Chapter 49 - The Outing...And Who's This Asshole?

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Alucard P.O.V.

Y/N came into the room shortly after stopping at Trevor and Sypha's room and I could hear her laughter as she rushed in and closed the door behind her. I decided to act like I was asleep because I loved her many ways of trying to wake me. From playing with my hair to tickling my feet, my love had tried most everything and everything gave me a chuckle. Except when she played with my hair. That put me back to sleep. I think she did that just because she knew I was awake and didn't want to get up yet.

I had the blankets around my waist from when I got up earlier. I knew she'd been feeling horrible since last night, so I didn't wish to make matters worse by asking questions or pushing her to tell me what was on her mind. I already knew what was there and it wasn't pleasant. So, rather than getting up and disturbing her, and knowing that what she did was in an effort to force herself to work through her oncoming depression, I decided to lay back down and stay out of her way.

Even though she knew I could make her feel better by assuring her that she was loved and we were all here for her, she insisted on doing her usual routine as if no one was here. She was so used to being stuck dealing with all of this alone she just went back to the things she did to motivate herself to get over it. Her routine of forcing herself out of bed before she gave in and stayed there. Pushing herself to focus on the things around her rather than look within and let that ugly head of depression stare back at her. After what she'd described from being in her venomous sleep, I couldn't believe someone could think that way about themselves. Then last night happened. Now, I fully understand. And they said my father was evil.

I felt the side of the bed sink down, indicating that Y/N had finally come to wake me. It was so hard not to smile knowing she would be trying to wake me any moment, but I managed. Barely. Next I felt her fingers gently move hair from my face and lightly caress my cheek. When her fingers trailed to my chest, she used her fingernails to scrape against my nipples and ripped a gasp from my lungs.

"I know you're awake, love," I heard her say. "You might as well get up and get dressed. I'm taking the others out to shop for groceries."

"What's the occasion?"

"I decided that we should have a cookout."

"What's that?" I asked as I sat up. As soon as I propped myself against the headboard, I pulled Y/N close and rested her head against my shoulder. Her fingers still trailing up and down my skin incited the muscles of my stomach to flutter from time to time, the tingling and ticklish feeling caused the muscles to twitch.

"Its like camping for you guys, only we get to come back inside." I hummed in response and kissed her forehead. She continued. "I was thinking we could have steaks and potato salad and stuff like that."

"That sounds wonderful, even if I don't know what the hell potato salad is," I said, getting her to chuckle. "I suppose that oaf across the hall is getting ready to go as we speak?"

"Of course," she said with a laugh. "You mention food, ale or sex to that man and he'll practically break his neck to get to it."

I rolled my eyes. "That sounds about right. I suppose I'd better get dressed, too. Wouldn't want you and Sypha to suffer being around him in a grocery store alone." She watched as I got out of bed, leaning forward to smack my butt when I stood up.

"Be truthful, Adrian. You just don't want me to be alone with him."

"Damn right I don't," I admitted while gathering my clothes for a quick shower. "I don't want that asshole alone around you at all. He'll get you dirty." I turned to look at her with a straight face. Her face, however, had a smirk and she was trying to hold in a laugh. Watching that, a grin crept across my face and both of us broke down in laughter.

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