Chapter 18 - Frozen

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"Whatcha thinking about?" Antonio asked, shifting slightly.
"Huh?" Olivia asked sitting up. They had had a pretty chill day in bed. Her shift did not start until the mid-afternoon and Antonio had the day off.
"Nothing." Olivia dismissed shifting out of the bed.
"I'm going to have a shower." She stated, grabbing some clothes from her cupboard.
"I'll make us some lunch." Antonio told her, getting up.
"Thank you." Olivia smiled, giving him a kiss before she walked off into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Antonio pulled on his clothes before he went to make them some late lunch. They had about an hour and a half before Olivia had to be at work so they weren't in a mad rush. As time crept by, Olivia soon found that it was time for her leave. Collecting her stuff, her and Antonio headed out together. Olivia locked up and they walked hand in hand down to the street. Like a true gentleman, Antonio walked Olivia to her car and opened the door for her. Olivia smiled and threw her bag onto the passenger seat before she gave him a hug. After a minute they pulled apart and she climbed into the driver's seat. Antonio shut the door as Olivia rolled down the window as she started the engine.
"Have a good shift. Stay safe." Antonio said leaning against her car. Olivia smiled and nodded.
"Have a good day tomorrow. See you after your shift?" She asked, knowing she would finish work tomorrow before he did.
"Maybe. I might have the kids." Antonio reminded her. Olivia nodded.
"See you later." Antonio said leaning in to give her a kiss.
"Do I have to go?" Olivia fake pouted, making Antonio smirk.
"Yes. Go save live. Be a badass." He said between giving her kisses. Olivia smiled as she pulled on her seatbelt. Antonio stood back and moved out of the way so she could drive away before she risked being late. She caught Antonio waving in her back mirror and smiled as she turned off her street, heading towards the firehouse.

Once she arrived at the firehouse, Olivia said hi to those who were already there before she went to put her stuff in her locker and get changed into her uniform. She then put her turn-out gear by the truck before she went to join some of the others in the common room. As more people started to arrive, the shift finally started. It didn't take them long to get a callout. From that call onwards they had a feeling it was going to be a long shift as they were called from call to call, not having time to go back to the firehouse. Some calls were for Truck 81 alone whereas others were for the whole house. Squad 3 and Engine 51 joining them. It was nearly six hours into their shift when they finally made it back to the firehouse, having stopped to refuel on the way back. Some went to rest whilst others went to eat. Olivia wasn't that hungry so after freshening up a bit, she decided to go rest on her bunk. Laying down, Olivia sighed as she relaxed. She spent a little while talking to Antonio over text messages before she closed her eyes. They weren't closed for long though as the claxon sounded, alerting the whole house to a new call-out.

Firehouse 51, reports of smoke coming from 4328 Rickhallen Avenue. Multiple victims reported to be fleeing from the building.

Multiple people groaned as they jumped up and ran for their vehicles. Olivia kicked off her boots before she stepped into her turnout gear and pulled them on. She piled into the truck along with everyone else before all the vehicles pulled out, lights and sirens blaring, with Truck 81 in the lead.

Arriving on scene, they realised just how bad the fire was. It had already spread to the house next door.
"Engine 51, get hose lines ready. Squad 3, take the house on the right. Truck 81, take the house on the left and crowd control." Chief Boden ordered as everyone piled out of the trucks and gathered together. Everyone nodded and got to work. Severide and Casey split up the crews before they all went off. Olivia was partnered with Casey searching the basement and downstairs of the house they had been assigned whilst the others searched the upstairs floor – some staying out to keep the crowd back. The smoke was dark and heavy so they knew they didn't have long before the fire engulfed the entirety of the house. After clearing the basement, Olivia and Casey started searching the downstairs floor. Their house was a lot bigger than the one squad had gone into so they were about halfway through their search when they heard Squad 3 announce that their house was clear. Olivia was just ahead of Casey when a noise caught her attention.
"Did you hear that?!" Olivia shouted to Casey as she stopped moving. Casey turned to her as they both heard the creaking again.
"'s becoming unstable!" Casey shouted into his radio.
"Let's go!" Casey instructed. Olivia nodded and started moving again. After 2 steps, the floor creaked loudly before it gave out from under her, causing her to fall down to the basement.
"Mayday! Mayday! Firefighter down! The floor gave way, Liv fell into the basement!" Casey shouted clearly into his radio as he looked down into the basement. She wasn't moving.
"Liv!" He called.
"Liv!" He shouted again, this time having taken his mask off. Yet again no response but her pass device started going off.
"She's not moving." He informed everyone as he started making his way to the stairs. Racing down the stairs and over to the rubble, Casey grabbed hold of Liv.
"She's pinned! There's a beam trapping her." Casey said as Squad 3 joined him.
"Liv?" Casey asked, moving her mask away from her face. She was conscious but she was breathing really fast.
"I'm okay...." She shot out, trying to move.
"On 3 we lift this." Severide instructed. Everyone nodded and got hold of the beam.
"1,2,3!" He ordered, before everyone lifted the beam. Casey moved and dragged Olivia out from underneath.
"Are you alright?" He asked, seeing no obvious injuries. Olivia didn't respond but she kept staring off into the distance.
"We need to go now!" Severide butted in, knowing that the building was unstable. Casey nodded and grabbed one of Olivia's arms as Severide grabbed the other. They practically dragged her out. Stumbling out of the building they hit the floor as the house collapsed behind them. Sylvie and Emily rushed over.
"Fuller, go to med. Get checked out." Casey instructed as she stood up.
"That's an order." He stated, giving her a look that suggested he wasn't asking. Olivia knew what he was doing. She had zoned out in the house and now he was concerned she had injured herself again.
"Honestly Chief, I'm fine. I don't need to waste anyone's time at Med." Olivia protested looking at him seriously. Boden sighed and ordered her to go sit in the truck.
"What happened in there?" Boden asked Casey and Severide.
"She completely zoned out. I think-" Casey started.
"I think it had something to do with the incident in Seattle. But she froze." Casey answered honestly. Boden nodded and walked off. As everyone dealt with the fire, Squad 3 left the scene first, closely followed by Truck 81 who left Engine 51 and another Engine company to deal with the fire. The ride back to the firehouse was quiet. Nobody really talked to each other. Olivia had been especially quiet, switching her time on the ride between looking out of the window and leaning her head back against the seat. She was so zoned out that she didn't even hear when Casey asked if she was okay, something of which Casey took note of, knowing that something was going on. The first thing he did when they got back to the firehouse is talk to Severide before the pair went to speak to Boden. Casey especially was worried about Olivia noticing how much she had been zoning out lately, he knew that they had to do something otherwise something bad could happen.

Olivia was sitting in her bunk, leaning back against the wall.
"What happened on that call?" Boden asked as he walked over with Casey.
"Nothing, I'm fine. I was just shocked." Olivia lied.
"You've been zoning out, not hearing people. I understand you're working through things, but that can't happen." Boden told her. Olivia frowned.
"You're benched until further notice." Boden declared.
"Are you kidding me, Chief?!" Olivia exclaimed as she stood up.
"Until you talk to someone and they declare you fit for work, you're benched for your own good." Boden said sternly. Olivia huffed and gave in before she stormed off to the locker room. She angrily grabbed things from her locker and shoved them into her bag. She knew that Boden was only looking out for her, but she still didn't agree with his decision. After grabbing what she needed, Olivia pulled on her hoodie. She slammed her locker shut before she grabbed her bag from the bench and walked out. She went out the back way so she didn't have to face anyone although her plan failed as she heard Casey calling her name from the back door. Choosing to ignore him, Olivia carried on to her car and threw her bag into the back seat.
"Olivia...come on. Wait a minute." Casey called, as he jogged over to her. Olivia sighed and leant on her car.
"What do you want Matt?" Olivia sighed.
"You know Boden's only looking out for you." Matt said reasonably. Olivia sighed.
"Yeah. I know." She agreed.
"So take some time. Get your head straight. We'll be here." Matt told her. Olivia nodded her head.
"Thanks Matt." She said, giving him a weak smile. Matt returned the smile and he gave his friend a hug.
"Call or text me anytime." He added as Olivia got into her car.
"I will." She told him, as she turned on the ignition. Casey moved away from the car as she pulled off down the street. He watched until Olivia turned off the street before he headed back into the firehouse.

Once she was home, the first thing she did was dump her bag and uniform in the corner of her room before she went to have a shower. After just standing in the shower, letting the warm water cascade over her slightly aching body, she quickly washed her hair and body before she got out. She chucked on a pair of her joggers and one of Antonio's CPD tops that he had left at her place. She had just finished french braiding her hair when she heard her front door opened and then quickly close. She knew that it was Antonio because she knew that Casey would call him to tell him what had happened.
"Babe?" Antonio called out. Olivia walked out to him. Instead of saying anything, she walked straight over to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him as she buried her face into his chest. Antonio wrapped his arms tightly around her and rubbed her back gently as he felt her sobbing into his chest. He had never seen her like this before and it really hurt him seeing her this upset. He knew that she had been through a lot as they had both spoken to each other about their past but he had a feeling there was still a lot that he didn't know about. He wasn't angry, if anything he was the complete opposite. He hated the fact she obviously felt like she couldn't tell him about everything.
"Shh, I got you. I've got you." Antonio whispered as he rubbed her back gently.

Hey guys! Here's another's been a hot minute!! Sorry it's been so long there's been a lot going on and I really didn't feeling like writing. It's still crazy right now between doing Uni from home, still going to work and England has just gone into a second lockdown so updates will still be here and there and may take a while. How are you all doing? Hope everyone's okay!! Stay safe ❤️

 How are you all doing? Hope everyone's okay!! Stay safe ❤️

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