Chapter 139 - Do What To Who? Part 1

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Hector P.O.V.

Watching the look on Isaac's face when Gregory introduced himself was humorous to say the least. Gregory had to be at least a foot taller than him and a few shades lighter in skin tone, but the eyes, chin, cheeks were too close to not see the resemblance. The other male standing there looked at me for a moment before casting his eyes down to the floor. It didn't take much thought to realize that this man was my descendant. His coloring was too similar to mine not to notice it. Deciding to take as much of the awkwardness out of the situation, I approached the young man myself.

"I'm guessing you're my descendant?" I said as casually as I could. I'm pretty sure Dracula could hear just how hard my heart was hammering in my chest, but, judging by the way the male standing before me paled a bit, his heart wasn't exactly slow and steady either.

"Yes," he stated sharply. "My name's Michael Forster." His hand jutted out quickly, but I could easily see how badly it was shaking. Looking into his face one could tell he was doing his best to exude calmness, but what you could actually see was sweat beads forming over his upper lip, eyebrows twitching while he did his best to keep from squinting his eyes. It took everything I had not to laugh as I took his hand in mine...only to sputter a bit.

"Sorry," I chuckled out, "but I didn't think anyone could be more nervous about this than me. Dracula didn't tell me much when he got here, so I really had no idea what to expect."

"Yeah," Michael chuckled, "Vlad's really good at being vague when he wants to be. Pisses me off sometimes how he gets away with saying nothing at all until the last damn minute." To say I was startled was an understatement. I'd never heard of anyone referring to my master by his first name without 'lord' being in front of it. He must have really changed since the last I'd seen him for something like that to happen.

"I'm not sure what to expect with Dracula now," I admitted. "For me, I saw him earlier today after seeing him four months ago, so this is something completely irregular."

"I see," Michael responded, then smiled. "For you its only been a few months. But for Vlad and his family it's been over 600 years. He's had to change with the times, and what you're seeing now is what most of us look like in the 21st century. If you look close, you'll notice his ears aren't pointed either."

I did finally look upon my master. I mean really looked. This isn't the same man who I followed blindly until I just couldn't see his point any longer. This man had evolved through the ages to the loving husband I always thought he was. I'd only seen him with his wife a short time after Carmilla, their need to leave before Y/N had ingrained herself into the town too much more, and it was a doting husband to be sure. This man, however, was that same man with a greater appreciation for human lives and what he nearly eradicated. This man had spent his time side by side with the same humans he thought needed to die rather than be saved for everything they contributed to the world. He was a loving husband, father and friend with a greater appreciation for everything he had around him and a knowledge of his own mistakes.

"He looks happy," I blurted. Michael smiled widely.

"He is happy. Very much so. He also knows who he has to thank for that happiness, which is why he's going out of his way to show his appreciation for it. He wanted all of us to join in with him in welcoming her and her father to the family, so he invited everyone not only to witness the marriage, but to bring us together to celebrate life."

"That sounds a little..."

"Sappy?" Michael asked and started laughing afterwards.

"I'm not sure what that means, but yes. That," I laughed with him. Mara saw the two of us laughing with each other and decided to join us at my side. She began talking with the man and became even more curious about things in the 21st century as well. It wasn't long, however, that our conversation was cut short so we could begin helping with the assembly of 'the wedding vision', as Dracula's wife put it.

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