Chapter 96 - Going Home

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Alucard P.O.V.

It was a long week that we continued to stay at Braila, our efforts to ensure they'd make it through the winter finishing quickly. The meats and fish were smoked and salted, the vegetables in cool storage and the housing for firewood filled to the roof. We'd gathered clothing from all the homes of the dead so the townspeople would be warm, their apprehension against using them long gone, and brought together the trinkets of the dead so everyone would have something from the ones they loved and missed. All in all, the feeling that the town would do well was easily bolstered by our efforts, and that was exactly what Y/N needed.

Her sadness over the death of the boy and the destruction of the night creatures left her emotions raw even now. No matter how any of us tried, she held on to guilt like a child holds to a favorite blanket. She had even closed her mind to me, refusing every attempt at talking to her about it because she knew I'd try to assuage her guilt and heartbreak, and I would have, too, if she would let me. Instead, I found that just being near her, holding her hand, rubbing her back, drawing my fingers through her hair and holding her against me was enough to keep her from weeping.

"We should go back," Mother said softly. "I have enjoyed being here, but we have so many things to take care of at home and its time we attend them."

"You're right, love," Father responded while wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "It would also be a good idea to get Y/N back home so we can help her heal." I couldn't deny the idea had merit. Not to mention Blockhead and Sypha need to get back so she can rest a bit more. We'd been away for almost a month now and how far along she was in her pregnancy was unknown. Mother would be able to figure it out with a few simple tinctures and aid with the growth and health of the baby with her herbs.

"I've already finished packing our things," Belmont said, "but Isaac and Hector wish to speak with you."

"Come with me, Adrian," my father beckoned. I stepped to his side and walked toward the two men sitting away from the rest of the group. The men looked as if they were guilty of something and couldn't meet our eyes, but instead push out the chairs on the other side of the table and pour some water in the cups before them. We took our seats in front of the men, these Forgemasters, and waited for what they'd say.

"Master," Hector spoke hesitantly, "I know that what I have done is horribly wrong. I believed that your way of dealing with humans was more extreme than I was ready to commit to, and this lead me to believe that Carmilla's way was better. I honestly didn't wish for all humans to be destroyed, but rather put back in their place and reminded that they should be ashamed of what they've done."

"There's no reason to sit here and apologize now," Father said. "You were right in thinking I was making a mistake. I won't talk about why that is because I've explained myself more than enough for the rest of my life, but you were right to oppose my thoughts. Now what is it on your mind?"

"Dracula," Isaac said when Hector's tongue tied itself, "the fact is that both of us have found women who overlook the things that we've done and both of us wish to try being with these women."

"Not both of you at the same time!" Father shouted jokingly.

"You've been around Y/N too long," Isaac said with a laugh, "but you know what I meant. I don't feel the need to weave my words any further on the subject."

"What we're trying to say," Hector huffed, "is that we're both staying here. Not only because we have found women to be with, but also because we can continue to help the people of Braila to climb out of the mire that the two of us helped put them in. It would also be wise to stay if for no other reason to ensure they make it through the winter."

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