Chapter 33 - The Mirror of Fate Part 3

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Adrian pulled me up onto his back like a child, my arms wrapped around his shoulders and his under my knees in a piggy back ride formation. I giggled at the sight we must be and heard him laugh a bit.

"You'd better hold on, little monkey,"he said with his voice laced with humor. I tried not to roll my eyes after he said that. 'I am NOT Bella Swan and you DEFINITELY aren't Edward Cullen' I snarked internally.

"Who are they?" Adrian asked out loud and I sucked in a surprised breath. I forgot that he could hear my thoughts!

"Bad reference to a set of movies from my time. The character Edward says "You'd better hold on, spider monkey" to the other, Bella. And, actually, in quite a similar situation," I laughed. "I promise, it isn't that big of a deal. Just struck me funny is all."

Without waiting for further explanation, Adrian flew us up to his father's study and deposited me on my feet within. I looked at the room and could see the destruction from their fight lying around me and instantly could feel his sorrow coming through. I reached up to his shoulder and gave it a squeeze to let him know I was here for him and received a weak smile and his hand squeezing mine on his shoulder.

"I haven't been in here to actually look for the mirror," he began sadly, "but if it would be anywhere in this castle, its here."

Peering around the semi-darkened room, I could see books and papers strewn about the floor, shattered glass from the windows littering a near completely burnt area rug, a fireplace that was missing bits of it's mantle and a few stones from the base and a large hole that punched through the wall into another hall. Regarding the room itself, the destruction was minimal, but was enough to make locating things quickly nearly impossible.

Since the plumbing was repaired and the lights now worked, a twist of a knob brought the room to light. In the dimness that engulfed the room just moments ago, the damage seemed even worse than it did in full light. I could see through the holes to the other room and follow the destruction over to a broken in dome, but where the path led from there was a mystery to me for now.

"I think the mirror is in this section," Adrian said as he flipped through the pages of his father's journal. I hadn't even seen him grab the tome much less recall when he pulled it out to scan through, but it seemed to draw his attention from his sorrow, or at least the main part of it.

"The Mirror of Fate would be similar to the distance mirror in the Belmont Hold, but there wouldn't be a frame around it. It would appear as nothing more than a single, free hanging mirror."

"I completely missed the mirror in the hold," Adrian said wistfully. "How is it you remember it?"

Smirking, I said, "I, dearest Adrian, am cursed with a memory that doesn't let much go once I've seen, heard or read it. I retain information like a woman on her menstrual cycle retains water."

"Do you retain water at that time?" Adrian chuckled.

"Oh yeah!" I said with a laugh. "It even makes a noise."

A golden brow rose before he asked, "A noise?"

I giggled before I recited the joke to the sound of a motorcycle. "Oh yeah. It goes 'nag na-nag nag nag nag nag....bitch bitch-bitch bitch-bitch!'"

Adrian had heard the sound of a motorcycle from the movies we'd watched, so as he heard my joke, his laughter burst forth and his eyes crinkled with humor. He turned to fully face me before scooping me up in his arms and twirling around, placing a playful kiss on the end of my nose when he stopped.

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