Chapter 119 - The Venue

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Dracula P.O.V.

Gregory, Michael and the Belmonts had been helping me get everything for the wedding over to the castle for the past few days, and I have to say it hasn't been easy to do. The main thing is trying to get everything there and stacked up where we want it without alerting Trevor and Sypha to our arrival. Every time we managed to get things into the study, we'd have to make sure the two of them weren't wandering around nearby, keep our volume in check, try not to laugh when one of us would fuck up or nearly fall and get everything set up in the room in a way that wouldn't tip over the moment we left. Last thing we needed was to draw attention.

"Would you stop being such a drama queen and pick that side up?" Richter whisper shouted toward his sons. Leo was balking at the weight of the table while Simon was having a fit over not having enough help with his side.

"You're not weaklings, so stop your whining and do it."

"He isn't picking up his side," Simon whined.

"What are you being such a bitch?" Leo balked. "It isn't like I'm not picking it up. I just put it down for a minute to get a better grip on the damn thing."

"You guys need to be a bit quieter," I said. "You're about to pretty much announce with a bullhorn that we're here."

"Where do you want this, Vlad?" Richter asked. In his hands was a piece of the archway the pair would be standing beneath when they said their vows. The wood wasn't really necessary, but Lisa insisted that it be hung so the freesia, jasmine and magnolia flowers she picked could be hung from it.

Freesia meaning innocence and trust, jasmine for love and purity and magnolia for dignity and peace. It wasn't necessary to have these flowers, but the mother of the groom wanted certain things her way and there wasn't a single male in any house that would sacrifice their genitals to tell her no.

"Lay it on it's side over there in that back corner, but be as quiet as you can."

"Hold up!" Leo whisper shouted and held his hands out in front of himself. "I think I hear someone in the hall."

I listened carefully and sure enough the footsteps of Trevor could be heard down the hall coming closer. I can't believe I didn't hear him coming, especially since he was so close. We quickly stopped everything we were doing and stood as still as we could to wait until he passed.

"I know someone's in there," Belmont's voice came through the door. "I can smell you, so you might as well come out now before I come in."

"Shit!" Leo mouthed, a grimace showing toward us all. We were all at a loss as to what we should do next when Richter shouted.

"Are you the only one out there?"

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

"I repeat, are you the only one out there?"

"Yes," came the reluctant response, "but only for now. You keep this up and I'm sure my wife will roast you inside and out."

Carefully, Richter made his way to the door, his footsteps light as a feather through our pile of roadblocks. He looked back to us before turning fully toward the door, putting his hand on the knob and turning it slowly.

"Don't shout," he uttered before the door swung open.

There before us was Trevor, his mouth slightly ajar at the scene before him. I watched as his eyes scanned the room from top to bottom, alighting from one bit of the wedding decorations to another until his eyes finally landed on me.

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