XMAS extra (2022) - 'Tis The Season

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It was Christmas eve and everyone was on shift until 7am Christmas morning. They had all decided to do a Christmas dinner together at the firehouse with Antonio and Trudy coming along to help cook and spend time with their partners. They had just finished bringing all the food over to the table before Chief Boden gave a speech.

"Thank you all for another year of hard work and dedication. We've all had our own struggles this year but have come out of them stronger than ever and together as a family. So enjoy and of course, Merry Christmas." Boden raised his glass to do a toast before he prepared to cut the turkey.

"Actually guys I wanted to say something..." Olivia got everyone's attention.

"I will keep this short and sweet and pray I don't cry haha." She laughed.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Nearly three years ago you guys welcomed me into your firehouse with loving open arms, and in tow, into your family. It's been an interesting two years to say the least." She said, smiling as she rested her hand on Antonio's shoulder.

"Three years already?" Cruz asked, surprised.

"It's crazy right? I was here 5 months before I started dating this one. Then we dated for about a year before we got engaged and believe it or not we've been engaged for almost a year and a half." Olivia explained, still trying to wrap her head around the craziness of it all.

"I've had personal issues to deal with and you guys have played a big part in getting me through them so thank you for that. I love you all. So merry christmas...and here's to a better 2023 for all of us!" She said, raising her drink for a toast. Everyone did the same thing and they all cheered. Olivia smiled as she sat down. She leant over and kissed Antonio who took her hand comfortably in his and squeezed it.

"Let's eat!" Cruz called out happily, making people laugh. Boden started cutting the turkey as everyone else started handing around the other food. Not even 20 minutes later, the house was called out to a car accident.

"Gotta go, love you. See you in the morning." Olivia quickly said to Antonio as Mouch said goodbye to Trudy. She quickly pecked him on the lips as she stood up before she ran out with the others.

Arriving back at the firehouse house just before 10:30 pm, all everyone wanted to do was clean up and hit the sack. Olivia went to grab a drink from the fridge.

"What?- You didn't have to stay and clean up..." She said as she found Antonio cleaning up some of the dishes.

"It's the least I could do." He simply smiled as he placed the last dish on the drying rack.

"Leftovers are covered and in the fridge." He added. Olivia walked round the work bench to him.

"Hmm, how did I get so lucky?" She mumbled as she wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big hug.

"I'm going to head home. Try and get some sleep, yeah?" Antonio said as they pulled apart and he walked over to grab his jacket from the chair.

"Yeah. I'll see you in the morning." She said happily as she slipped her hands into her pockets.

"Hmm, love you." He said, giving her a kiss.

"Love you too." She said as they walked out together before going their separate ways. Antonio left as Olivia headed to the bunk room for some shut eye.

Just after 7am the next morning and the shift was finally over.

"Bye guys! Have a good one." Olivia said to everyone who remained in the locker room as she headed out.

"Bye Liv!"

Driving home, Olivia got home in record time due to the roads being so empty. Pulling into their driveway, she smiled as she saw their Christmas lights. It was their first Christmas in their new home and she was so happy to finally be home. The shift hadn't been particularly busy like previous years but it just felt like it had gone on forever.

"Morning gorgeous." Antonio said happily as Olivia walked into the kitchen and found him doing some cooking.

"Hi." She smiled as she walked over and pecked him on the lips.

"Smells amazing." she commented as she looked at what he was making.

"I thought I'd make us something to eat later and some picky bits to munch on.

"Hmm, good shout." Olivia mumbled through the mouthful of bacon that she had just picked up and shoved in her mouth. Antonio laughed as he handed over the plate. Olivia wiped her hands as she walked round the counter to him.

"Happy Christmas." Olivia whispered, as she flung her arms over his shoulders.

"Happy Christmas." Antonio smiled, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in a little closer.

"I can't wait to marry you next year." She smiled, looking up at him.

"Me neither...although we should really finish planning that. You know, just a minor detail." He teased, making her laugh.

"Hmm, yeah, good idea. We should really finish sorting it otherwise it's just gonna be an empty venue." She agreed. They had already booked a few things after picking a date but they still had a lot to get done.

"Hmm, I love you." Olivia mumbled as she snuggled herself against him.

"I love you too." He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

A/N - MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! This year has been the hardest year ever for me after losing my dad very suddenly in July but I've tried to use writing as an escape from everything. I'm not sure what updates will be like next year as I'm moving house in the first week of January and I'm in the final few months of university. But, thank you for reading. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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