Chapter 55 - Explanations Over Coffee Part 1

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After dinner, there was a few discussions over what I had made and that I was thoughtful for thinking of Dracula's diet and the like, how Trevor and Sypha had become friends with Adrian and the things that had happened here in the castle, but that was really all there was to it. I'd gone to bed that night with the knowledge that the next day would involve a lot of explanations on how I got here, how we got them back and all sorts of issues that I really didn't want to think about. It was because I didn't want to think about it that I ended up doing it anyway and found I couldn't sleep well.

Making sure I'd closed off my mind, I slipped from the bed and dressed myself for the day. Sighing heavily, I made my way to the kitchen to start cooking for that morning's meal. I figured it was early only to look at my phone to see it was actually after nine in the morning. With a mental fuck it, I started pulling out the things I would need.

I smirked to myself and set up the miniature generator I'd bought while Trevor wasn't looking and switched it on. While that began to register the battery level, I pulled out and set up the coffee maker I'd brought along as well, got it set up and plugged in. By the time the generator finally finished it's final cycle I already had the coffee and water in the maker, so I pressed the button and moved over to the oven to get the temperature up to what I'd need. I walked over to my new cooler and pulled out the pre-made cinnamon rolls I had pulled from my home freezer and set them aside while buttering the pan to place them in. Once I'd pulled them apart, I placed them in the pan and put them in the oven to do their thing. I was chopping up the rest of the onion and peppers when I heard shuffling coming from behind me. I turned to see Lisa stumbling in and smiled.

"Morning," I said. I watched as Lisa jumped a bit, startled by my presence.

"Good morning, Y/N," she said sleepily. "What are you doing up?"

"Actually I'm up a lot earlier than this, but I just couldn't seem to sleep well," I admitted. "I guess its one thing to be with Adrian and the others when the house is empty, but when the 'rents are under the roof I have to behave myself."

Lisa laughed as she sat down at the table. "Somehow I doubt behaving is something you're used to doing. Call it a hunch."

"Damn!" I said with snap of my fingers. "I've been found out already!" I listened to Lisa's tinkling laughter at my jest and smiled wider. "I do have to admit that I'm a bit of a troublemaker, but not in a bad way. I just have the ability to test the patience of pretty much anyone I set my mind to."

"That may be true," she began, "but it makes my Adrian smile. That's what's important to me."

I couldn't hide the blush as I finished chopping the vegetables and put them aside in bowls. I then reached back down in the cooler and pulled out a carton of eggs and brought it over to the table. When I sat down I noticed that Lisa was looking back at the cooler with curiosity.

"What is that?" she said, her eyes full of wonder.

"That is what I'm going to have to talk to you and Dracula about today. Its called a cooler."

"You have to talk to us?" she asked, her head tilted to the side. "There's something else?"

"A lot of something elses, to be honest," I began with a sigh, "but before we get into all of that, I'm making you all breakfast. I've found it a lot easier to explain on a full stomach." I had just started cracking two eggs into a bowl when Trevor shuffled in, rubbing his eyes with no shirt on.

"Why do I smell coffee?" he asked while yawning.

"Why are you wandering through my home half dressed?" Lisa asked. I could hear the humor in her voice, but nothing could beat the look on Trevor's face when he finally noticed she was there. His eyes opened wide, a gasp was heard and he went running out of the kitchen at a very high rate of speed.

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