Chapter 108 - Family (?) Time

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Michael P.O.V.

These people are crazy! Here I am, sitting at a table filled with vampires and it has to be one of the weirdest family reunions I have ever been to. How Allen could sit here with a smile and laugh with a group of people who could easily suck his blood out of his body and leave him for dead in the woods weirded me out something fierce. I loved it!

The relatives of my family were a bit too...reserved. I could've brought one or two with me, but after meeting everyone, I couldn't see that as being a great idea. I'd read the stories left by my ancestor Hector and honestly believed them a hell of a lot more than the others. I could imagine just sitting in the same room with everyone as they threw some of the biggest hissy fits in the universe when they found out everything they'd read in the books was indeed true. They'd immediately begin saying everyone was lying or that they were playing a role of some sort just to get their money from them, and then they'd try finding ways of making everyone's lives their own personal hell. And then Dracula would get involved and basically whip the shit out of them for threatening his family.

Instead I'm sitting here watching vampires act the same as humans, just as Hector had said. They argued like family, laughed with each other like family and enjoyed each other's company like family. It was wonderful to be around people who accepted each other for all their faults and weaknesses.

"Would you like to see your relatives?" Y/N asked all of a sudden. Everyone froze.

"What do you mean?" Gregory asked tentatively.

"I went back in time, guys," she said with a smile, "but I had all my electronics with me. You think I wouldn't snap a picture or two when I had my phone and tablet on hand?"

Sure enough, she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through her pictures. I wouldn't dare admit I was intrigued at the notion of being able to see one's progenitor in a candid moment, but the more I tried to ignore it and pretend I wasn't interested, the more I wanted to see. I stood up from my chair and walked around behind Y/N, avidly looking over each picture she flipped though.

"This is the castle," she said as she scrolled through the pictures. "This is the Belmont Hold when I was in it. Here's the conservatory, the laboratory, My roast duck; Sypha was messing with the phone at the time, so don't blame me for that one." We were all marveling at each photo of the place our ancestors used to live, the sight being completely different to the one you would see now, of course. And, just like the black sheep I am, I went to the site and looked around. I recognized some of the rooms we were shown from my trek through, each place looking so much more immaculate than my view.

"And this is Trevor Belmont," she said as if it was something completely normal for her. "Trevor is...well....he's a little bit special. Everything before I met him was about drinking as much as he could, fighting everything, occasionally popping off nuggets of wisdom while his brain swam in a little more stupidity than one man should contain. He was a little rough around the edges."

"I used to get into verbal fights with him all the time," Alucard said on a laugh. "He'd say 'eat shit and die' and I'd say 'yes, fuck you'. We really fought like cats and dogs."

"No," Y/N said, "you two fought like brothers. Little, seven-year-olds who just found your first girlfriend and were trying to act big around them."

"I will pimp slap you with my pee pee here in a minute," Alucard said.

"Yeah, yeah," Y/N rolled her eyes. "I know already. 'I have big pee pee. Unga bunga. Me beat you with me big pee pee. FEAR ME PEE PEE!' I got it."

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