Chapter 64 - Hold Your Head Up High

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A/N: This chapter is a lemon chapter. If you are offended by it or wish not to read it, please do not read. Thank you.

Alucard P.O.V.

When we got in the room, the first thing Y/N did was sit down and remove her shoes. She sat for a moment rubbing her feet before looking up to me with a smile. I loved that smile so much.

"I'm sorry I surprised you the way I did, Adrian," she said, still smiling. "I know I should have discussed with you the whole engagement thing, but your parents just made me think there's no real point in delaying things." I walked over and sat next to her on the end of the bed, leaned back on the palms of my hands and crossed my legs at the ankles. I leaned over until my shoulder bumped hers and brought a chuckle out of her.

"No need to worry about that part, my love," I said softly. "I wasn't concerned with that part at all. As far as I'm concerned, as soon as I figured out that you were my mate you were mine. Engagement, marriage and all that are mortal trappings that mean nothing in the end."

"I have to agree with you there," she admitted. "A friend of mine got married to a man she loved very much. Their relationship before the marriage was ideal, to be perfectly honest, but after the wedding things changed rather quickly. Six months in he was drinking and not working at all. She ended up getting hurt on the job and had to quit, but their lack of money made it so she had to get out an do something. She ended up taking a part time job at a convenience store just to make sure they could pay at least one of their bills." I moved around behind her, spread my legs on either side of her hips and began massaging her shoulders. After she released a pleased moan and uttered a thank you, she continued.

"Her husband was brutal. He would yell at her, call her names, tell her she was useless and that he wished he'd never married her. Mind you, this was all done in public. It was when they were behind closed doors that his true evil reared it's ugly head.

"She told me one evening she had gotten home after work, bringing with her the leftovers from the day because they had time limits on how long some product could be out for purchase, and put it down on the kitchen counter only moments before he punched her in the face. He yelled at her for being late and said she was meeting with someone outside the house to cheat on him with. No matter if her boss, who was female, talked to him about the extended hours during the summer, he would drink and forget it all and take out his ignorance on her. And, as if that weren't enough, he would get mad if she was too tired to have sex and would often rape her to get what he wanted out of her. Once he was done he'd turn over to go to sleep like nothing happened only to wake up the next morning and have no idea what happened the night before."

"What a bastard!" I practically shouted. "And this was a man who she was married to?"

"Yeah," Y/N said sadly. "Three years later I ran into her and found out she was divorced because she found out he was cheating on her with several women. He'd even left to go live with them in another town. It even took a bit of searching to even find him to serve the divorce papers. She said that if she'd known before what she did after the divorce, she would never have even dated the man, much less marry him. She then told me 'Whatever you do, stay single. Never get married. Its much easier to move away and take only the shit that was yours to begin with than to have to pay some fat lawyer in a shitty suit five hundred dollars an hour to file papers to kick your former significant other out of the house'. After that, I never really gave marriage a second thought."

"I don't suppose your parents' marriage changed your opinion on it much," I said as I leaned forward to rest my chin on her shoulder while wrapping my arms around her waist. "I know if I'd seen something similar, I would probably go out of my way to make sure I'd never marry."

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