Chapter 25 - That Sneaky Bastard

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Trevor P.O.V.

It was a good thing that Sypha had paid attention to when Y/N would recharge the cooler and knew when the power was going low. Saving the soup that none of us could manage to eat at the time was a great thing. Granted, that meant we didn't have to go out to hunt as often, but we'd do it anyway just to have something to do aside from sitting about and worrying.

I sat at the table while I watched Sypha moving around the kitchen. From the cooler to the stove, she moved slowly and steadily while getting things for dinner ready, her earlier outburst seeming to have taken most of her energy away with the tide of tears. She moved to the counter to set out bowls and spoons before turning back to the pot on the stove and stirring the contents. I didn't think there was much else I could say at this point to make her feel any better, so I kept my mouth shut. This silence, of course, allowed me to hear the pattering footsteps approaching the doorway.

"That smells pretty good," Alucard said from the doorway.

"I'm no Y/N when it comes to cooking," Sypha uttered quietly, "but since this was mostly her leftovers, this soup was pretty close to done before I started."

Alucard took a seat at the table and watched as Sypha finished her preparations with the soup and turned to the oven. On a small pan, she placed a loaf of bread and a small cup of water with some salt in it, and then put those inside. It was a little trick that Y/N had shown them for when the bread has become too hard and was difficult to eat. Rather than tear it apart and muscle your way through anyway, you put a small cup of water on a pan with the loaf of bread and bake it for a short time and it moistens the bread to make it easier to eat.

"So," I asked calmly, "how is she doing?"

"She's doing better. Resting comfortably for the most part."

"That's good," I replied.

"Also, she's stopped sweating. No more of that clammy skin."

"That's great news, Alucard," Sypha said. "Are you getting hungry?"

"Actually, now that you mention it, the smell of that soup must have been just what I needed to get me to realize just how hungry I really am," he responded.

Sypha turned and smiled. "Good. Then it will be ready here in a few moments. Just have to get the bread out of the oven."

That's when I saw it. That fucking Fang Face had a smirk on his lips. He knew something and was doing his best to try to hide it. I knew it had something to do with Y/N, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions or blurt anything that might raise Sypha's hopes. Especially when she had that massive breakdown not once, but twice since Y/N got injured. I turned my head to look him in the eye in an attempt to glean any information from him, and he must have felt me staring at him, because he turned his head, looked me straight in the eye and winked at me.

There are a multitude of things that I would have expected from this fucker. If he would have drawn his sword and lunged at me? Expected. Thrust his fist into my face? Expected. Rapidly moving booted foot heading dead on for my testicles? Expected. But never in my years of experience or my time knowing this fucked up fanged floating Jesus asshole would I have ever expected this man to wink at me. He then turned back to Sypha.

"You two want to come in and eat with me? I know I haven't been the most sociable or anything, but I'm just afraid she's going to wake up and I'm not there."

"Are you sure?" Sypha questioned. "I don't want to bother you if you want to be alone..."
"No." Alucard assured. "I would love to have some company while eating. This way, we can all be together while we eat and I'll still have my eye on her."

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