Chapter 6: Gathering Information Part 1

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Trevor P.O.V.

While we listened to Y/N tell us all about things in her time, my mind started to wander to getting her back to her time. It was obvious that the fucker on the other side of the table from me didn't really want her around, and that was a bit upsetting to say the least, but I was also concerned for her safety with the vision of the two impaled corpses sitting just outside still fresh in my mind. We owed it to her after this breakfast she prepared, after all.

"Are you ok, Trevor?" I heard Sypha ask. When I looked at her I could see the look of concern in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"I thought I smelled smoke," that blonde bastard said. I could just reach across the table and choke him. No one would stop me...well, Sypha might, but it would be worth it just to see his eyes bug out.

"Actually," I said with a sigh, "I was thinking about the whole Infinite Corridor thing. I was wondering if my family might have something about it in the hold."

Sypha's eyes widened. "Maybe there is something." She looked to me with a smile before saying, "You do come up with good ideas every now and again."

"The hold?" Y/N asked.

"Yes. The hold is sort of like the family archive and library," I responded. "There might be some information about the Corridor in those books somewhere or at least it wouldn't hurt to look."

Y/N smiled. "It would be worth it to see if there is information in there. Plus, I love libraries and books."

I know he didn't want anyone to notice it, but I could see a warm smile spread across Alucard's face. The bastard has been trying like hell to scare the shit out of Y/N, but it seemed he was quite literally at war with himself over how to treat her. I suddenly had an idea come to me that helped a grin spread across my face. I would have to enlist the help of Sypha for this one and I needed to find a good time to take her to the side and let her know my plan.

"I should also consider going through my father's library in his laboratory. It may have something as well," Alucard added.

Y/N's head whipped around to look at Alucard and her eyes shone brightly when he spoke. "A laboratory? Really!?" When he nodded she asked, "Can I see it?"

I couldn't quite understand what her fascination was with it, but when Alucard nodded she clapped like a child and smiled even bigger than usual. I could, however, see the smile that appeared on Alucard's face before he straightened himself and let his face fall to his normal look of shitiness.

"If you'd like, we can go look now before we go into the hold," he said quickly with a look that basically screamed 'Say YES'.

"If you don't mind, I would absolutely love to," Y/N responded. Without another word, the two of them made their way out of the room.

Sypha P.O.V.

"He likes her," both Trevor and I said at the exact same time in hushed tones. We looked at each other and chuckled.

"He's so oblivious to how intelligent and intuitive she is. Its unbelievable," Trevor said.

"Not only that, but I suspect that he's doing this because of whatever prompted him to make those welcome spikes outside," I said.

"Yeah," Trevor said as his brow furrowed. "I don't know what the hell happened to him, but I know that he didn't mind humans a couple of months ago. Now, he's so mistrustful that I'm a little bit afraid of what he's going to do to Y/N when they're alone."

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