Chapter 6 - Split Up

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A few months had passed. Olivia had settled in well at firehouse 51 alongside the new medics, Chase and Riley. Over time, Olivia had also gotten to know some of the others around them (I.E. those from med and the district), by spending a lot of time with others at Molly's.
It was the start of a new shift and Olivia had just grabbed some breakfast and was sitting down with some of the others in the common room.
"Olivia. I'm pulling you off Truck for the shift. I need you to fill in for Riley on Ambo 67." Boden stated, as he walked into the common room with Casey and Chase.
"Yes sir." Olivia obliged happily.
"I'll go change." She said, going to change into her paramedic top. After getting changed and finishing her breakfast, Olivia met Chase by the ambulance preparing to help him with stock intake.
"Is Riley alright?" Olivia asked her partner for the day, as she picked up the clipboard with the stock list.
"Yeah, she's just got the stomach bug that's going around. Was up most of the night." Chase explained, as he started to scan through the stock they already had.
"Well, I'm kind of happy. I kind of wanted a shift or two on the ambulance." Olivia explained, as she wrote down the stock Chase started adding to their cupboards. Chase looked at her, raising his eyebrow questionably.
"Don't get me wrong...I love working as a firefighter-" Olivia started.
"But you miss being a paramedic." Chase said filling in the gap.
"Yeah." Olivia sighed.
"I'm the same. I'm qualified to work on Squad. I used to at my old house but worked as a paramedic as I recovered from a shoulder injury. Haven't really been on Squad since." Chase answered sympathetically. Olivia nodded her head, glad he understood how she was feeling.
"Do we need more saline?" Olivia questioned, getting back to the task at hand. Chase looked through the bags and then the cupboards.
"Okay, I'll go grab some." Olivia responded after seeing that there wasn't any in the box of supplies Chase had brought out from the storage room. She placed the clipboard down before she went to the storage room. She grabbed 6 bags of saline before she cautiously made her way back to the ambulance trying her hardest not to drop them. Chase saw her coming and was quick to take 3 of the bags from her arms.
"Thanks." Olivia laughed slightly, handing Chase the saline so he could put them away.
Ambulance 67 - Person injured at Shocklay Skate Park
Chase jumped out of the back and slammed the doors shut as Riley hopped in the driver's seat. Once Chase was in the passenger seat, she turned on the sirens and pulled out of the station.

"It's up on the left isn't it?" Olivia asked, as they were near the skate park. Having not really familiarised herself with the area yet.
"Yeah." Chase nodded pointing up ahead where the skatepark was. 2 minutes later Olivia stopped the ambulance and cut off the engine before she climbed out. There were 2 boys waiting there.
"What happened lads?" Olivia asked them; wanting to know the situation.
"Charlie slipped, fell onto his arm. It's bent all weird. He's still in there we couldn't move him." One of the teens explained. Olivia nodded her head and went to get the right equipment they would need from Chase. After taking one of the medical bags and the spinal board, Olivia let the teens guide them to where their patient was. It's was clear just from looking that they would need assistance as they boy was still in the skate bowl that had steep sides.
"Ambulance 67 to main..." Olivia said into her radio, placing the equipment down as she walked away to radio for assistance leaving Chase to start dealing with the patient.
"Go ahead ambulance 67." Dispatch responded.
"We're going to need a Squad assist at our location." Olivia informed them.
"Copy that 67."
"I've radioed it in." Olivia responded, as she slid down into the bowl. She then joined Chase next to the patient.
"This is Charlie. He's got a closed displaced fracture of the right forearm." Chase explained. Olivia nodded her head.
"Hi Charlie. I'm Liv. We're going to get you out of here okay." Olivia reassured the teen.
"If you're happen to stay here and get him some pain relief I can go talk to Squad and show them where we arm. I'll be able to tell them what to bring." Olivia suggested to Chase. He nodded in agreement.
"I'll be back." Olivia said before she climbed of out the skate bowl with a little struggle. Once out Olivia walked back to the street and waited for the Squad assistance. She was happy when she saw Squad 3 turn down into the street. She watched as they pulled up behind the ambulance. Kelly was the first to get out and walked over to her.
"What do we have?" He asked.
"Teen with a closed displaced forearm fracture. He's at the bottom of the skate bowl. It's pretty steep so we'll need the stokes basket and some ropes." Olivia explained. Kelly nodded.
"Cap grab the stokes basket. Tony get the ropes." He instructed his team before he walked off with Olivia. Olivia showed the guys where to go before she spoke with Kelly about what they were going to do. Kelly then slid down into the bowl. Olivia followed behind him and smiled her gratitude as he stopped her from slipping at the bottom.
"Alright Charlie. We've given you some pain medication. Now we're going to splint your arm before we get you in the basket so we can drag you up the edge." Chase explained, once he saw the equipment. Charlie nodded his head and braced himself as they started splinting his arms to support it and stop it moving as much as possible. Over the next 20 minutes, the got Charlie out of the skate bowl and loaded into the ambulance. After topping up his pain meds, they drove him to med and handed him over to Dr Choi and April.

Chase and Olivia were now sat on the back step of the ambo finishing up their paperwork when a call came in over the radio.
"Ambo 67, vehicle vs pedestrian on the corner of West and Hound."
"This is ambo 67. Copy that, we're responding." Olivia said into her radio, standing up. Chase got up and shut the doors before they ran to get into the front. Chase started the engine before he took off out of the hospital, lights and sirens blaring.

Arriving on the scene, Olivia and Chase could see a crowd forming. They hopped out and started grabbing equipment.
"I'll check out the driver. You check out the pedestrian." Olivia suggested, pulling on a pair of gloves.
"Yeah, be careful." Chase agreed, not liking how big the crowd was getting. Olivia nodded and made her way over to the car.
"Hello, can you hear me?" She asked, reaching in to feel a pulse. She was relieved when she felt one. It didn't take a genius to work out that the driver had been drinking as his breath and person smelled of booze.
"He's alive!" She radioed to Chase.
"Same here...mines in a bad way though. I'm radioing for backup." Chase responded. Olivia pulled open the door and knelt down besides the patient. She reached into her kit and pulled out a c-collar before placing it around the mans neck. She looked up when someone hit the car.
"Hey! Cut it out!" She shouted, standing up.
"He's drunk! He did this! Look at the boy! He deserves to die!" The guy said, moving closer, hitting the back of the car again.
"Hey! It's my job to treat back up!" Olivia said loudly.
"Or what bitch?!" The guy shouted, before himself and others started shaking the car. One guy even started smashing the windows.
"This is ambo 67! We need immediate police back-up!"

Dun! Dun! Dun! Hey guys! Hope you liked it. x


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