FXWF Exclusive: Icon Incoming

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*The FXWF Road To Guts N'Glory arena is filling up with fans, everyone is in their seats ready to go but before anyone has any time to think.*

*Miseria Cantare by AFI plays*

*The fans erupt as the music hits, they know who it is..they start the chants of "Icon"..he walks out through the curtain! GOHAN HAS ARRIVED! The fans continue to show support for Gohan, Gohan walks to the ring and grabs a microphone*

*Gohan is about to speak but the fans don't stop, Gohan looks fine but also irritated. The fans finally calm down so Gohan can speak.*

Gohan: ...I never thought I would see myself outside of ACW jurisdiction but here I am, the Icon, Former & greatest ACW Impulse Champion, A leader, I am Gohan but of course, you already knew that. So as you are aware I have officially signed on with the Fictional Xtreme Wrestling Federation as a in ring competitor and who can blame the higher ups for wanting me, my resume speaks for itself but on that same resume I am know as the man who tried to destroy ACW and I will admit yes I did try that, I tried to lead a group in attempting break the very fabric of Anime Championship Wrestling but if you say ACW Excel then you know my feelings toward that so I am here to address my status on this roster.

*The fans cheer and some boo but Gohan waits for them to stop.*

Gohan: I did sign on as a in ring competitor..but I will not be Wrestling all of the time.

*The fans have a mixed reaction.*

Gohan: Yes, yes I know, you all were hype to be seeing the ICON in action but however I have better plans. FXWF is a land of opportunity for the new and old stars of virtual wrestling so that is why I am here, I mentioned earlier that I used to lead a stable hell-bent on destruction..I never said I would stop leading a group, in fact, I am here to lead a group of stars who haven't got desired opportunities they felt they needed or should get, I could mean a lot of things by saying that but this day in age people like to throw around truth, equality, unfair judgement toward a certain groups agenda but I can assure you I am not here to do any of that. As a matter of fact, I could give less than a fuck about your problems, I'm here for the long run. They like to talk about opportunities, they like to talk about talent, I can give you that. You know the old saying "Out with the old & In with the new." new has various ways if being said but there is one way that always put a smile on my face. I hope you all are ready for me to be around.. Because I am starting.

*Gohan pauses with a smirk on his face.*

Gohan: A Genesis.

*Gohan hands the microphone back to the staff at ringside & walks out

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*Gohan hands the microphone back to the staff at ringside & walks out. What in the hell could he mean by that?*

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