Chapter 41 - 60 Days

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30 days. He was at the halfway mark. He was 30 days in and had 30 days left until he could return to somewhat normality. Chase finished packing his bag before he walked out to the front desk with his facility nurse, or 'buddy' as they called them, Jason.
"So you have my number. Call me anytime. And you have your sponsors as well." Jason told Chase as he signed his exit paperwork. Chase nodded before he handed over the clipboard.
"Well, here's to freedom. Well done mate." Jason held out his hand. Chase smiled and shook it.
"Thanks for everything." He said truthfully. He hadn't agreed to rehab in the beginning, but he soon found it very helpful and knew deep down that it had been the right thing for him. Jason typed in his code and opened the door. They said their farewells before Chase was free to leave. He walked through the reception area and out of the main doors. He smiled as he found Olivia leaning against her car out front. As soon as she saw him she pushed herself off her car and started walking over to him. No words needed to be shared between the two friends as they pulled each other into a tight embrace.
"Ready to go home?" Olivia asked him.
"Very ready." Chase nodded happily.
"I was thinking we'd stop for a burger on the way back. Are you hungry?" Olivia asked him once they were in the car.
"Always." He laughed. Olivia laughed as she switched on the engine, pulled on her seatbelt before she pulled out of the facility carpark and onto the main road back towards town. They stopped for food on the way home before Olivia took Chase back to her place. She showed him around, even though he'd already been there before, before she left him to get settled. She had brought a bunch of stuff over from his apartment to make the next couple of weeks easier for him. Now was the start of the next 30 days.

Week One:

Now was the start of a long wait to see whether he could go back on duty. 60 days. That's the minimum amount of time he had to be clean before the department would even consider letting him back to work. He was halfway there. 30 days in. The first 30 days had probably been the hardest as he went through rehab, alone. Besides a visit from Olivia halfway through, it had been something he had to do alone and deep down he knew that. Now he was out and back home, well staying with Olivia and Antonio, the real journey started. He was on week one back in the real world. Probably the hardest week for Chase. Now started the readjustment period of getting his life back on track after rehab. He was glad that Olivia had done what she did and he had had plenty of time to think about his actions in session back in rehab. He had gotten into a routine pretty quickly since coming out. He would get up at 7am, nothing new for him even on his days off, before going for a run. After running for about an hour he would come home and shower before having some breakfast whilst watching the news. If Olivia was off shift they would do something together whether it was just going for a walk or going for some lunch. When she was on shift he'd make them all something to eat for when everyone was home. In his eyes it was the least he could do whilst he was staying with them. He still hadn't seen anyone from 51. He wanted to give himself a little more time before agreeing to that.

Week Two:

Now it was hitting Chase that even when he reached the 60 day clean mark, that didn't necessarily mean he would be back to work. It all depended on what terms the department and Boden agreed on. And that made him nervous. He completely understood their point of view on everything but he wanted nothing more than to be back on the ambulance with Heidi, doing what he did best. Olivia had woken from her nap after her long shift to find Chase sitting out on the back porch steps. She pulled on her hoodie and grabbed a cup of coffee before she went outside to join him.
"You alright?" She asked as she sat down next to him on the step.
"Yeah, I just wanted some fresh air." Chase nodded.
"It's kinda cold out here." Olivia said quietly.
"I'm fine." Chase reassured her. A few moments of silence passed before Chase spoke up again.
"They're gonna let me back right? After everything...I've done everything they wanted. Rehab, getting a sponsor...they have to right?" Chase asked her, taking Liv by surprise slightly.
"I think they will. They have no reason not to Chase. Like you said you've done everything they've asked and you're doing really well." Olivia said to her friend. Chase just nodded.
"It just feels like forever." Chase sighed.
"Hey 60-"
"60 days...I know." Chase nodded, cutting her off.
"You've made it this far, Chase, you'll be back before you know it." Olivia reminded her friend, patting him on the shoulder as she stood up from the step and headed back inside the house, giving him some alone time outside as she could sense he didn't want to talk anymore.

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