Chapter 133 - A Surprise For Everyone

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Dracula P.O.V.

Allen and I sat in the living room after the girls, plus Simon and Adrian, left for their evening of frivolity. I sincerely hoped that this night would allow Y/N to relax a bit because it didn't take a genius to see just how agitated and stressed out she'd been over the last few weeks, and that botched bachelor party didn't help matters at all.

Seeing how she reacted to Sypha's appearance made me smile more than once in my recollections. The tears of happiness were a most welcomed sight to behold, especially since things had gone so far downhill after everything else that had happened following her pregnancy revelation, and even prior to that with all the stressful situations she'd been put in, she needed this night more than anything.

"Vlad?" I heard Allen call from beside me.


"I was wondering something," he began with a bit of a strained look on his face as his eyes looking down at the floor. "How easy is it to use the Mirror of Fate?"

"To what are you referring?" I was puzzled at his inquiry. He looked as though he'd been thinking around this for a while, so I waited for his response eagerly.

"Well, I just thought about another gift for my glowworm and Adrian," he said with a smile slowly creeping across his face. "What if you found Hector and Isaac and brought them to the wedding?" This man was brilliant!

"That is doable. Easily so."

"And you could do that right now before they come back so they'd have no idea?"

"Yes. Yes I could," I responded with a smile before I blurted, "and I could take you with me, if you'd like that." When his head whipped around to look in my direction, I knew in an instant he would like that just fine.

"I'll go get my shoes on!" he shouted happily. "I can't wait to see my glowworm's face when she sees them!"

~~Time Skip ~~

We exited the Mirror's portal into one of the empty allies along the back of the town of Braila and looked around to ensure no one had seen us arrive. I still had the cloaks Lisa, Belmont and I had worn when we came through before, so I loaned one to Allen. His (h/c) hair was a little different from what the locals had and the cloak's hood would cover it to make him blend in a bit more. I recalled that I had been here shortly after the Belmont baby had been born to relay the glad tidings before we left Wallachia, so it wouldn't be suspicious if I returned. This also meant that I'd be able to move about freely through the town.

"This is where you all stood up against Carmilla?" Allen asked softly.

"Yes. The town square was where we faced against that insane vampire," I responded solemnly. "She would still be alive now had it not been for her twisted aspirations and unwillingness to waver." As soon as I'd finished my sentence I spied the dark skinned male we'd come to find.

Isaac walked through the town checking to see if any of the elders needed anything and delivering the items as needed. His wife, Lilandra, sat in front of their home with a small cook stove before her. She hummed and smiled as she blended herbs and liquids together to make medicine for the town, the recipes passed from my wife to her. A rectangular vessel with handles held plant pots containing different herbs, flowers and succulents she would need and allowed her to take the whole thing into the house to keep safe from the weather.

"Isaac!" I called to the man. His head turned slowly toward my voice and a smile spread across his lips. Lilandra also looked up from her work to see me approach with Allen by my side. Her smile was just as large as that of her husband, but instead of rushing toward us, she ran inside and brought out a small table, another trip a cask of water and cups on a tray and a small bowl of dried fruits for her final trip.

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