Chapter 38 - Welcome To My World Part 2

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Trevor P.O.V.

I felt like a fool standing here holding a bit of mirror in my hand. Soon enough, Y/N stopped speaking and closed her eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm seeing my living room in my mind," she said matter-of-factly. "I have to visualize exactly where I want to go before the mirror will open it for us. Shouldn't take much longer."

As we stood there, we saw the mirror go from reflecting our images to a smokey black and then something I'd never seen before. The room we saw had some really comfortable looking places to sit, a short table that sat before it all and a black rug with golden scroll work all through it. There was a lot of sunlight streaming throughout and alighting on a mahogany bookshelf that held not only books, but little figures of varying sizes and shapes. My eyes widened at the sight, but I took a moment to look down in my hand and saw that the small bit of mirror I held in my hand showed the exact same scene that was before us in the large mirror.

"Well, everyone," Y/N said with a smile, "welcome to my world. Come!" Alucard and I grabbed the handle of her cart and pulled it along behind us while Sypha followed behind Y/N.

As soon as we stepped through the mirror into the room, there was a soothing scent that wafted through the air. The couch on the other side of the table from us had small purple pillows on it and a folded blanket laying across the back, and was sitting between two stuffed chairs that also had blankets folded over the backs. Two small tables sat between the chairs and couch and had small shaded candle holders with small covered dishes sitting in front of them. Before I could look around a little more, Alucard and Sypha turned around to see the last of the portal that we'd come through shrink and disappear.

Y/N turned to us and took the cart from me and Alucard. She turned to the right and pulled it into a small dining area that had a table with four chairs. Once she got it into the corner, she pulled everything apart and took the cooler into the kitchen and placed it inside what looked like a pantry and closed the door.

"Guys, please," she said with a smile, "it isn't much but its home. Sit down and make yourselves comfortable while I get stuff put away." Before we could say anything else, she flew out of the room toward the hallway just off the dining area and started shuffling about again.

"I feel almost bad for just sitting around here," Sypha said quietly, but did as she was asked. Taking one of the chairs off to the side, she sat down slowly only to jump up again with her eyes wide.

"What's wrong?" I asked, seeing her alarmed face made me a bit wary to move to sit as well.

"That is really soft!" she marveled. "For a moment I thought I'd sat on something else!" She then chuckled and sat back down, but this time snuggling down into the plush cushions surrounding her. I, being the curious one, decided that I would take the other chair that was identical to hers. As soon as I sat down it felt as though the piece of furniture began to swallow me, which was all the information I needed to understand why Sypha reacted as she had. Alucard moved around the table and sat down on the couch between us and sighed in content.

"This is so relaxing," he said on a sigh. "It makes me wonder how the hell Y/N slept on the couch in the library for so long."

"Very uncomfortably," we heard Y/N say as she came back up the hall toward us. She stopped in the kitchen once again and we heard her tinkering around with doors and glasses for a few moments before she came back around the corner to the couch. She sat a tray on the table that had a pitcher of some pale yellow liquid with clear cubes and slices of something floating around in it. Grabbing a short glass, she carefully poured a bit of the liquid in and passed it over. One for each of us.

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