Chapter 10 - Hard Times

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A few days had passed. The funeral had been and gone and Olivia had been spending as much time at the firehouse as possible before she went back to Chicago. Everyone was concerned for Vic. They didn't know how she was doing really. All they could do was be there for each other.
"You'll keep an eye on her, yeah? Let me know how she's doing?" Olivia asked Jack as he walked her out. Travis and Vic were out on an Aid car callout and she had already said goodbye to everyone else.
"Yes. I promise." Jack said nodding his head.
"God I miss you guys." Olivia sighed, as she gave Jack a goodbye hug.
"I'm going to go whilst I still have it together." Olivia said jokingly, as she was barely holding herself together. Once again Jack nodded his head.
"You fly out tomorrow?" He asked as they reached her rental car.
"Yeah. Tomorrow afternoon. I'm meeting Travis after his shift and he's taking me to the airport." Olivia explained.
"Well, take care of yourself. We'll be fine here." He told her seriously.
"Take care of yourself too." Olivia said, giving him another hug. Travis had told about everything that had happened over the last few months and it had felt nice catching up with Jack after the rough few months that he had had. Jack smiled and stood back as Olivia climbed into the car.
"See you later." She said, starting the engine before she drove off down the street.
Throughout her whole stay back in Seattle, Olivia couldn't help but think about one thing. The way her and Ryan had left things after their break-up and after she had left. It had constantly been on her mind and later that evening she found herself pulling up on his street outside his house. Taking a few minutes to think about what she was doing, Olivia got out of the car and walked up the path to the front door. Hesitantly,  knocked on the door. It only when she heard movement on the other side that she thought about what she was doing. Before she had the chance to turn around and leave, the door swung open.
"Olivia?" Ryan asked shocked.
"Hi- ermm. God this was a bad idea..." Olivia stumbled, muttering the last bit. Ryan sensed that she had something on her mind.
"Do you want to come in?" He asked. Olivia nodded so he stepped aside and let her in before he closed the door.
"Before you say anything, let me get this off my chest." Olivia said, cutting Ryan off before he could start speaking. Ryan nodded and leaned against the kitchen counter. Olivia took a deep breath.
"Okay, well I know this isn't the most appropriate time with everything that's happening right now, but I- I wanted to apologise for everything. We never really spoke about it all after- yeah after that period. We kind of just moved on. Which is good I suppose but I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry if I hurt you." Olivia said all at once.
"It's fine...I get it." Ryan said half-heartedly.
"No...please don't do that. I hurt you...I know that. And I don't think words will ever be enough but, I-"
"Liv...I get it. I really do. You we're going through some shit and you needed time. I get that, I can't argue that." Ryan told her seriously. Olivia laughed slightly.
"I told myself I wasn't going to do this. Come over hear like this...but I-"
"Ehh...I don't even know. I'm sorry..." Olivia said quietly, as she started walking towards the front door. Ryan placed his hand on the door and stopped her from leaving. She turned around and came face to face with Ryan. Ignoring everything, they both leant in and their lips crashed together.
"We shouldn't be doing this..." Olivia muttered, as he kissed down her neck. He chuckled.
"Wanna stop?" He asked her smirking. Olivia shook her head and jumped up so her legs wrapped around his waist. He placed his arms around her back and carried her to his bedroom.
The next day, just like Olivia had told Jack, she met up with Travis for one last catch-up before she flew back to Chicago that afternoon.
"I tried calling you last night..." Travis told Olivia as they sat having a coffee in the park.
"Yeah...I had some stuff to do." Olivia lied.
"You're lying..."
"No- No, I'm not." Olivia shot back, a little too eagerly. Travis gave her 'the look'.
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed a few minutes later.
"What?!" Olivia asked.
"You went round to Ryan's!" Travis said a little to loudly. Olivia blushed.
"You slept with him didn't you?!" Travis whisper shouted, being able to read Olivia like a book. Olivia awkwardly sipped her coffee.
"Oh my god you did!"
" maybe I did. But it wasn't planned." Olivia told him. He continued looking at her, telling her to continue.
"So I went to talk to him...apologise. We never really did that after everything. I hurt him Trav and I needed to get that off my chest. Then before I left one thing lead to another and yeah..." Olivia muttered.
"I knew it!" Travis smirked.
"I didn't mean anything. We've moved on. He lives here. And I live in Chicago. It means nothing." Olivia reiterated, as if trying to persuade herself. Travis nodded and finished off his coffee before throwing the cup into the bin.
"On that note, we best get going. You need to check out and grab you stuff from the hotel now if you're going to catch your flight." Travis said sadly. Olivia nodded and threw her cup into the bin before the pair walked off to his car.

Just under 2 hours later, Travis pulled up outside the airport. He switched off the engine and turned to face Olivia.
"How is it harder now than before?" Olivia asked, already feeling her eyes welling up.
"Last time I was working and I had to go out on a call. This time I'm here." Travis stated.
"Well, I better be going. Especially if I'm going to restrain myself from crying." Olivia said as they climbed out of the car.
"Are you sure you don't want me to wait with you?" Travis asked, grabbing her bag from the back.
"No...I think that will just make it harder." Olivia said taking her back from him.
"Right. Keep yourself safe. I'll let you know when I get back to my place." Olivia told her friend. Travis smiled and nodded his head.
"Love you bestie." Olivia sighed, giving him a hug.
"Love you too." Travis said, hugging her back tightly. After a few minutes they pulled away. Olivia picked her bag up from the floor and smiled at Travis.
"See you soon?" She asked, backing away. Travis nodded his head.
"Definitely. I'll be visiting you in no time." He joked. Olivia laughed as she headed inside. She turned and waved to Travis before she made her way properly inside. Pulling herself together Olivia got herself checked in and through security and all that yada-yada before she sat waiting at her boarding gate. As much as she loved being back in Seattle, she couldn't wait to get back to Chicago and more importantly, back to work.

Ta-da! Hope you liked it. Not sure when the next chapter will be up as I have a busy few weeks coming up and Im back at college now, but I'll get it done! :) Anyways, let me know what you think of the story so far and what you want to see next! X

 Not sure when the next chapter will be up as I have a busy few weeks coming up and Im back at college now, but I'll get it done! :) Anyways, let me know what you think of the story so far and what you want to see next! X

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