Chapter 145

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One Year Later

Alucard P.O.V.

"Honey?" I called from Trevor's bedroom. "Where did we put the diapers again? I can't find a single bloody one of 'em for the life of me." Trevor, our now six month old son, rolled and burbled while playing with his feet, his fingers pinching at the stubby toes that he wiggled away from himself. Coos of laughter poured forth when he finally caught that escaping limb and he began kicking it outward while his arms jerked forward as he kept his grip.

"They're under the changing table, love," she said with a laugh. I felt like an ass because that should have been the first place I looked, but I kept forgetting this damn thing had doors that worked. I could almost hear Leo laughing his ass off at me for this blunder considering he's the one who paid for it.

When we'd gotten back from our honeymoon we were told that all of our gifts were in one place. Again with the damn blindfolds, we were taken to the last place we thought we'd ever end up: Y/N's birth unit's house. Allen scrambled to tell us that the house was cleared of the vermin that had resided there and all our wedding gifts were nestled safely inside.

Everyone had taken a look at the registry items we'd found and purchased their own versions of them, their personality imbued into each one. The did, however, decide they'd take a room first to make sure things didn't clash too much. From there they had free reign: carpet, furnishings, accents et cetera. Leo, and I can't believe I'm saying this, got the nursery and actually filled it out right. I didn't have a complaint. Surprise, huh?

I could hear Y/N coming closer as I retrieved the butt covering for this little bundle of energy. When I stood her arms wrapped around my waist and her head poked out from under my arm.

"Peek-a-boo!" she said in a high pitched voice that caught our son's attention quickly. Again she poked her head back behind me and popped back into his line of vision and he broke into a delighted squeal of laughter. He began to get excited, which made putting a diaper on him about as easy as catching a greased pig on a field of waterbeds, and kicked the foot he held outward. This move, however, resulted in a rather loud fart that scared him and had us both in stitches. Once he realized we were laughing he decided to laugh along.

"Allen is picking us up in a few minutes," I related while I fought to get the diaper secured on this little wiggle worm while my dear wife continued to make him laugh. "You're not making this any easier, you know."

"I know, honey," she said, "but to make up for it I already have his clothes and shoe sout for the evening as well as a diaper bag fully stocked."

"Don't forget the cooler for the breast milk," I reminded.

"Oh! Shit! I forgot that!" she said as she flew from the room to get the items from the kitchen. I finally fought the clothes onto Trevor and brought him out in the living room when we heard the honk of Allen's car outside. Y/N took Trevor from me so I could grab the bags and we walked out to see Allen in full out Happy Grampy mode.

"Give me that little Wiggle Machine!" he said with a big smile on his face. Trevor giggled and kicked his feet while making grabby hands toward him. Y/N laughed and handed the bundle of joy to her father, her new task to get the car seat sorted out. Once she had everything ready, she reached over to get the little man from her father and place him in the seat. She clipped everything where in needed to be in record time, covered him with a blanket and took the seat next to him where she buckled herself in. I took the seat in front of her, her father in the driver's seat, both of us listening to my son trying to babble out something while Y/N answered him.

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