Prologue - Trevor & Sypha

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Trevor P.O.V.

Trevor was disgusted still. Even after leaving the burnt town of Lindenfeld behind three weeks ago. Sypha had been trying to take his mind off it by suggesting they go to more active parts of the forest to hunt more night creatures, but even that wasn't helping much.

The brutality he unleashed upon his quarry was a mirror of his rage. Not only rage against the atrocities they had discovered the Judge had committed against innocent children, but rage against himself for finding an ally in someone so obviously corrupt.

'Why hadn't I noticed before?' he asked himself over and over, nearly driving himself mad with his almost constant musings. 'Why didn't we notice the absence of the children in that town? Especially after what that bastard said? How could I be so blind?'

Sypha, sensing his unease, decided to act.

"Why don't we visit Alucard? I don't think he'd mind at all, and we could both do well to be with someone we trust for a while."

At the suggestion, Trevor smirked. "I'm sure the asshole would just love that."

"Seems like the one beside me would, too," she responded quickly.

Trevor chuckled. "Yeah. This one, too." They turned their wagon and began their journey, happy in the knowledge that they would soon see their friend.

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