Chapter 16 - Toxic

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The trio were just on their way out of the hospital, having gone to get a drink from the cafeteria, when Olivia overheard something.
"Did you catch that?" She asked the medics.
"Kind of." Chase stated.
"Let's find out what's going on." Riley suggested. The others agreed and they headed over to Ms Godwin who was talking to Connor Rhodes.
"Sorry, Ms Godwin, we couldn't help but overhear. What exactly is going on?" Olivia asked.
"We have a patient in one of the OR's upstairs. She seems to be toxic. She made staff unconscious and now she's in the OR alone. We can't get to her." Ms Godwin explained.
"Are your people okay?" Olivia asked Connor.
"Yeah. One of the nurses dragged them out. They're all on 02 now and coming around." Connor explained relieved.
"You said toxic, do we know how?" Chase said asking the critical question. Connor shook his head.
"Right you get onto that ASAP. I'll call it in. We'll get a Truck here with BA's." Olivia explained, stopping to think for a second.
"I assume you have protective suits just not a protective breathing system?" Olivia double checked a second later.
"Yeah. We think our full body suits will be enough." Ms Godwin explained as Connor had gone off to try and find the cause of what was making the women toxic.
"Good." Olivia said, turning to Chase who had already pulled out his phone and was calling it in.
"Can you take us to the O.R? I need to see the area we're dealing with." Olivia asked Ms Godwin.
"Of course." Ms Godwin said leading the way. A few minutes later they were up on the OR floor. Olivia observed the surrounding areas.
"How many of your OR's are in use?" Olivia questioned.
"Two. On the other end of the corridor." Ms Godwin stated.
"Good. Can you keep this end of the floor clear for now? Just until we know what we're dealing with. It looks like everything is pretty contained but I don't want to risk it." Olivia explained. Ms Godwin went off to arrange that as Chase re-joined Riley and Olivia.
"Truck 81's on the way." He stated.
"We're keeping this end of the floor clear for now as a precaution." Olivia explained as she started seeing some patients being moved.
"I'm going to go see if they need any help. Then I'll keep people away." Riley stated, seeing it as a useful thing she could be doing since she didn't have the training that Olivia and Chase did. Chase and Olivia agreed so Riley walked off. It was now a waiting game. The real question was, what would happen first. Would Truck 81 arrive or would Connor return with some answers. The two firefighters were drawn from their thought as Connor came down the corridor holding an iPad.
"Figure anything out?" Chase asked hopeful. Connor nodded and showed them the test findings on the iPad.
"We found a herbal supplement in her purse. The lab guys think it combined with the chemo chemicals she's been  receiving for her breast cancer and turned her blood into some kind of neuro-toxin." Connor explained.
"This woman can't catch a break." Olivia sighed feeling sorry for the poor woman who was unconscious on table.
"We're lucky they're not all dead. The only reason she's alive is because she's intubated." Connor added.
"Oh, my God. The anaesthesia's wearing off. She's waking up." Connor noticed seeing the woman's arm move.
"Truck 81 is two minute out." Chase said panicked.
"She doesn't have two minutes." Olivia mumbled, grabbing one of the face-marks from the trolley next to her before she held her breath and ran into the OR.
"Olivia!" Chase called out, but it was too late.
"There's more anaesthesia already drawn up in the correct doses. You just need to grab one of the red labelled syringes and injected it all into her IV line." Connor explained over the intercom. Oliva nodded, still holding her breath and grabbed one of the pre-drawn up syringes. Once the syringe was empty, she quickly ran out of the OR, taking a few deep breaths once she was in the hallway.
"You okay?" Chase asked Olivia. She nodded and stood back upright having caught her breath.
"Guys we're here. What do you need?" Casey's voice came over Chase and Riley's radios.
"Casey, we need BA's right now." Olivia over the radio.
"Copy that." Casey's voice responded. As soon as the others arrived, Chase and Olivia briefed them of the situation. It was decided that Olivia and Connor would gear up and go into the OR as they only had three suits available to them so Chase would be on stand-by. As soon as they could they started gearing up. They pulled on the suits carefully before they pulled on their BA's. Olivia pulled hers with ease but Casey and Gallo helped Connor gear up as he didn't have a clue what to do with the BA.
"Just breath steady. Breathe too fast and your mask will fog up and you'll run out of air." Olivia told Connor through her mask. He nodded and took a deep breath. Once they were happy that the masks were on properly, the pair headed into the OR.
"Hate to say it but just patch work doc. Get her stable. You can always open her back up again once she's not toxic." Olivia told Connor as he got to work.
"Yeah. She's too unstable to stay open long." Connor agreed, knowing he had to work quick if this lady was going to survive. The original surgeon had already stemmed the big bleeds so it was just a matter of stopping the little bleeds closing her up so she could be transferred to the ICU.
"I think I can fix everything now. It seems like half the work has already been done." Connor told Olivia.
"Good." Olivia said as she took hold of the clamp he handed her to keep still. She then turned to tell the others. Together – well mostly Connor with the slight aid of Olivia – the pair managed to stabilised the woman. Once Connor was sure that they bleeding and damage from the accident had been dealt with he started closing her up.
"Chase, we're going to need an extra pair of hands to get her to the ICU." Olivia told him.
"Copy that I'll suit up." He responded before moving away to gear up. They had a special bed to move the women to the safety of the ICU isolation room. It had a frame that goes over it to keep any of the toxin spreading. As soon as they got to the ICU, Connor started hooking her back up to the machines before he hooked her up to a new machine. Chase and Olivia headed out first, making sure to strip out of their gear before helping Connor to get out of his. Casey and the others had already safely started venting the OR so things were looking good. Olivia helped Chase take the gear back down to the truck with the others and spent a few minutes talking with Ms Godwin before she headed back to check on the woman. Chase and Riley had gone to grab a coffee, agreeing to meet Olivia back in the ambulance.
"How's she doing? She still toxic?" Olivia asked walking up to Connor who was looking through the window of the isolation room where their patient had been transferred.
"She's on CRRT. It's a type of dialysis to remove toxins from the blood. She should start waking up in a few hours." Connor explained happily.
"Good." Olivia sighed relieved.
"I better get going. Chase and Riley are waiting in the ambo." Olivia stated as she slipped her hands into her pocket.
"I'll let you know how's she's doing." Connor told her.
"Thanks." Olivia said before she started walking off.
"Hey doc, good work today." She added stopping a few paces away. He smiled.
"You too. Thanks for the help." He said before he turned back to the notes he was writing in the woman's chart. Olivia slipped her hands in her pockets as she made her way out of the hospital. All she wanted to do was go back to the firehouse and sleep. It had been a long day and she was tired but her shift was only half way through. Heading outside, she got into the back of the ambulance before they started heading back to the firehouse.
"How's she doing?" Riley asked looking back at Olivia as Chase focused on driving.
"Good. She's on dialysis to flush out her system. Connor thinks she'll make a full recovery." Olivia explained resting back in her seat.
"Quick thinking today Liv." Chase praised his friend.
"Ironically, not the first evacuated floor or hazmat situation in a hospital that I've been involved with." Olivia explained. It wasn't long before they were arriving back at the firehouse. After helping the guys sort the gear out on the Truck once they returned, Olivia grabbed a bite to eat before she went to rest.

Hey guys! Sorry it took so long to update, I've been busy getting my college work done and also haven't really been in the mood to write lately. But I finally got it done, it's a bit longer than a normal chapter as well. I'll try to update again soon. Hope you enjoy it! Stay safe everyone. 😊


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Memories (#1 in Fawson Series)(One Chicago/Station 19)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora