Chapter 42 - Last Minute Risk

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Four days...that's how many days were left on the countdown to Olivia and Antonio's wedding. Olivia was working her last shift before the big day. They were nearly halfway the shift and so far, it had been a fairly quiet shift with only 4 calls total for truck 81.
"Grubs up-" Gallo was cut off by the alarms sounding.
"Oh come on!" Olivia moaned. Of all times for the alarms to go off, of course it was during dinner time.

Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulances 61 & 67
House Fire, Multiple Occupants.
Reports of fire spreading rapidly.

Pulling up on scene, it was worse than everyone had imagined. The fire had engulfed two houses and was threatening a third.
"Holy shit-" Olivia mumbled as they all filed out of the truck and took in the sight in front of them. They quickly joined Boden who had been approached by some of the bystanders.
"How many people could be inside the houses?" Casey asked the woman.
"4 in each house. My husband went for our daughter as I got our son out. I'm not sure if next door are home." The lady explained, clearly panicked as she held her son tightly.
"Okay, Squad 3 will take 18, escort the dad and kid out, Truck 81 will take 19. Quick primary search and then everyone out." Severide instructed, referring to the house numbers. Casey nodded his head in agreement.
"Engine will work on containing the fire and stopping it approaching the third house." Herrmann added in.
"Copy that. 81 let's go! Mouch, I want you on the aerial ladder. Gallo and Kidd will take the ground floor, Liv you're with me on the second floor.

Making their way through these rather large houses, the conditions of the fire were getting worse. The fire was spreading quickly. Casey and Olivia quickly searched the second floor, praying no-one was inside.
"Shit...fires on the stairs." Casey told Olivia as they backed out of the final room they had just searched.
"That's it. I want everyone out." Boden's voice boomed over the radio. It was clear that the family wasn't home and the house was empty.
"This is Casey and Fuller. We've just lost our way out. We need the aerial to the south corner of the house." Casey said over the radio as they shut themselves in the final room.
"Which room, Casey?" Mouch's voice asked, obviously being the one in control of the aerial. Casey turned to see Olivia swinging her halogen at the window now that the door was shut and they could vent the room.
"That one." Was all Casey said as the window shattered instantly.
"Copy that, sit tight." Once the ladder was in place, both firefighters prepared to make a quick exit as the fire chewed through the bedroom door. Casey was the first out onto the ladder so he could help Olivia. Olivia took one look at the door before she practically threw herself out of the window and out onto the ladder. Right as she made contact with the ladder, fire blew out around them. They both shielded their faces as glass from surrounding windows went flying. Once they were safe, Olivia turned herself around so she was the right way up on the ladder.
"Are you okay?" Casey asked her, reaching up to her.
"That was a close one." Olivia couldn't help but laugh.
"Yeah, just a bit." Casey agreed.
"Maybe don't tell Antonio about that one." Olivia cringed, considering they were days away from the wedding now.
"Oh he's definitely going to find out." Casey laughed.
"Dammit." Olivia responded as they started climbing down the ladder.
"Are you guys alright?" Boden asked Olivia and Casey once they had climbed down off the truck.
"Yes Chief." Olivia and Casey nodded.

The next morning, it was finally the end of shift.
"Is that you off now?" Herrmann asked Olivia as they walked out together.
"Yep. Off now and when I'm back I'll be married." Olivia practically squealed, making him laugh.
"Cindy said to let you know, if you need anything, you know where to find us."
"Thanks Herrman." Olivia smiled as Antonio pulled up in his truck. He had dropped her off the previous day so they could go for breakfast together this morning. Herrmann waved to Antonio as he walked off to his car down the street.
"Hi." Olivia greeted Antonio with a kiss as she climbed into his truck.
"How was your shift?" She asked him as he had worked yesterday.
"Slow. We didn't have a case so it was paperwork day." He moaned as he started driving.
"Ooo fun." Olivia laughed sarcastically.
"How was your shift?" He asked as he reached over and took hold of her hand.
"Err, pretty slow mainly. A few big calls but nothing too hectic." Olivia shrugged.
"What aren't you telling me?" He asked, making Olivia laugh a little as he was able to read her like a book.
"Jeez you're good at telling when people are lying." She joked. Antonio gave her 'a look', so she continued talking.
"I may have had a close call. Fire exploded right after me and Casey escaped on the ladder." Olivia explained.
"But I'm good though."
"Oh I know you are." He laughed, squeezing her hand.
"Okay, eat there or take it home?" Olivia asked as they parked on the street outside the cafe they were grabbing breakfast from.
"Hmm, take it home...then we can practise for the honeymoon." Antonio said suggestively.
"Oh, can we now?" Olivia laughed.
"You stay here, I'll grab us our usuals." He said, hopping out the truck.
"No kiss?" Olivia pouted. Antonio laughed and shook his head before he leant over and kissed her on the lips.
"Hmm, now hurry up so we can get home and practice." Olivia winked. Antonio laughed and closed the door before he walked off towards the cafe.

A/N - We're one chapter (plus the epilogue) away from the end of book one!! You know what this means?? Next chapter is the wedding!!!

——————————————————A/N - We're one chapter (plus the epilogue) away from the end of book one!! You know what this means?? Next chapter is the wedding!!!

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