Forsaken To Humanity

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Saitama looked at his closed fist as the tears flowed from his eyes, he had woken from the dream as he went through an array of emotions, Anger, Sadness, Spitefulness, Frustration, it all came at him 100 miles an hour as he wanted to hurt the person who had put him through that experience so bad as hateful venom was glazing through him.

"So your Selfless Subconscious defies Your Desires" said Aphrodite with an accepting face as Hera sat with her eyes closed as she didn't want to see the conclusion to this 2 sided street.

Saitama remembered what happened to him, he remembered the deal he made with Zeus, and he remembered Aphrodite especially as she remained in the form of Tatsumaki.

He was pissed and he had decided to Punch her first. That was until he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked back to see Wonder Woman, as she nodded no.

And Saitama then thought of the dream and everything he went through as he remembered the life he lived, both the good and the bad, and eventually, the promise came to mind. Every fiber of his being screamed to him to Punch this Goddess to the next life, but he couldn't find the strength to do it as it was thanks to this goddess that he was able to have such memories, it was thanks to the goddess that he had returned to the life of a hero.

Aphrodite had long closed her eyes waiting for this man's punishment but in never came, as she was left with the cold air.

Diana went took this motion with complete understanding as she refrained to correct this insult to one of her gods. For what Was happening before her eyes was a mortal man vold shoukdering the goddess of beauty with a stare that zoned off into nothingness as Aphrodite understoodand accepted this coldness a feeling she had little of experience recieving.

She understood her actions were horrid and unforgivable.

And while this was happening Hera was now watching as this mortal man had completely defied her expectations.

She was wrong but she was glad, as she would then turn to her husband Zeus.

And Zeus looked up staring at the heaven's his face had light shining upon his face as he held a look of bliss and grace. As if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

But their was also a great disappointment as Zeus was in a fighting mood and hoped to defeat and vanquish The Mortal Man.

But now it had been confirmed before him that this mortal man was no normal man, No, he was exactly as he spoke a dimensional traveler stranded in a world beyond his own comprehension, lost and seeking his way back home.

The Question was who had brought him here, for no deity, God, or Astral Being had the capability.

Then it came to him, for this work could only be done by one individual, now a new Question spark in his mind, and that is, Why did he bring this mortal here.

What danger threatens this dimension, and would this single man be enough to stop such a threat.

These are the questions that remained unanswered in his head as he stared at this Cue Ball who was worthy enough to become a champion of the gods.

But Zeus wasn't going to make him a champion because he didn't want to give the Cue Ball an Ego that and he didn't like that Saitama actually passed his Trial.

Diana on the other hand didn't know what to think of the situation as she had experience Saitama's entire life, she saw his screw ups, his achievements, his most proud moments, as well as his friends and family.

She learned so much about him as she had completed her mission of retrieveing Saitama and bringing him back to the world.

His story to Diana was one of Somber yet Endurance, Longing Yet Strength, Love and Passion.

These are the characteristics that the Wonder Woman Noticed. And after learning such truth she remembered a time where she believed him a criminal, a Charade with a blade ready to hurt her friends, a deceiver and lier who had hurt one of her friends.

Now she knew the Man Behind the Face of Ignorance. And what she saw was a Man who wanted to take his life and live the way he saw fit, but deep inside that man hid the soul and spirit of a hero and it was something he couldn't ignore so he gave into it, he could not ignore a soul in need.

She found something in this man that reminded her of her friends. She had found this man to be an individual that she would happily fight beside any day of the week.

For that was her resolution,

"So Now what will you do" said Zeus as Deadman floated right into Mount Olympus.

And found just the 2 people he was looking "Saitama, Diana, Jesus fucking Christ what is this place and who are these Schmucks" said Deadman.

"Silence that mouth of yours Boston for your in the presence of the Gods" said Diana.

"Gods, who, them, No Way Really, well shit" said Deadman as he kinda bowed his head to the gods of Olympus "Yeah, Sorry bout that" said Deadman.

And as he said that Hermes flew in as he whispered something into Zeus's ear.

"Show them" said Zeus

As Hermes then played what was currently going on in the world as a screen popped up showing all the hero's in combat with villains.

Saitama saw what was happening and decided to make that call, as he turned his back to leave Mount Olympus.

As Wonder Woman Smiled following right after him, and Deadman smiled knowing exactly what the baldy was thinking.

As Zeus stood from his thrown and said "Begone From This Place Dimensional Hero And Never Return To This Place Again For I Forsaken You To The Unforgiving Task Of Being Humanities Saviour Till You Return For Which You Came" spoke Zeus as the Golden Gates of Olympus Shut.

To Be Continued.


So this is the thing, guys I have a problem, I tried to keep myself from writing another chapter but I kept thinking of writing another chapter so after many hours of arguing with myself as well as trying to find other things to take it off my mind. This chapter happened, and I had failed sentiment of not writing anymore chapter until the new year. Anyway Cheers.

Chapter edited on June 13, 2022.

Author note: I'll keep this short I know this chapter in particular in its original release was something alot of people didn't like and bow looking back I agree so I changed it.

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