Chapter 34 - Its Not What You Think! Ok, Maybe It Is...

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Trevor P.O.V.

Making dinner turned out to be rather easy since Y/N had started it as soon as the flying fucker got her in the room. Tonight was the cabbage apparently since the two of them were peeling large leaves and washing them individually. She just used some cooked venison, onions, mushrooms and bread to make a stuffing, wrapped a bit of it in a leaf of cabbage and put it in the steamer.

"So?" I said as soon as I sat down, "What's your excuse?" Y/N looked up and gave me a dirty look, but I would not give up on this.

"As I said," the annoying fuck muttered, "I was distracted by a kiss."

"No," Sypha began. "Not just that. What about the stray thought you were talking about?"

Blondie looked about as uncomfortable as a eunuch in a brothel, but Y/N stared me down, face turning a dark red, before she burst forth.

"I drank some of his blood, ok?" She screeched. "He cut his finger and I wasn't thinking and I sucked on it and then we went to the study and then he kissed me on the nose and then I kissed him on the nose and thought that I'd love to kiss him in other places and then the bookshelf tipped and he was distracted and it fell on us and you guys came up. And that's the end of that, so will you shut the fuck up about it before I beat the cowboy shit out of you?"

"You drank his blood?!" Sypha rasped. "How could you do such a thing?"

"I just got done saying that I wasn't thinking when I did it. It is done. It is over with. I would greatly appreciate it if you both would just shut up about it instead of your badgering (looking at Sypha) or your idiotic sexual connotations (looking at me), and just leave sleeping dogs fucking lie instead of walking up and kicking the poor bastard."

"I don't see a problem with it anyway," the fucking vampire added. "Its not like we're trying to turn her and it wasn't that much anyway, so it isn't a big deal." He looked over at Y/N and smiled and got one in return.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Y/N said, "I'm going to go check this bruise on my head. Seeing as how you two have a bug up your ass, I'll take care of myself. Leave Adrian alone about this shit or you'll face my wrath. And believe me when I say you will NOT like what happens if I get my hands on some herbs to make you shit yourselves uncontrollably." With a final glare, she exited the room.

"Probably shouldn't have pushed," Sypha said sheepishly, "but it is a little strange."

"There's something I didn't tell you guys," Fang Face uttered.

"There's more?" I prompted.

It was then that he told us about the shared blood incident when they first started sharing a room, accidental of course, and the suppositions Y/N made about healing faster after the night creature bite because of this. I had to admit that she might have been right about that, but it was still disturbing to know that the two of them shared blood, accidental or not. He also said that they can sometimes hear what the other thinks because of this, which was the cause of the accident in Dracula's study.

"But there's something else that I haven't mentioned to her yet, so saying this to you guys is not only embarrassing, but the first time I'm revealing it to anyone. Please, take pity on me and don't bark about it?"

"What is it, Alucard?" Sypha asked gently before saying, "Don't worry, I'll beat the hell out of Belmont if he even begins to give you shit."

"I will give this fanged fucker shit when I like and no woman is going to tell me otherwise." I boasted.

"Ok," Sypha said with a smirk, "I'm sure Y/N would just love to hear that Alucard was picked on even after she warned you not to. I'll be happy to apprise her of it when she returns."

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