Chapter 89 - Revenge, Reuniting And Redemption

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Hector P.O.V.

I sat in the back of the wagon with my dagger and watched as Carmilla began her march into town, a smile on my face all the while. Lenore hadn't left her perch upon the seat of the wagon, howling like a wolf in her belief in their victory. I knew what awaited them. I knew their plans would fail. And I knew she wouldn't have me wrapped around her finger anymore, forcing me to do her bidding and trapping me to her side like a trained dog. I picked up the shackle to give myself something to rest my hand on and prepared the knife. Folding back my other fingers of my left hand, I pushed out the ring finger and prepared to cut it off. I made sure the strip of cloth was ready, placed a dowel into my mouth and brought the knife down. A sickening crunch reached my ears before the gasp.

"Hector! NO!" Lenore screamed and tried to lunge. Without thinking I raised the knife with the point facing her in defense and watched it plunge into her breast above her heart. Gasping breaths and wailing moans escaped her lips as embers of her burning flesh rose into the gray skies above, the accompaniment of screeches and squeals like a death knell choir sounding its final note.

"I'm free of you, you evil bitch," I said with satisfaction as her face was gobbled up with blackened ash and flashing pips of flame. I laughed as her bones fell to the bottom of the wagon and disintegrated at my feet. If I were a betting man, which I'm not by nature, I would bet that my laughter sounded like crying to anyone else. I'm pretty sure that I was crying at one point, whether that was from relief or regret I do not know. Actually, I did know.

I regret having to do what I did. Had she but asked me, I would have stayed by her side and her side alone if we could have gotten away from Carmilla and her foolish plans. Lenore engaged my mind, made me laugh, challenged my intellect and fired my loins. From the moment she kissed me, my heart thrummed to life like it never had before. I don't think I could compare that feeling to anything I'd ever known, and it was a vampire that gave that to me. But she used me. She twisted and corrupted my eagerness, my lust, and destroyed my everything in one swift motion that placed that damnable ring upon my finger. It was a revelation that was more harsh than it needed to be, but necessary for me to learn from.

That damned ring! A dual symbol. A symbol of what we could have been in my mind and what we were in reality: bound together by a singular piece of jewelry that could have been a blessing but turned into a curse. If she had but asked me I would have treasured her regardless of what she was. I would have gladly pledged myself to her in every way possible as a man could for any woman. Instead she betrayed it all to serve her own purposes, blinded by her sisters and their plans instead of following her own heart. There was once a moment where she'd considered what more we could have, and I'd seen it in her eyes, heard it in her laugh and felt it in her touch. She had loved me at one point.

"Enough of this!" I scolded myself. These were the same thoughts that got me into this mess, and thinking about them now was only proof of my continuing stupidity. I wrapped my hand as best I could and went off to find Isaac. Perhaps, if I can get around Carmilla and her soldiers, I can help him be rid of her once and for all.

Isaac P.O.V.

When I came from the back of the building I could see Carmilla's soldiers rushing into the town square and night creatures jumping from building to building the screams and shrieks of the people as they fought to keep from being gathered together. Unfortunately quite a few had already fallen into the group and were held at bay by some soldiers while others went from door to door, pulling people out of their homes and shoving them toward the other townspeople. The night creatures sat atop the buildings through the town, their eyes scanning for any other stragglers they could feast upon while their master wasn't looking.

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