Chapter 101 - Family Game Night And Because Dad Said So...Dammit

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Alucard P.O.V.

There were still so many things Y/N wanted to show me through both the computer and driving about town, but really all I wanted to do was sit with her in the apartment and enjoy her company. It had been so long since we just got to sit and have fun with each other, play games, talk like normal people about things most everyone in this time talked about (staying away from politics because that shit's dangerous) and the discussion of what we'd do for our weekend with Allen.

I thought that what we should do is pack a couple changes of clothes and spend the weekend with him. She could do her amazing trick with the grill, I could help make side dishes and we could all just have a relaxing weekend together. She thought of bringing a few games as well because she knew he'd somehow try to wrangle up another sucker..uh...player to join us. I thought it would be funny to see him play one of her video games and she agreed, but we decided that we'd go for simple stuff that didn't have us staring at a computer screen/television for awhile.

"What games are you thinking of bringing?" I asked, genuinely interested.

"Come with me and help me pick," she said with an impish grin before leading me down the hall to the closet on the right side. When she threw open the doors my jaw dropped. Inside were various colored boxes of games she'd collected. Everything from something called Texas Hold 'Em to a crystal chess set was in there. Decks of cards, dice of different colors, shapes and sizes and a multitude of dominoes. Stacking games, fishing games...everything! I was in awe.

"Why haven't you brought these out before?" I asked honestly. "I would love to learn what the hell I'd be playing before facing off against your father, you realize."

"I was going to bring out a couple to let you try them out before we make a decision," she said. "I know we can't play 'Crimes Against Humanity' just yet because you haven't been exposed to enough of my time to make silly enough choices, 'Taboo' is out of the question as well because of the same issue, but I absolutely will not bring 'Monopoly'. You couldn't pay me enough."

"Is it really that bad?" I asked.

"Oh man, you have no idea," she responded with a chuckle. "Last time anyone in my family played Monopoly my dad ended up with a bloody nose and my roommate wouldn't talk to me for a week. I swear if the powers that be ever decided to bring Monopoly to a World Peace summit, we would be engaged in a world war by the next day."

"It can't be..."

"Oh yes it can!" she interrupted. "I have seen whole families not speak to each other for months over a game of Monopoly, friendships broken, marriages torn to shit. Believe me, this game has that power. Its like this game was made by someone who didn't enjoy seeing anyone happy with someone else." I personally thought she was exaggerating, but I wasn't about to question what she spoke of. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the case.

"Then how about that one?" I said as I pointed to a tall yellow box.

"You want to try 'Jenga'?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes. That one looks less likely to cause a war to break out," I said with a laugh.

"Then we'll take Jenga, a deck of cards, Yahtzee and Uno," she said finally as she grabbed each one. "These three will be the least likely to have us come to blows and the easiest for you to get used to." From that point on through the night, we ate some sandwiches while she taught me how to play the games she'd pulled out. I couldn't believe how incredibly difficult it could be to learn how to roll dice, but we laughed our way through each lesson.

Reader P.O.V.

I didn't want to wake this morning. Even though I knew I had to go to class and finish out the project due, I really didn't want to. The shitheads I had to deal with in class were already riding my last nerve with how often they asked for help with their projects and looked over my shoulder to look at mine, but now I had Allen bugging the shit out of me...which wasn't a good conversation topic with Adrian.


I picked up my phone and sighed loudly. I really didn't want to talk to this fuck, but I figured it would happen sometime. Only problem was Adrian saw my call screen and suddenly grabbed my phone, answering it with a smile.

"Hey, Allen! What's up?"

"Who's this?" was the annoyed reply.

"Who the fuck is this?" Adrian questioned in return, his eyebrows furrowed showing his level of anger slowly rising.

"What does it matter to you? Put Y/N on the phone!"

"Don't you dare yell at me, asshole. I have no problem finding out where you are and ripping your throat out through your ass, so you'd better get your shit straight quick."

"Adrian?" I interrupted, "Would you please give me back my phone?"

"As soon as I get this dick to apologize for being himself.:"

"Adrian! Give me the damn phone!" I snatched it away before he could fight me more and saw who it was he was talking to. Now I had to deal with an angry boyfriend and an angry fuckstick I really didn't want to talk to.

"Hey, Allen," I said dejectedly.

"I don't know who the fuck that was, but you'd better teach him some fucking manners!" was the shouted response to my greeting, naturally putting me in an even more foul mood.

"Allen, shut up," I began. "My FIANCE was confused because you have the same first name as my father. He thought that's who was calling, so chill out. If anyone needs to apologize to anyone its both of you to me! One for taking my phone without asking, the other for yelling at me for no fucking reason. Now GET TO IT!" I was livid at this point, Adrian looking at me like I would set him on fire in a minute quickly apologized, but Allen decided to bitch for a few more minutes before I could stop him.

"I'm guessing you want more help with your project, right? Well you can fucking forget it!" I said angrily before ending the call.

"I'm really sorry about that," Adrian said sulkily. "I honestly didn't think before I did that, and I'm truly sorry for making things even more awkward with your classmate."

"Don't worry about it,"I sighed. "Allen is one of those guys who would rather have someone else do his work for him than put in any effort. He's also already mad at me because he thought he'd get some free work out of me and I ended up calling in sick."

"That was when you got your final project from your professor, right?"

"Yeah. I have to be in class for the next two classes and turn my project in directly to the professor or else I won't graduate." I really didn't want to go and was planning to make some excuse, but the next phone call put the brakes on that one. It was my father this time.

"Uh....hi, Dad." I was already cringing at this point because I knew Adrian wouldn't keep his mouth shut now that he knew I have to go to class, and he didn't disappoint. He started going on and on about the project I needed to hand in, the classmate that wanted free help and my desire to stay home instead. Within moments I heard:

"Young lady, you had better get up off that butt of yours and get to school. No excuses.No complaints."

"But, Dad..."

"Did you just call me...'butt dad'?" (If you get the reference, you are a god/goddess)

"No, I -"

"No! You will go to school, and you will do it because Dad says so, not 'butt dad'! Don't you 'butt dad' me one more time! GO TO SCHOOL!" and with that, he hung up. I dropped my head in defeat, stood up and left to prepare for class. Fucking Adrian anyway.

~~Flashback End~~

So, here I am in class. Sighing heavily, I set up and plugged in my laptop, less than ready to deal with the day...all because Dad said so.

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