Chapter 21 - Stay With Me

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It was mid-afternoon. Olivia was out for a run, listening to some music. She was about ten minutes from home when she heard tyres screeching nearby. She pulled off her headphones and looked around just in time to see a car stop, drop someone out onto the street and speed off down the road. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and managed to snap a picture of the car off in the distance, catching the license plate, before she ran over to the guy on the floor. He was bleeding. Badly.
"What's your name?" She asked the guy as she applied pressure to the obvious gunshot wound on his abdomen.
"Ah-Alex." The guy groaned.
"I'm Liv okay? I'm a firefighter and a paramedic. I'm going to help you." Olivia reassured him as she called for help.
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?" Dispatch said as soon as the line connected.
"I need an ambulance and police to ermm- the corner of mainland and west. I have a male, approximately mid-twenties bleeding out from a gunshot wound to his abdomen after a drive by drop off. There's a member of the CFD on scene." Olivia called out as she had put the phone on speaker and placed it next to her on the ground.
"Okay, help is on the way. ETA is 4 minutes."
"You hear that Alex? Help's coming okay, just stay with me." Olivia told him as the line disconnected.
"What happened Alex? When did this happen?" Olivia asked, trying to find out what had happened whilst also keeping him awake.
"I-I erm didn't do anything. They think I stole from them...but I didn't." Alex struggled to get out.
"Come on man, I can tell there's more to it." Olivia said.
"I wanted to leave. They know I didn't have the money but I didn't steal from them. I would never do that." Alex said, scared.
"Okay, everything's going to be okay." Olivia reassured him as he started to get more and more agitated.
"Hey, hey, Alex, stay with me. Come on, you hear me. Stay with me!" Olivia shouted, as she tapped his cheek.
"Listen to me, help's coming okay. Please stay with me..." She pleaded, as she desperately held pressure to his wound.
"You hear that? They're coming okay." She said happily as sirens could be heard getting closer and closer. Olivia sighed with relief as Truck 81 and Ambulance 61 sped down the street.
"Help me!!" Olivia screamed, as they stopped. Casey and the others jumped out the truck and ran over. They had obviously sent truck 81 as support in case anything happened at the scene.
"Olivia?" Casey asked once he saw their colleague on scene.
"I'm okay." She told them, as she was covered in blood. Casey looked at her.
"It's not's his." Olivia reassured him as Sylvie and Emily ran over with the equipment.
"What do we have?"
"Alex Clarkson. Was shot in the abdomen around 20 minutes ago. Major bleeding." Olivia listed off frantically.
"We need to get a line in. Get him on some O2 and get him to med." Olivia added, her medical skills coming into play. Sylvie nodded and started placing an IV as Emily grabbed gurney and back board.
"Guys we need a hand." Emily called out. Mouch and Kidd stepped forward and helped them roll Alex on the board before they lifted him onto the gurney. She strapped him down before she loaded him into the back of the ambulance. Just then the police showed up and Olivia noticed Intelligence was there as well.
"Brett's going to need help. Tell the police I'll talk to them at med." Olivia told Casey as she jumped in the back with Sylvie.
"You got it." Casey agreed as he closed the doors behind her. He tapped them twice and Emily pulled off down the street, lights and sirens blaring.

A little while later at Chicago med, Olivia, Sylvie and Emily had dropped Alex off with the trauma team and were cleaning up the rig.
"It was really nice seeing you." Sylvie told Olivia happily.
"Well, I'm back next shift so I'll see you on Thursday." Olivia told them as it was currently Monday.
"Good. I'm happy you're coming back." Sylvie said jumping out the back.
"Me too." Olivia agreed as they closed the doors. Just then, Olivia spotted Jay and Antonio walking towards them.
"I better go talk to them. I'll see you guys later." Olivia said waving them off as she walked away.
"Hi." She greeted both the detectives. Antonio gave her a hug and made sure she was okay before they started taking her statement.
"Let's just start off with what you saw." Jay asked Olivia. She was standing outside Chicago Med with him and Antonio.
"Well, I was out for a run. I heard tyres screeching so I pulled off my headphones and looked around. I saw a car kick a guy, Alex, out onto the street before it sped away." Olivia explained, remembering everything that she could.
"I managed to take a picture of the car. It's a little blurry but I think I got the licence plate in it." Olivia added as she pulled out her phone. She showed Jay the picture before she sent it to his and Antonio's phones.
"Then I ran over and helped him. All I know is he said something about them, I'm assuming he meant a gang, thought he had stolen money from them. He swore he didn't. I believed him. He was terrified." Olivia finished off.
"Good job. If we have any more questions we know where to find you." Jay told her as he closed his notepad. Olivia nodded and stayed with Antonio.
"I'm fine honestly, go back to work and find out what happened. I'm going to head home anyways." Olivia told him. He gave her a hug and a kiss before he left with Jay. Olivia went inside to check on how Alex was doing before she booked an uber and headed back to her place. The first thing she did when she got home was have a shower and get cleaned up. Once she had finished that she chucked her leggings and top in the washing, threw her long-sleeved running jacket in the bin as it was drenched in blood with no hopes of it ever being saved, before she made herself something to eat. She settled down in front of the tv with a sandwich, nice warm hot chocolate and a movie as she relaxed and waited for Antonio to get home.

Later that evening, Olivia was in the kitchen making some dinner when Antonio arrived. Although they didn't live together yet, they spent most of their time at her place as they both had busy work schedules so they want to spend as much time together as possible.
"Hey." He said, coming into the kitchen.
"Hi." Olivia smiled as she drained the pasta over the sink.
"How can I help?" Antonio asked as he took off his gun and badge and put it in the drawer that Olivia had cleared in the kitchen for him.
"Ermm, you could get the garlic bread out of the oven." She asked him, as she plated up the food. A few minutes later they were sitting at the table eating.
"How's the case going?" Olivia asked, wanting to know what was going on considering she had been there that morning.
"Alex made it through surgery." Antonio told her first, knowing that's what she wanted to know.
"And we almost cracked it. We've narrowed it down to a few people based on CCTV. Apparently it's looking like a case of mistaken identity. Alex got lucky he wasn't hurt any worse." Antonio explained as he left out the details.
"Good." Olivia agreed.
"This is really good." Antonio told Olivia, changing the subject.
"Thanks." Olivia grinned.
"I go back to work next shift." Olivia told Antonio, considering she hadn't had a chance to tell him yet as she had only spoken to Boden and Casey about it that morning having been cleared by Dr Charles yesterday.
"That's good. Just take it easy." Antonio told her supportively. Olivia smiled and took his hand in hers.
"I will. Casey will probably have me on his hip for a few shifts at least." Olivia reassured him.

A/N - I originally forgot and authors note to end the chapter and ChloeOgradyXo reminded me so here it is. Hope you liked this chapter.
Dharma x

Dharma x

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