Chapter 48 - The Day After The Invasion

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Reader P.O.V.

After the invasion of Ken and Barbie, I was more than happy to go to bed last night and less than equipped to deal with the day at hand. Everyone had tried so hard to make sure I felt better before I went to sleep last night, Adrian making a point to continue what had been interrupted before their arrival, but this morning I was feeling like barricading my door and staying in bed would be the best idea of them all. I also knew that wasn't an option.

Because I knew I was sticky, smelly, and had morning breath that could possibly have been the result of a stray cat coming by and taking a shit in my mouth, I got up to take a shower. Making sure not to make too much noise, I grabbed clothes and made my way into the bathroom. While waiting for the water to reach the right temperature, I finished getting undressed and got my towels ready. I set my slippers in front of the toilet, where I sat after my shower to put on my body lotion, and got all the things I would need for my usual skin care ready near the sink. It was going to feel strange doing all of this after not touching these products for over two months, but I was looking forward to normalcy. Not that I had anything against how things were when I was at the castle, far from it. It was simply that I had a certain routine that I'd put myself into for about 5 years. It was hard to give that up with the drop of a hat, and I felt that I needed that routine now.

Once I'd finished my full routine, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I really, really didn't want to face the day, but I knew that I had to. It was a Monday after all. Time to make up some excuse why I wasn't in classes. Time to tell my friend Allen why I wasn't going to be there to help him finish his project (even though he had enough time to finish it himself). Time to talk to the instructor about having a messenger run a copy of my project over by 5 pm. I don't wanna!

I pulled myself together, walked out to the dining room where my computer was and proceeded to make my phone calls. Settling with the old favorite 'coming down with something' I went through my list of people to piss off. Allen will be angry with me, which I thought was absolute bullshit. I shouldn't have to do my work AND his, but he seemed to feel differently.

Brushing my hair away from my ear, I listened to the prompts to get to my instructor's office. It didn't take long to get a hold of him and tell him that I might be out of class for the rest of the week due to illness. He didn't really give me too much shit, but I made sure he knew I would be sending my project along with a messenger by the end of the day just to make sure he didn't totally lose his mind. After placating the dictator, ahem, instructor and getting the beginning of the assignment for the rest of the week, I said my goodbyes and prepared to call Allen. Man, did I want to avoid this call, but I dialed the number anyway.

"Hey, Y/N! You're calling me? I thought I'd see you in the lab here in about ten minutes," Allen said in a slow slur. He sounded a lot like that sloth from that Zootopia movie, and I tried like hell not to laugh over the phone.

"Yeah, Allen. I, uh, have some bad news."

"What could possibly be so bad you felt the need to call me?" I could already hear the anger rising in his voice. He knew that what I was about to say would piss him off. He just had no idea to what extent.

"I'm not going to be in class today, so I can't help you with the project."

"What?" he shrieked. "What do you mean you're not going to be in class?"

I sighed heavily and forced myself to cough. I made it a short one so it didn't sound too fake.

"Don't tell me you're sick."

"Alright. I won't tell you I'm sick."

He groaned loudly before saying, "Why did you have to do this now?"

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