Prologue - Reader

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Reader P.O.V.

"That's it! We're so done!" Y/N angrily shouted. Her ex's shocked face at her proclamation showed she had finally done it. She had said the words she'd been thinking about for over a year.

"What do you mean? You can't actually-"

"I think you'll find I actually can," she retorted before she walked to the bedroom. She'd been thinking all day about this moment and prepared her bag accordingly. She'd packed everything carefully, ensuring that nothing they'd gotten her was with her.

"Babe, wait," she heard as she pulled the handle of her suitcase up.

"No. I've waited long enough," she said as she pushed past her ex. Man, she loved the sound of that word: ex. She made it to the door and turned to look at their still shocked face.

"I waited for you to stop cutting me down every chance you got. I waited for you to quit drinking as much as you have. I waited for you to realize that I'm a human being and not a punching bag. I waited for you to stop flaunting in my face every woman you either talked to or slept with instead of me. But waiting for you to say you're sorry and you'll be better is something I absolutely will not do. Not now or ever again."

With those final words, she took up the handle of her bag and luggage, took her key off their key fob and returned the key to their place from hers, and walked out of the ex's house for the final time.

Spring Forward, Fall Back (Alucard x Chubby! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now