Chapter 35 - Moving Day

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It was moving day for Olivia and Antonio. Olivia had managed to rope in Casey and Severide to help them for the day and Antonio had managed to rope in Jay to help as well. Between the five of them, they had the day to move everything from the truck into the house. Antonio and Olivia had spent the previous day loading everything into the truck with Casey and Severide's help. Antonio and Olivia at the house, waiting for everyone else. Antonio had driven the rental truck whilst Olivia had driven Antonio truck.

"How the hell did you get Will roped into helping?" Antonio laughed, nodding towards Jay and his brother who just pulled up in Jay's truck.

"I didn't, Jay did." Olivia shrugged.

"What did he say to get you to help out?" Olivia asked Will as the two men joined Antonio and Olivia by Antonio's truck.

"Steak and beer." Will grinned.

"Well thank you for helping. You also win beer and pizza from us." Olivia laughed.

"Win-win for me." Will said happily.

"This place is nice." Jay stated as they looked at the house.

"It's perfect, three bedrooms, an office, open space. And a massive attic which can be converted into another room." Olivia explained happily.

"Wow. You guys lucked out." Jay stated.

"Yeah...let's just say my grandparents will be happy with what I'm doing with my inheritance money that they left for me." Olivia nodded.

"Right, come on then. Casey and Severide should be here any minute. I gave them a key whilst they were helping us load up yesterday and they're picking up the fragile boxes on their way over." Olivia explained as she unlocked the moving truck that Antonio had spent almost ten minutes trying to reverse on the driveway without crashing it.

"Dude, how much stuff do you two have?!" Will laughed as the door of the truck swung open.

"Too much." Olivia cringed, as she thought about how challenging the next few hours were going to be.

"Blame her...she's the impulsive buyer!" Antonio joked, pointing to his fiancee. Olivia didn't know what to say but laughed and nodded.

"Right, where do we start?" Casey asked, joining them with Severide, the pair having just pulled up behind them with the fragile items that they had picked up from the apartment for the couple.

"Errm, big stuff first? I don't know. We already cleared out the stuff that we didn't want to keep when we were packing the other day so that should make moving stuff a lot easier." Olivia shrugged.

"Good idea. Bulky stuff first then we can move anything else later if we don't get it done before our helpers have to leave." Antonio agreed. Olivia came up with a plan and went round labelling each bit of furniture with some sticky notes, stating what room they were going in. To make things even clearer, she went round and put labels on the doors of all the rooms upstairs so everyone knew which room was which, (like their bedroom, the spare room, the office etc).

A few hours later, Olivia and Will had gone out to get some pizza and basic foodie bits for everyone at the house. All of the furniture and most of the boxes had been moved into the house. All of the furniture had been placed in their respective rooms and the boxes were scattered around everywhere. Olivia and Will had just walked in the door when a shout came from the bedroom upstairs.

"-son of a bitc-"

"I brought pizza!" Olivia shouted, cutting off the loud shout that came from the bedroom. Antonio walked out of the master bedroom as Casey and Severide appeared from the spare room before they all walked downstairs. Olivia set the pizza boxes down on the kitchen counter and let them eat it.

"You okay?" Olivia asked Antonio as he came over to her.

"Yeah, I jammed my hand between the windowsill and chest of drawers." Antonio pouted.

"Awe." Olivia said, stroking his hair.

"This is good pizza." Will said with a mouthful. Olivia laughed and handed him a paper plate which he took appreciatively.

"We're going to head off. We have a shift tomorrow. Let me know if you need anything." Casey told Olivia. She had the shift off as Boden had given her it off to allow her to have a few days to settle into the house.

"Okay, thanks for the help. Take these." Olivia said, handing over a goodie bag to both him and Severide that she had put together for them. It consisted of beer and a few snacks.

"Here, take some pizza otherwise it will go to waste." Olivia said, handing over one of the two boxes.

"Have a good evening guys." Severide said as he followed Casey out.

"We'll help grab the rest of the boxes from the truck. After that I can go with Antonio to return it and bring him back." Jay suggested. Jay and Antonio started grabbing the boxes out of the truck as Will helped Olivia sort their room out so her and Antonio actually had somewhere to sleep that night.

Almost two hours later, they had finished unloading the truck. Jay had followed Antonio to the truck rental places as they returned the truck and brought him home again before he and his brother left, taking some beer and pizza with them. By now it was starting to get late as moving stuff into the house had taken a little longer than they had originally thought.

"Let's try and sort the bulky stuff out? Then we can work on the rest during the week." Antonio suggested.

"Good idea." Olivia agreed, otherwise they'd be up all night. Olivia made sure they had everything out that they needed for the night like clothes, bathroom supplies etc as Antonio made sure all the boxes around the house were stacked out of the way. By 9pm they were both tired. They had spent some time sorting some of the boxes out. They had just finished clearing the hallway and decided to call it a night.

"Hey, hey." Antonio said, stopping Olivia from walking off as he gently grabbed her wrist.

"Welcome home babe." He grinned, pulling her towards him so he could wrap his arms around her waist. Olivia squealed slightly as she flung her arms around his neck.

"I love you, you know that?" She whispered, looking into his eyes.

"I know you do...I like you I guess." Antonio teased.

"Oi!" Olivia said, playfully shoving him away from her.

"I love you too." Antonio said after capturing her in his embrace again.

A/N – Okay, I completely forgot I had written this chapter ages ago so I've delayed posting it. It's kind of just a filler chapter but I thought moving into their new house was a good thing to include so here it is! Let me know what you want to see next :) Thanks for reading.

 It's kind of just a filler chapter but I thought moving into their new house was a good thing to include so here it is! Let me know what you want to see next :) Thanks for reading

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