"You do not do this for them or anyone else, you save for you, like before it was always for the thrill, for the kick of doing it"

"You can care less of the lives you saved"

"Or the lives they live"

"YOU WANTED POWER, and you got it"

"You wanted to be a hero, not their hero, YOUR HERO"

"To Save Yourself from boredom, to save yourself from your own strife and hopelessness"

"To hide your insecurities, that's why you made the deal"

"And it is the reason you became the thing you've been killing for years"

"So think about it, do you care for them, any of them at all, this world that your not even from, these people that deep inside are like the people that threw you aside back home"

"These so called heroes that are only in it for themselves"

"What do you want from me" said Saitama as he was tearing up from the inside as he knew what misery was doing to him, how she was framing it to fit her narrative, to play him that way she had played him his entire life.

To miss with his head, to make him give in to her wants, to her word.

"All I want is for you to be honest with yourself"

"Bullshit" he thought as he began to feel again, to feel his strength, his ability to move was returning to him again.

"It seems are time together is up"

"Maybe, next time you would treasure are time together and not fight me on these stupid things"

"Until next time, darling"

And in that instant her touch was gone, as he looked before him as the scenery was nothing but hot blistering Magma.

Nothing of before was left behind, for all was equally burned and destroyed.

And in that moment he could feel it, the need and want for a fight.

The heat in his body rising as he felt something in his body he hadn't felt since he was back in his world.

The want for excitement, the need for a challenge, the want for a release.

It had returned, that part of him.

And in this world he felt he can get that if he searched hard enough.

But before he could go deeper into his mind he was awakened.

As he woke up in a cold sleep, realization hitting him in the face.

What the hell was that.

Why has Misery returned.

What was that scene.

How could he stop it.

How could he stop himself, he knew that feeling, he knew what that would do to him.

He went to the restroom to wash off as he looked himself in the mirror and could no longer look anymore.

He was disgusted with that dream, vision, whatever the hell it was, he saw it in himself again.

He glimpsed back into the darkness into the monster he truly is, for so long he tried to ignore it, tried to hide it.

How much longer can he hide it, hide it from the titans, from the people, from the league, from himself.

These are the questions that he posed to himself.

The Questions and worries of a Monster.

To Be Continued.


So only those that ask for advise from me know this but I pump out these chapters really late at night.

And the reasons I do it is because I either can't sleep or because I wake up in the middle of the night and I just decide to write to pass the time.

Were still not in Arc, just so you can know because this chapter is pretty different from the last few.

Anyway, now that this is published I don't know what to do with the rest of my time.

I'll guess I'll try to force myself to sleep.

Anyways see you guys next chapter.

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