Chapter 4 - Mollys

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It was the end of a long week. For Olivia, it was the end of her first week in Chicago/at firehouse 51. She's been loving every second of it. They're nearly at the end of their shift so everyone was chilling in the common room watching the news. But it wasn't relaxing at all. Especially for Olivia.
"The winds continue to wreak havoc here in Seattle...we advise you to stay in your homes..."
"Oh my god." Olivia muttered, standing up suddenly from the table and walking out of the common room area.
"Come on..." She muttered, as she raised her phone to her ear. It kept ringing out.
"Please..." She muttered again as Hermann and Casey came out into the hallway.
"I'm trying to ring them." She told them. She turned around suddenly when the line connected.
"Captain Herrera?" She questioned.
"Yeah, it's Olivia. I've just seen the news. Is everyone alright?" Olivia asked concerned.
"Oh thank god."
"Yeah...okay, I will do. Thank You sir." Olivia said before she hung up.
"Everyone's alright. The aid car is out on a call, but everyone else on lockdown at the station." Olivia explained relieved. They all went back to the common room and sat down as there was only about an hour of shift left.

Once the shift finally had finished, everyone retreated to Molly's for a few drinks to relax. Olivia had tagged along so she could get to know everyone better. They had been talking about funny memories they had regarding their time on the job and now it was Olivia's turn.
"You know...I still remember my first day." Olivia laughed, as she took a sip from her beer.
"Yeah?" Casey asked, as they were all gathered in the far corner.
"Yeah. I was scared shitless. I was a rookie right out of the fire academy." Olivia explained.
"I was 25. I remember walking into the station where I met Travis on the front desk. I actually knew him already as I was a medic for 3 years before I went into the fire academy." Olivia went on to explain.
"I sighed with relief when I saw Travis as my mind had gone blank and I couldn't remember who to ask for." Olivia laughed.
"But, Travis calmed me down and introduced me to Captain Herrera. After that I met everyone and settled in a bit before we got back to back calls. Everyone joked and said I was cursed. And that was that." Olivia finished explaining. She took another sip of beer, but put it down when she saw that everyone had questions.
"What?" She asked, letting them know they could ask away.
"You started as a paramedic?" Sylvie asked shocked.
"Yeah. I've always wanted to help people and for me, being a paramedic seemed fun. I really enjoyed it but then I decided I wanted more, so I applied to the fire academy. To be honest I didn't think I'd get in so when I did, I took the chance." Liv explained.
"Anything else?" She smiled, happy that her new colleagues wanted to get to know her.
"Where are you from originally?" Emily asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"LA, but I moved to Seattle when I was 8 with my foster family." Olivia answered.
"Foster family?" Cruz queried.
"Yeah...let's just say I didn't have the best childhood." Was all Olivia said as she got off her stool.
"I'll be right back." She said before heading off to the toilet. A few minutes later she returned and saw that someone had brought her another drink.
"Thanks." She said aloud, not knowing who it was. Casey smiled and took a sip from his drink. As they all started up another round of conversations, Olivia's phone started ringing.
"It's Travis. I'll be back in a second." Olivia said jumping up from her stool and excusing herself before she made her way outside.
"Hey Travis."
"Hi." Travis replied not to enthusiastically.
"What's happened?" Olivia asked, obviously hearing that something was on his mind. Travis stayed quiet.
"Travis." Olivia said seriously. He huffed.
"Fine." Travis sighed.
"The aid car went over a cliff face-"
"What?!" Olivia exclaimed.
"Andy and Sullivan are okay. Their patient didn't make it. Andy has a concussion. Sullivan has some spinal trauma but with a few months of PT he'll be okay." Travis blurted out quickly, obviously preparing for Olivia to flip out.
"Why didn't anyone call me?!" Olivia shouted.
"We were a little busy Liv." Travis justified. Olivia sighed and took a deep breath.
"Right....yeah, of course. I'm sorry." Oliva apologised.
"But apart from that everyone's good yeah? I can get on a plane-"
"Liv, everyone's good. There's nothing you can do anyway. Honestly, they're fine. I'll get Andy to call you when she's feeling better and I'll keep you updated okay?" Travis stated, reassuring his friend. Olivia nodded, forgetting he couldn't see her before she replied.
"Thanks Travis."
"No worries. I have to go."
"Okay, stay safe." Oliva told her friend.
"You too." Travis said before they hung up. Olivia took a minute out in the fresh air before she went back inside.
"Everything alright?" Casey asked.
"Ermm, yeah. Just found out that our aid car went over a cliff in the storm. Andy got a concussion and Sullivan injured his back but they'll be okay. Their patient didn't make it. I just wish there was more I could do." Olivia answered honestly.
"But the storms died down and everyone else is alright. It's more of a clean-up operation now." Olivia added, taking a sip from her beer.
"Anyway guys. This has been nice but I'm shattered so I'm going to head home. I'll see you all next shift." Olivia said slipping on her jacket. They all had 48 hours off so Olivia planned to finish sorting out her apartment during that time.
"See you later." Olivia said downing the rest of her bear before she left. She went out to her car and got inside. Deciding to stop off and pick up some food. Olivia drove down the streets to a nice burger joint that she had found a few days prior. She ordered her food and paid for it before she nipped to the corner store across the road. She picked up a few things before she went back to pick up her food.  After that she drove home and got herself comfortable on the sofa with her food, a glass of wine as she sat watching some Doctor Who on Netflix. She had enjoyed her first week in Chicago and was just glad that everything had worked out well with her new team.

Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Where stories live. Discover now