Chapter 62 - Baby Girl, The Ex Is The Ex For A Reason

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Livid was the word I would use to describe my feelings at this moment. Yes, my so-called family had just been escorted off the premises by the cops, which was extremely satisfying, but this smug motherfucker known as my ex was still standing here with us. His grin reminded me of all the times he would stand before me, lipstick and love bite marks all over him, and tell me that I was imagining things, I was wrong, I shouldn't jump to conclusions and I should remember that he loves me. And now I know that his 'love' was like a faulty Amazon gift purchase.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked angrily. "Your meal ticket just left. I don't want you, don't need you and don't care to have you near me. You should go."

"Oh, but I have more plans for the two of us," Eric sneered. "Just because I'm not getting paid doesn't mean I can't have a little more fun with you." He looked me up and down and licked his lips. It made me feel so disgusting and violated.

"What are you doing, Eric?" Gwen fumed. "Leave this giant sack of shit with her so-called friends! Just come with me and I'll show you a good time." Her whiny voice failed to get Eric's attention and it pissed her off. She glared at me as if to curse me for the reason her pleas were falling on deaf ears, but I had much larger piece of shit to deal with first.

"You clean up pretty nice there, Y/N," he said with a devilish smirk. The same one that used to make me a bit weak in the knees, if I really wanted to be honest. "If you'd dress like this a little more often, I could promise you wouldn't be walking the same a hell of a lot more often."

Rather than acknowledge his remark, I looked over my shoulder and asked, "What's taking Vlad so long? I didn't think the wine and fruit was that bad."

"He probably got a bit lost, sweetie," Lisa responded. "He will be here soon enough, so don't worry."

"Hey," Eric grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him, "don't ignore me you bitch. I don't care if people see me slap you right here and now. The only one that'll be embarrassed is you, so you'd better listen up and answer me when I talk to you."

Once those words left his lips, I could see Adrian beginning to stand in my peripheral vision. I turned my head slightly so I could to motion to him that I'd handle it, but before I could even make a motion he'd apparently seen something in them made him smirk and sit down. I turned my head back toward Eric and smirked which somehow startled him.

"You want to slap me?" I asked. "You think you can hurt me? That I'll listen to your every word? That I'll follow you like a lost puppy? That I'll beg for your 'special attention' that you graced me with before? Or maybe you think that you can talk to me like I was a scared little girl?" As I spoke, I moved closer to him and noticed that he was taking small steps back away from me. I also noticed that Gwen was doing her best to follow suit and back away from me. Their eyes were large and  face showed a bit of apprehension as he listened to what I said.

"I don't fear you anymore, Eric. I don't need you. I thought I'd made that perfectly clear before, but it appears you need me to say it again. I waited for you to do anything to make our relationship work. I put myself and my dreams on hold for you. I allowed you to continually make me feel like the biggest piece of shit and doubt myself for every decision I ever made. I tried not to care about you going out to cheat on me over and over again because I honestly believed that I wasn't good enough for you. And now, with the newest information you and my mother have graciously given me, I now know that none of it was real. You never loved me, never really cared about me and never really wanted me. You only wanted the money that you were earning for following my m-, no that woman," I stopped momentarily and committed that fact to memory. "That woman's commands. And you already confirmed that these suppositions were true, so there's no real way for you to say I'm being foolish or imagining things."

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