Chapter 23 - The Risk We Take

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It had been a few weeks. Olivia was glad to be back at work and things were going good. If she wasn't at work she was either with Antonio or doing some extra training. She liked being able to spend time with Antonio as he had been crazy busy for the last few weeks dealing with a tough case that intelligence had picked up.

It was halfway through a fairly quiet shift. Everyone was doing maintenance/stock take on their rigs. Olivia had just walked back to the truck after getting a clean cloth, when they all started to hear sirens that were getting closer. Liv stopped what she was doing and walked away from the truck and walked over to the door just in time to see a black truck with lights and sirens pull into the drive. A second later Jay Halstead got out. Olivia could sense that something was wrong.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him as everyone else hovered in the background.
"Erm, Liv..." The way he hesitated made Olivia's stomach sink.
"Jay, what's wrong?" She asked him.
"Antonio's been shot. He's at Chicago med about to go into surgery as we speak." Jay told her. Olivia froze. Casey, who was standing next to Liv, put his hand on her shoulder supportively.
"81, gear up! We're going to med." Casey called out after getting the go ahead nod from Chief Boden after they shared a glance at each other. Right as everyone started moving, the claxon sounded.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61.
Fire at Elsroad Sanctuary.

"We'll meet you there." Casey told Liv. She nodded and walked away with Jay. They got in his truck and pulled off the drive after the trucks had sped away.
"He's going to be okay." Jay told Olivia as he drove. Olivia stayed quiet and nodded her head. She knew that both their jobs were risky but she had prayed that this day would never happen, for either of them. Deep down she knew that he was going to be okay because she knew just how good the doctors at Chicago Med were. The likelihood was that Connor Rhodes was treating Antonio alongside Will and just that thought alone helped calm some of her fears.

As they pulled up outside the hospital, Jay had barely brought the truck to a halt when Olivia jumped up and quickly walked towards the front doors. Jay quickly got out of the truck and followed her inside. As soon as Olivia walked through the doors into the ED Will spotted her from behind the desk and walked over to her.
"Olivia." He said, getting her attention as he approached.
"Will. How is he?" Olivia asked desperately.
"He's stable. He was shot in the shoulder. Rhodes just took him up to the OR as the bullet nicked an artery. But he's stable and I imagine he'll be in recovery soon." Will explained calmly, reassuring her that Antonio was okay and the injury he had wasn't very life threatening now the bleeding had been controlled.
"Come on, I'll walk you up to the surgical waiting room." Will said as Jay finally caught up to them.
"The others are still dealing with the guys that shot at us. They'll be here as soon as they can." Jay explained as they headed up to the waiting room. As the elevator doors opened, Will led them to the waiting room.
"If you wait here I'll let Rhodes know you're here." Will said as he gestured for them to take a seat.
"Thanks Will." Olivia said, flashing him a small smile. Olivia and Jay sat down as Will left. Olivia sat with her knee bouncing up and down as they waited for news. It felt like ages had passed, but was probably only around thirty minutes before Truck 81 rocked up.
"That was quick." Olivia said as she spotted them.
"False alarm. Someone pulled the alarm for a test and didn't call ahead first." Casey explained as he sat down next to her.
"Any news?" He asked them. Olivia shook her head as she looked down and fiddled with her fingers.
"All we know is the bullet nicked an artery in his shoulder. He was stable when they took him in." Jay explained as Olivia stayed quiet. Casey and the others nodded.

Olivia sat listening as the others made conversation as they waited for news. It was a tense wait but almost an hour later, Connor Rhodes walked out into the waiting area. Olivia bolted up and walked over to him with Jay and Casey right behind her.
"How is he?" Olivia asked, silently praying that everything had gone to plan and he was going to be okay.
"He's stable. Like I'm sure you've been told the bullet nicked an artery in his shoulder but we managed to control the bleeding quickly. We've repaired the bleeders and the damage from the bullet. He'll need a few weeks of physiotherapy but he'll make a full recovery." Connor explained happily. Olivia sighed with relief.
"Thank you Connor." Olivia said, giving him a hug.
"They just brought him to a room so I can take you back." Connor added. Olivia nodded and turned to the others.
"Right guys, we best get back to the house." Casey said, ushering everyone out.
"I'll let everyone know how he's doing. Let me know about the next shift. Perfectly happy if you want to take it off." Casey told Olivia as the others headed out.
"Thanks Casey, I'll let you know." Olivia said before she gave him a hug. He smiled and left.
"I'm going to go update the others and get back out there. Call me if you need anything or when you want a ride home." Jay told Olivia as he grabbed his jacket from the chair.
"I will, thanks Jay." Olivia smiled. She turned back to Connor and followed him to the room where Antonio was.
"He'll be asleep for another hour or so." Connor told Olivia as they walked into the room. Antonio was lying on the bed hooked up to a heart monitor and IV. Olivia nodded and thanked Connor again before she went and sat in the chair next to Antonio's bed.

A little while later, Olivia was still sitting at Antonio's bedside, holding his hand. She had her head rested on top of their hands. She lifted her head when she heard a slight groan. As she looked at the monitors and then back at Antonio she saw that he was awake.
"You're awake." She said relieved. Antonio smiled slightly, happy to see her.
"Don't cry." He said moving his good arm to wipe away the few tears that were on her cheek. Olivia laughed slightly and placed her hand over his on her cheek.
"I'm sorry...I just thought for a minute that I'd lost you." Olivia said shakily as she looked at him with her teary eyes.
"I'm right here." He said squeezing her hand. Olivia smiled and nodded. She rested her head on his thigh. He rested his hand from his bad arm on her head as he kept hold of her hand with his other.

A/N - Hey guys! I'm back. Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I took a break from writing. University is CRAZY right now. I have a presentation, a two minute silent film, a five minute client project (video) and a five minute film all due in by the end of April and I've been crazy busy working on them. Updates will definitely be slow until I've finished these projects so thank you for your understanding.

 Updates will definitely be slow until I've finished these projects so thank you for your understanding

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