Chapter 65 - The Trappings Of Love Part 1

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Alucard P.O.V.

I watched as Y/N slept peacefully beside me nestled down in the blankets. Her skin seemed to glow under the moonlight that streamed through the open blinds that surrounded the door to the balcony. All I could do was smile at the gifts she had given me in such a short time. She had given me respect, patience, sanity and love in the span of a few months and I couldn't recall much before now that had ever made me this happy. Life with my parents when I was younger would always occupy a small area of my memory, but the emotions this once strange human had put me through from the moment we met until now would forever be the most important memories I would have. At least until we get married.

Getting married. Me? I would never have dreamt it. My example of married life, unlike Y/N's, made me hopeful when I was younger. The way my mother and father would move in sync with each other, finish each other's sentences, just generally be with each other were hopes that my youthful self hoped my marriage could be. But now, with this beautiful woman by my side, I didn't just hope for those things anymore. I would work at making those hopes and dreams a reality with someone who meant more to me than the very air I breath.

I moved a small lock of (h/c) hair away from her face and lightly caressed her cheek. I didn't want to wake her so I got up off the bed as slowly and quietly as I could before pulling on some clothes. I looked back at her sleeping figure and smiled to myself at how cute she looked with her hands curled over the top of the blanket and tucked under her chin. I took a moment more to look at her before I moved into the sitting room where the television and phone was. Taking a seat on the small couch, I sat and thought about what was going to happen the next day.

I was nervous as hell to meet Y/N's father. I couldn't even begin to lie to myself about it because this was something that no one in her family would have seen coming. From this time, Y/N hasn't been single for very long, but here I am, a person they've never met before and never even heard of, presenting myself to her loved ones and claiming her as my fiance. How the hell was I supposed to pull this one off without any sort of planning? Or even with the lack of the normal trappings that came with an engagement?

"Father? Are you awake?" I asked. I cringed at the tone of my thoughts, the sound of desperation and fear easily discernible.

"Of course." I heard his voice resound.

"Would you mind going for a walk with me? I need to ask a few questions," I stated bluntly. No point in beating around the bush right now.

"Let's meet in the hall." Without another thought, I grabbed my boots, coat and the room key and made my way out into the hall.

"Why don't we step into the meeting room? It might be more comfortable to talk in there," Father offered. I nodded my head and grabbed the key to open the room. Luckily all of the rooms opened with one of two key cards and Y/N had the presence of mind to tell me which one was which. We got inside the room and closed the door as softly as we could. No need to alert the rest of the floor that we're out and about, especially at this hour.

"So what is it you wished to speak to me about?" Father asked bluntly. He took a seat on a long sofa and straightened his clothing before crossing one leg over the other and taking a relaxed position.

"It is this thing we're doing tomorrow. Well, later today," I said helplessly. "I have no idea what I'm doing, how to deal with Y/N's father, how things are going to go when he hears the news, how I'm even going to produce a ring like these humans prefer. I'm completely lost, confused, scared...I could use more adjectives here, but they'd be superfluous." After all I'd said, my father sat there and chuckled at me.

Spring Forward, Fall Back (Alucard x Chubby! Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz