Chapter 132 - Face Masks And Lingerie Shopping Part 3

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Ryan P.O.V.

Gregory and I sat and listened to everyone ribbing Michael for his unintentional blurt and thought about how this newest couple, although unconfirmed, seemed to pop up since Y/N and Adrian met us. With all of the descendants together during the wedding preparation, it's been interesting to see just how many couples seem to have formed amongst us and how the dynamic of our little group, or family as Y/N has said many times, has adapted to everyone's temperament.

"I feel like shopping," Gregory said with a smirk. "I still have to get a wedding present and I'm just so far behind."

"You know," Celeste offered, "we haven't managed to get the honeymoon set yet. We could look for that stuff since we're all here."

"Y/N, you're gonna have to go take a shower real quick," I said.

"No!" Lisa exclaimed with a gasp. "You have to try out that bath set Celeste got you. It'll help you relax and give you a chance to see if the set is what you like for certain."

"And if you do like it, I can make sure to get you more later on," the golden haired girl said with a giggle. "I think you will since you have that unnatural ass preference for vanilla scented stuff."

"If my mate wants to go round smelling like a cupcake then she'll go round smelling like a cupcake," Adrian said with a smirk. "I'll eat her either way, so..." He was then reduced to laughter as Y/N whipped around and smacked him on the arm, her own laughter ringing out even as she blushed a deep red.

"Why don't you go in and draw her a bath?" Lisa suggested. "Then come back out here so you can help pick out some things for your wedding gifts."

"But what about...?"

"Y/N has been doing enough," Celeste said with Michael and Reggie nodding emphatically along. "Its your turn to put in just a tiny bit of input for wedding gifts."

"Don't worry," I said with a chuckle. "It won't hurt you. Much." You could still see a bit of the apprehension he had even as he laughed and helped Y/N to the bathroom. The pair of them giggled and joked around while the tub filled, the sounds of the water not quite blocking out all the sounds coming from the room.

"Ok, now that they're gone," Lisa said with what can only be described as an evil grin, "we're gonna start going though this website." She opened up the cover to her tablet and showed us all a website specifically geared toward plus size clothing. Some of the items looked...a bit more risque than I'd believe Y/N would wear.

"You know she's going to throw a fit about this," Celeste said.

"Oh, she'll throw more than a fit," Reggie said with a laugh. "She's going to wish death on the lot of us."

"I don't care," Michael emoted with a grin. "I just wanna hear how Adrian lost his shit during the honeymoon."

"And I just want them to have fun with each other," Lisa admitted, "so I'm thinking some lingerie would be a good start."

"But she's pregnant," Simon entered into the conversation. "Would it be alright for her to engage in sex while she can barely keep food down? I mean I know you can have sex all the way up to the last month of the pregnancy, but right now she's in pretty rough shape and has to have a blend of meds just to keep a bowl of gruel down."

"Hey," I said, "that isn't gruel. That's a simple rice porridge with leeks in it. The leeks have a chemical in them that helps with digestion and boosts the immune system. The Japanese have been using this for centuries and it works just fine."

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