tell me I'm going to Seattle and I know what to pack straight away and how to get away with a carry on, but tell me I'm going to freaking Hawaii and I have no idea what to pack." Olivia laughed. There were clothes scattered all over the bed.
"We have two hours until we have to leave so let's get this sorted shall we." He laughed, stepping in to help her. Olivia grinned as she sat back on the bed and let him do all the work whilst she sipped away on her coffee.

A couple of hours later, it was time to head off.
"Right, little miss organised yet unorganised, have we got everything?" Antonio laughed as they stood by the front door with their bags, ready to leave for the airport.
"Passports?" He asked.
"Check." Olivia nodded as she slipped them into her carry-on bag.
"Flight details?"
"Check." She nodded again.
"Travel tablets?" He asked, knowing she sometimes got sick on aeroplanes.
"Yes." She nodded, finding it sweet that he remembered those sorts of things.
"Purse and wallets with money?"
"Check and check." She nodded.
"I think we're good to go then." He said happily. Olivia responded by stepping forward and wrapping her arms around his shoulders before she pulled him in for a kiss.
"To Hawaiiiii!" She squealed excitedly. Antonio laughed as he reached down to pick up the bags whilst Olivia was in charge of doing the last-minute walk around to make sure everything was switched off and locked up. A few minutes later she walked out of the house, locking the front door behind her.
"Ready?" She asked, walking over to the car.
"Yep." Antonio nodded as they climbed into her car.

Five hours later, after making in through security and sitting down to have some food in the airport, it was finally time to get on the plane.
"Flight 2346 to Honolulu, Hawaii, now boarding." The tanoy announced.
"Hawaii, here we come!" Olivia cheered happily as they walked down the boarding bridge towards the plane.

A/N - And just like that, book one is complete. I want to thank you all for reading and joining me on this rollercoaster of a book. There were times when I thought I wouldn't keep writing this book but I'm so glad that I did. Please go check out the second book, Live in The Moment. Chapter one will be up soon! Let me know what you thought of book one!! xx

 Chapter one will be up soon! Let me know what you thought of book one!! xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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